
The Auction ( Part 7 )

The auctioneer's voice rose above the ruckus of the crowd…

"Next up, we have the Sniper's Silent Crossbow and accompanying Quivers. A weapon of precision and stealth, ideal for those who strike from the shadows!"

[Ranger's Silent Crossbow: A silent and deadly crossbow designed for stealthy takedowns and silent eliminations. This weapon is equipped with a scope and specialized bolts for long-range engagements, making it ideal for silent sniping in urban or wilderness environments.

Effects: +50% Stealth, +30% Armor Penetration, +10% Stun Chance

Special Effects: Whisper String – Passively reduces noise and detection when firing. ]

[ Silent Crossbow Bolt Quiver:

Description: A quiver filled with specialized bolts Ranger's Silent crossbows, featuring silent flight and piercing capabilities for stealthy sniping and silent takedowns. These bolts are designed for accuracy, range, and lethality in various scenarios.

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