
Without A Word

"Denkar left the same way," Chamille said.

Shia stood there a bit dazed. A bit, furious.

She'd gone out of her way to buy the fruits; she even spent her whole month's allowance. The academy was providing some for the volunteers, but those were mostly of lesser quality. These… these ones were expensive. But no, she wasn't furious because of that. She was furious because he didn't even look back. He didn't want her to go with him. He didn't-

"Must be hard for you," Chamille said. "But it's harder for him. I really don't know if you know why but… he really liked that man; and I guess he blames himself for his disappearance."

"I know. I saw them that day. I know…."

Shia found out about Denkar just last week. She found out from her father who told her about the shipwreck and to inform Sol. However, she chose not to. What good would telling Sol do? What would a child like him do with that knowledge? Go to Sun port and then to the demon's continent? If there really was a shipwreck, and that man was on board, wouldn't he already be dead? And even if he wasn't dead, wouldn't he have at least sent a letter?

It was obvious, telling Sol was a bad idea, and hence she chose not to. To keep him from leaving his room, she made sure to not deliver the draft either. He'd be working on the project all day, and wouldn't hear about the shipwreck or whatever.

He'd eventually know but by that point, it would be utterly impractical for him to leave. A little cruel- she knew, but for his sake, she was willing to be the bad guy.

Yet- why- "Why did you tell him!?"

"I had to. It was my responsibility."

"But now he'll leave! What if he dies!?"

"Then that's his fate. His choice." She shook her head. "He's decided his going to leave. Therefore, wouldn't it be prudent to see him off with the necessary means for him to survive?"

"He's not even Six yet!"

That was right. Sol's birthday was still two weeks away. How Shia knew that, was a different story.

"His burdens do not distinguish between young and old, and so, he can't either. And… don't have you some place you should be?"


"See him off; or force him to stay. He's not stopping."

"Tch!" Shia jumped off from the second-floor balcony. She dashed straight for the roads. He couldn't have gone far, she knew that. But… I don't care if I have to break his legs-

She was not going to just let him march to his death… no.


"You want to leave for how long?" The Librarian said. 

"Possibly a year," Sol said.

She gave Sol a disapproving look and then sighed. "Excursion? Student Exchange?"

"No mam. I'm dropping out. If I can, I'll want to come back here and finish my studies for the grade. But if I can't, I'll… I guess I'll travel the world."

"I see." She stood up, or attempted to. A little old but not quite senile. She managed to locate a book, and find some coins in there. "Take this," she gave both the book and the coins.

"But you already paid me yesterday."

She shrugged, slamming it on the boy's chest. "Take it runt."

"Fine. Thank you…"

An Illuminati's Tale: Against The World

JRRS Sortan.

Sol left the library, made way to Anya's house, collected lil Rexy, bid farewell to the Baron and made way for the Barack house. I forgot to tell Nisa.

He made a mental note of asking the Baracks to deliver that message to both Nisa and Duke Alzania.

Cautiously, he entered the house. Barack Senior was sitting down as usual: Shia wasn't around; so far so good.

"I'm leaving," he said.


"Sun Port."

"I see. Do you need anything?"

"Nothing… no, wait. I need you to deliver a message to Duke Alzania and Nisa. Tell them I'd be gone for a while and if he wants to cancel the marriage or anything, fine by me."

Barack senior rolled his eyes and was about to open his mouth.

But Sol opened his first. "Also, this is an Elixir. I do have a few more but I'm keeping them as reserves. Do what you will. Thanks for everything. Sorry for everything as well."

He sighed. "Kid, sit down."

"I don't have-"

The other kids forced him to sit down. Normally they'd just run away the first chance but today, they were really, really insistent on Sol sitting.

"Denkar's ship has sunk. For better or worse, we gotta assume he's dead. If he is alive, he's at a place where even the mailing company can't find him: And the mailing company finds everybody, even death row escapees. So, he's beyond us for now. You going out there, will only complicate things. So stop."

His mouth opened, but Sol couldn't find the words… he just stood there for a few minutes, contemplating what to say next. "I know. But I don't want to stay here. I want to go out there-"

"And do what? What if two months later, the guy comes back and finds out you went after him, and died. How would he feel?"

"How would I-"

"He'll feel exactly what you're feeling. Responsibility! Remorse! Grief~! And Powerlessness."

 "So what am I going to do? Stay here and-" Tears welled up, and streamed down his face.

"Yes. For now, you wait. You gather your strength; you collect information. And when the time's right, you snatch your chance and you don't look back. Now's not that time. You got to be patient."


"There you are!" Shia yelled, running up to the boy. "You're not going anywhe-woah!"

Sharmon picked his daughter up like a potato sack and carried her upstairs. "Take those things back and don't think too much. That rascal isn't this easy to kill. He survived way worse," he chuckled his way up.

Meanwhile, the lonely boy sat there, silently crying, while the kids around him patted his shoulder without a word.

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