
Illya Windesburg

When Kayden and Illya were brought back to the game world, Kuroneko saw the two of them return.

Seeing the cute pink-haired loli next to Kayden, Kuroneko asked, "Kayden, don't tell me that girl is the meat-flesh-like creature?!"

In response, Kayden patted Illya's head and answered, "Yes, she is. I have already defeated her in a gambling match and obtained her life ownership. In other words, she is now my combat slave."

"Illya will be useful in dealing with those monsters and evil spirits. She might lose against monsters and evil spirits with rule-type powers such as myself and Winston, but she'd win against any monsters and evil spirits in physical combat."

"However, Illya is hungry so she can't battle yet. I need Ayame's Eternal Beef of Satiation to cure her hunger."


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