
Top 3 Surviving Players In Server 1

Taking a glance at Ainsley who was astonished by his previous actions, Weiss snapped his fingers.

With just a snap of his fingers, Ainsley whose body had slight bone fractures and blood on his clothes was restored back to his peak state. Ainsley's wounds and any injuries in his body were healed as if it didn't happen in the first place.

However, Ainsley's memories of how he was beaten up by those five gangsters said so otherwise. Knowing that it wasn't an illusion nor a dream, Ainsley looked at Weiss in awe and reverence.

Ainsley didn't know how Weiss made his body restore to its optimum state nor how Weiss made the five gangsters disappear. But, he still was aware that Weiss helped him and that's what all that matters to him.

"Thanks, big brother!"

Instinctively feeling that Weiss was older than him, Ainsley thanked Weiss and called him big brother.

In response, Weiss just nodded as if it was nothing but a trivial action for him.


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