
Changes (2)

Jarilo Island, Calm Belts

"Tch, this guy is such a show of, what if the female family members started having wild ideas" the voice of an annoyed black hair woman was heard. 

"What do you mean by that mommy? Is dad gonna be okay" a little black hair baby boy sitting on the woman's lap questioned.

"Don't worry about it my dear, Ephon seems to forget things sometimes, I'll have to refresh his memories" 

Yes! This woman is Diana, after making their relationship official in the family decades ago, she retreated behind the scenes because of plans Ephon had for her. But after 30 years passed since they first met, they finally have a kid together.

Ephon named him Hercule Jarilo. He didn't know much about the will of D, but he felt that those with the D in their names' destinies seemed to be controlled, and after they fulfilled some kind of purpose their life might be in jeopardy, so he decided to let his son make his own decision when he's older. 

After giving birth a year ago, before she could be happy Diana became angry at Ephon immediately. She felt that her vitality had improved and in addition to the already gained 50 years, she could live an extra 300 years. 

That should have made her happy, but after discovering that this came because she gave birth to Ephon's child, she almost attacked him in the delivery room. Turns out Ephon didn't tell her about this benefit until now, and according to her, if she knew, she would have had a baby with him decades ago. 

But because of her own delay, although the aroma flower slowed down her aging, she still aged a little. And she now looked like a woman in her late 20s, with long black hair, smooth brown skin, devoid of any aging, which isn't bad. 

The thing is, Ephon looks the same as he did when he turned 20, and although they looked about the same age, she was still dissatisfied.

Ephon had told her about his situation and had also informed her that he has a way for her to live as long as him, so she wasn't worried about dying and leaving him behind. But she seemed to very much care about her appearance, and 1 year later, she's still mad about this. 

"Sister Diana, the agency has news from the outside" a woman dressed in all black similar to ninjas with a black mask on her face silently informed.

"Okay I got it you can go, tch.. I don't know why I agreed to join the Underworld to become an information broker, it's so much work" Diana couldn't help but shake her head.

After she had finally become a great swordsman about 20 years ago, Ephon came to her and requested that she join the Underworld as an information broker. Of course she knew the reason, with her ability, she could form the greatest intelligence system in the world. And that's what she did, and now she's known in the Underworld as 'The Seer'.

It took almost a decade for the WG and underworld to find out who she was, and when they did, they had to restrain themselves. The WG really was having a hard time understanding how Ephon was doing the things he did.

He clearly chose to seclude himself to live a peaceful life, but the outside world calls his secluded territory Nature's Paradise, not to mention, that they had discovered even countries under their rule having weird thoughts about pledging their allegiance to Nature's Family.

Agnes Dojo

West Side Of Black Bay

On this side of the island a colossal dojo stands proudly against the backdrop of lush greenery and gently rolling waves. Its traditional Japanese architecture incorporates towering pagoda-style roofs and sliding paper doors, merging seamlessly with the natural surroundings. 

The expansive training space inside echoes with the sounds of disciplined practice, as swordsmen and women engage in rigorous training, their movements blending with the island's tranquility to create a harmonious sanctuary for the pursuit of martial excellence. 

"Sister Nugeru, Sister Nugeru, can you help me learn the fourth movement" 

Inside the Dojo, a boy excitedly runs up to a black hair teenage woman with his wooden sword in hand.

"Tch! Isn't he the son of the president, why does he need to learn here with us, his dad should just hire a personal trainer for him" another boy, upon seeing the boy's actions said loudly enough for the kids around him to hear.

"Isn't it because your uncle lost to his dad, hahaha, I heard he didn't even get 1% of the families vote" another boy didn't save the boy any face and exposed his jealousy.

But the purple-haired boy, who looked to be about 12 or 13 didn't care about others comments and looked up at the pale skin beauty with excitement. Dressed in a blue and white kimono, this black hair beauty could easily be mistaken for a Japanese model. 

"Okay, let me see" her kind and soft voice made the purple hair boy's face red.

When she was saved by Lola three years ago, it was Agnes that accepted her into his Dojo after learning that she was a Swordmaster.

You know, all of them except his brother are Great Swordmaster, and at the time when this happen, Nugeru was only about 15 or 16, 'Genius', was the only word to explain her.

