

The following day, I woke up early in the morning. That was unlike me though as I enjoyed sleeping until seven in the morning. But that morning, I woke up earlier than usual because I was sleeping on the floor in my closet. They had to be the most uncomfortable places to sleep in.

I stood up with my duvet wrapped around me and decided I was going to kick my boss out of my room. It was my room after all.

And, it is his house. — a small voice whispeed in my mind. I opened the doors that I had locked and was ready to face my boss but when I got out, he wasn't in my room anymore. I rush into my room and made sure he wasn't in some corner but I didn't find him. I even check the hallway that connected both our suites but he wasn't there. That only meant one thing. He had finally found some manners he must have thrown away when he was a kid.

Considering all that had happened all in the space of one day, I decided to take up on Beatrice's offer and go back to my country. At least, I had a real life there. I packed all of my belongings quickly. Fortunately for me, there weren't many of them in the first place. I decided I would sneak out right after Mr. Greystone left for work.

Since, he was a CEO, I figured he would be busy in whatever company he ran. And like many CEOs I read of in books, he probably goes to work early before nine in the morning. That was what I was banking on.

While I was so immersed in my thoughts and packing some of my stuff that I had kept in various drawers, I heard a knock on my door. I quickly hid my luggage under the bed before opening the door.

It was Mr. Callum Slander, Mr Greystone's personal assistant. I had already grown to hate him within a day. After how he forces me to sign so many documents without letting me go through them, he was definitely not my favourite person. He was the reason I was trapped as the wife to a crazy man, making a mockery of my profession.

If I had the chance, I would make him pay but luckily for him, I was traveling back to my country that morning so I decided to brush it off and instead, put all my energy in escaping.

"Mr. Greystone requests for your presence in the dining hall." He spoke like some butler out of an eighteenth century novel. I looked at him squarely as I tried to hide my anger but it probably didn't work. My facial expressions had a way of selling me out every time.

"Alright. I have heard you. Now, you can run off to your master, toh faithful puppy." I threw a jab at him before slamming the door in his face. Right before I slammed the door, I caught a rare sight of Mr. Slander getting frustrated. Over the hours of the one day I spent there, I had noticed how calm Mr Slander was. He looked like nothing bothered him. Not even when he was ruining my life by having sign a deadly contract.

I trust my skills as a professional but the recovery of a patient suffering mentally is seventy percent dependent on the patient himself, twenty percent on his surroundings and ten percent on the level of skill of the doctor. It was a possibility that helping my boss heal might take up to four decades and that was my entire life. What if he never recovered? That wouldean that I would be stuck to him for more than half a lifetime.

The thought of that alone gave me nightmares. I had one like that during the night and it was one of the many reasons I woke up earlier than usual.

I quickly took a bath and dressed up casually of course. I didn't want Mr Greystone to be suspicious about anything I was up to. When I got down the stairs, that is after coming down many flights of stairs, I went for the dining hall. The dining hall was on the ground floor, very far from any of our rooms. Not a practical choice of decide if you ask me.

When I got to the dining hall, I saw Mr. Greystone looking all porse and handsome like a real life royalty. The fact that he lived luxuriously made it look believable. Since he was sitting at one edge of the long dining table, j decided to sit at the other end. I didn't want him to slowly make his way into my life and telling him.

I figured it was best we sat far apart while we are. But when he noticed my plans, he called for two maids to carry his breakfast as he came to sit on the a chair beside me.

"Mr Greystone, there is..." Mr. Slander was about to tell Mr. Greystone something that seemed important when he noticed his boss change im position. He was taken aback by it but quickly schooled his expression.

"Whatever it is Cal, it can come later. As you can see, I am having breakfast with my wife. " He said without glancing at Mr Slander. For some reason, that brought butterflies to my stomach. I have never really had anyone prioritize me like that before. Not even my parents as I wasn't their only child. If you having deduced it yet, I was the middle child that had little to no attention while growing up. It was probably why I ended up with a crappy man for a fiance weeks ago.

And here was this man that I had accidentally gotten married to. The only person I had not intentionally kept iny life was treating me like I was special.

"Forgive me, Mr Greystone. " Mr Slander said before leaving the dining hall.

"Good morning, darling." Mr Greystone greeted me with a voice that could make any audiobook a hit. At first, I was so busy soaking in the rich deep voice that spilled from his lips. It took me another second to realize he was greeting me.

"Uhh... Good morning, Mr. Greystone." I greeted him back and he frowned.

"We are married now. You can stop calling me Mr Greystone now. It makes you sound like my boring personal assistant, Cal." He said as he continued cutting a piece of meat in his plate.

"You don't like your personal assistant." I commented. I had noticed his subtle disapproval for his personal assistant. "Y'know, you can always fire him and hire another one." I suggested.

"I would love to but there aren't many people that are as efficient as him. If I were to hire someone else, I would need to hire three. One butler, a personal assistant and a secretary that would only deal with the official part of my business." He explained.

"So, you're keeping him to save cost?" I was bewildered by that fact. "But... But you're rich!"

"I am not just saving cost, I am saving time and mental stress for me. The more workers that directly work with me, the more mental stress for me. But since it's just Cal handling most of it all, I just have to keep my grip strong on only one person. Get what I mean?" I asked with a smirk and I couldn't help but shake my head. This man was half way close to being a psycho.

"You are really talented, darling." He commented before taking a bite of his food.

"Are you only noticing now? " I retorted before I took a glass of water.

"You literally just changed the topic of discussion with seconds." He smiled to himself before saying. "Call me Rowan. It is weird having someone I'm legally married to address me like my employees."

"Might I remind you, Mr Greystone. I am literally one of your employees. I am your therapist first. The wife stuff is only a cover. Whatever you are hiding with it is your business though. I only wantbto do my job and leave. I am not up for any form of romance at this stage of my life." I said confidently.

"Aren't you twenty seven?" He asked like that should be enough reason to have me desperate for a real marriage.

"And? I can choose to get married in the next decade and I will still find a nice catch. If you haven't noticed yet, I have the shape of a goddess and the beauty of an ethereal being too." I dismissed his little offense and focus on my meal. After all, I would be leaving soon.

I subtly checked the time and realized that it was a eight thirty. Perfect! All I had to do was hope that my boss would leave for work soon and stop paying attention to me.

"Still call me Rowan. We can be friends y'know?. It would be easier to have a therapy session with my friend than a stranger." He said before cleaning his lips. For a millisecond, my eyes darted to his lips. "And maybe, when you are getting all cozy with me, you can call me Ro and let me call you Amy." He paused and continued. "Amy... It sounds lovelier." He said before walking out the door.

"My name is Amanda!" I yelled as he walked out. Then I murmured. "In case you have forgotten." After all, I wasn't his first wife. I checked the time and saw it was twenty minutes to nine and hurried to get my things from my room. Soon, I would be out of the country.

That was what I thought....

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