
Stalked Earlier

The briefing was over, and the Defence Forces walked through in between the traders while without hostility searching to see anything threatening, which they couldn't find. They were all like clones in appearance: Sturdy, stoic, bearing red-sleepless eyes and all well equipped with different ranging but also amazing traditional weapons.

And their outfits: They were all dressed in black but like some barbarians.

Max wasn't sure if it was his eyes but he saw one of them sitting calmly on a similar beast to the one he had seen on his way. That means, if the beasts could be tamed, they were not very hostilic. To top it off, the Defence Forces searching through their goods had appearance suiting how the beasts looked like.

"New looking Vampire trader with no scent? I don't know if it is a good sign." The one that searched through Max's cart of apples commented. He averted his gaze from the cart to meet Max's moody eyes staring at him. "Apples? You are really new." He added with a glare. His aim was to see the Vampire freaking which never worked in the least.

'How new do you think you'll look in the world I came from?' Max thought sarcastically meanwhile suppressing the sudden violent realization in his mental system. The Force member realized he wasn't having a smell. Was that a crime? How good was the reputation of the Vampire Slaves in this community? Were they really found here? Questions he missed to ask Penelope for an obvious reason!

The Defence Force simply walked to the next trader in order to search within her items. Relatively, Max released out the air he had been holding in his lungs without knowing. That was close.

It took a short time for everyone to be searched;

The traders made their way into the market quickly, which was rather surprising. Max also moved in without knowing where to go actually.

Being inside the noisy market, he immediately knew that either a ceremony or a festival was taking place when hearing what most of the traders were discussing. It got to a point he questioned himself if coming without Penelope's knowing was the right decision after all; quite information of his new environment seemed incomplete.

Someone bald who was dressed in blue sniffed the air the moment Max walked past him. «I found the odorless shit.» he said in a low voice through his mind-link.

Turning around to see whether his nose was interpreting the truth or not, «Shitting yes! And yes. He shitting doesn't smell.» He confirmed.

«He is the one, Robert. He must be one of them! Follow him in silence and arrest him in seclusion without any uproar.» The man who searched through Max's cart of apples told the man dressed in blue.

«Do you know how shitty it sounds when you particularly like that shitting command a Blue Force like me?» The Blue Force told the Defence Force and cut the link

Silently, he then followed Max.

He was 178cm (72.452 inches) tall, bald, and as well averagely good looking young Werewolf, who stood unmoving amongst the crowd of people passing around him, his unblinking eyes set on Max. Prominently around his neck was a small device which functioned as his vocal cords.

And all of them that were appearing in a similarly blue hue, his comrade Blue Forces, observed in the shadows as the wary young Vampire boy innocently pulled out of his dress something they didn't anticipate to see:

Something confusing;

Something unexpected;

Something... Something folded.

The bald young man virtually laughed at seeing the fuddled faces of his companions, but he kept the composure weaved in his tribe in check, the Gim tribe, in order to stay quiet. After all, his respect for his job was always his highest priority.

Max had located a less busy place to take a look at his map. But he noticed something was off. The eyes on him were literally stinging his Vampire instincts. Putting the map back to where he brought it from, he slowly started pushing his apple cart at a non-suspicious pace.

'Huh? Stalkers. For what reason? The action seems to start earlier than expected.'

Max and his stalkers walked quietly without saying anything. His intuition knew very well that these people following him, all appearing in blue, which Penelope called the Royalty Pack's Blue Forces, would hardly do good in his quest to find Evelyn.

The Vampire Slave stayed steady towards the northwestern part of the market until he suddenly came across a needle-like but more abnormally sneaky corner toward the east. Bald signaled for his companions to move faster after seeing the suspect disappearing out of the blue. Reaching the sneaky eastern corner:

"Shit! He is gone! MOVE YOUR SHITTY ASSES AND FIND HIM!" Bald commanded without the need to do that. He scrunched his eyes as he focused on his extraordinary ability to smell:

To frustratingly smell nothing!

The Vampire had no smell!

"But I know they can still follow me." Max murmured as he ran with the complete speed of a Diurnal Vampire, his Spider Vision in action, leading him to somewhere he could escape from all of them once and for all.

'Yeah. They are indeed great stalkers.' He could see them finding him through the black and white vision: Now smoothly following him through the crowds; following in between; still following him; coming; still coming with a speed that looked inhuman.

All of them in their Bravo form which was identical to the true human shape. They maintained a constantly cautious speed that was incredibly damn good for ordinary Werewolves — they were not Blue Forces for nothing. But all of them being nothing without Bald who suddenly appeared standing in Max's way:

'Like a ghost! How sneaky of you!'

Max surprised him, outsmarting as he smartly went low and slipped in between his legs, nearly striking a Vamus Rocked wall. His bruised skin couldn't heal like a normal Vampire's, so he began to bleed in very small amounts. Putting his hands on the ground, he stood up only to be yanked by an object, a leg precisely, and to fall back to the ground.

Bald glared at the aggressive Sak for attacking Max like that. Calmly, he walked towards Max who was on the floor and then squatted with a baffled expression written all over his face. As he clutched the artificially tattered dress of the suspect, and brought their faces close, more Blue Forces arrived from behind.

In some places, Max was mentioned to be a millionaire meanwhile in other places he's mentioned to be a multi-billionaire. Why do you think so? Do you think it is wrong to call a billionaire a millionaire?

Jaxmaacreators' thoughts
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