But she refused to tell them her origins, she only told them that she ran away from home. But they didn't care that she didn't tell them her information, because thanks to 'The Seer,' they quickly found out.

She did not lie about her name, it is indeed Nugeru, but her full name was a little shocking to the well informed ones of the group. Shimotsuki Nugeru, a member of the Shimotsuki of Wano, descendants of the Sword God Ryuma. That's all the information they got, Diana's intelligence system hasn't fully infiltrated Wano as of yet.

After finding out, Ephon couldn't help but think that this family really likes to run away from home. But their Elder Group were the only people that knew her little 'secret'. But they still told her that they were aware, giving her a little fright. 

When she was traveling the Seas, she had heard about this Nature's Family that can compete with the Navy and WG in strength, but who would have thought that their intelligence system was this scary too.

And Agnes, whose Dojo was competing with Apollo's Combat school, wanted an assistant to help him make his Dojo more popular, and Nugeru did not disappoint, she renovated his entire Dojo into a style similar to what she had seen in her hometown.

And all the curious children and their parents fell right into his trap, when his student count surpassed Apollo he bragged in his face for days but now he's facing a problem.

There's too many people applying for his Dojo. This morning alone he had to set an age limit of 17 after bringing the issue to his good brother Ephon.

"Sigh.. this is the life, I knew that little monster wouldn't disappoint me, only that muscle brain Apollo who couldn't tell the color of the sky to save his life wanted to refuse haha"

Agnes was sitting in a room in the dojo in front of a Shoji door drinking liquor from the bottle, he had now grown to 10 feet, which is short for a Giant, even if he was only a half giant but he didn't care. 

Elder Agnes!? After the fight with Elder Ephon and Elder Nolan, our Dojo has grown from 423 members to almost 1000 and that is after setting a bunch of restrictions on the application.

"Tch, this is what happened to that guy Apollo after he had tested that President in the public arena" Agnes was both happy and sad.

The current President is the second President of Nature's Family History, his name is Ranger Belbub, a master of Haki and the Navy Six Styles, so after the first president had served his ten year terms and it was time for reelection, it was Ranger Belbub who won with 51% or the votes, the others went to the former president, as for other runners, forgot about them.

The reason for this guy's popularity is because he is a member of the Nature's Family Marines and has been featured in the comics as a hero numerous times, so when he ran for president, 50% of the population voted for him just because he was depicted as a hero that defended their borders.

And as the tradition set by Ephon who fought against the first president, Apollo requested that he be the one this time to test the new president's strength, and he won easily.

This resulted in his School of Combat exploding with applicants, and of course he boasted about it in front of Agnes, but Agnes was not satisfied. He felt like Apollo new this was gonna happen, so he secretly went to meet Diana, and that's when he found out the truth.

This muscle head actually used his brains, Apollo who had been secretly competing with him, went to Ephon to find a way to surpass him in members, and Ephon told him about the world of advertisement and its benefits, and suggested he should test the president in the next election.

When Agnes found out, he felt betrayed, so he rushed to Ephon to complain, and to apologize, Ephon who was supposed to fight Nolan in the family's decennium competition told him that to make it up to him, he'll only fight with swordplay to advertise the power of Swordsmanship.

So his emotions were complicated right now, if it wasn't for Nugeru his Dojo would have collapsed. 


"Old man Agnes, you have to come and settle this matter in person, although I've been here for three years, with your prestige the family members will have no choice but to behave orderly" Nugeru suddenly slid open his Shōji door and informed impatiently.

"Nugeru, you can handle this, you're doing just fine on your own, I've already surpassed that muscle brain Apollo, so we can relax" with a relaxing smile, Agnes replied.

"Wait! So the only reason you did all of this is to beat your brother, so what about you students, oh my god, I wonder how the family would react if they knew you didn't care about them" Nugeru reacted as if she had heard something incredible, cover her mouth in shock, as she backed away slowly.

Agnes, seeing her obviously fake reaction, still didn't want to take any chances, his prestige is hard earned, and he enjoys the respect the younger family members show him. So he hurriedly got up and rushed out of the rum as he drank the last bit of liquor in the bottle.

"Okay, okay, Sigh.. I'll go" Agnes shouted at Nugeru who was backing away.
