
Late Mid Term Exams [2]

Valerie outlined the rules and structure of the mini-tournament. Each team would face off in a series of 4 matches, with the objective being to either knock out or incapacitate all members of the opposing team. The matches would be timed, and points would be awarded based on performance and strategy.

The winner would be found at the end of the mini-tournament, based on the points each team has gathered.

Our first match was against a team led by a student named Victor, a good opponent known for his brute strength and aggressive fighting style.

"Ready?" Valerie called out, her voice carrying across the field. "Begin!"

My and the opponent's team quickly sprang into action. I discussed with my other teammates that we would go easy on the opponents for the first minute in order not to make them feel pressured and show their skills. But past the first minute, we would finish the match since we still needed points.

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