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"Start talking, Assistant Lu."

Bojing jolted as he was called out of nowhere. "M-Me?"

"How many Assistant Lus' are here?"

If it was only Jia then there wasn't a problem but Lei Honghui, with his entire team, was present too. The social anxiety amped up. "Th-That…" he trembled.

"Quickly! What is this cardiac arrest you are speaking of?" Lei Honghui demanded an answer.

Bojing burst into tears. "W-We tested Wan Guanting's blood and gut acids. The l-last consumed drink was alcohol a-and…"

"And what?" He sharply urged, making Bojing take a step back.

He shivered and said, "Pseudoephedrine."

Jia blinked. "What's that?"

"I-It's a common nasal decongestant that is u-used to treat allergies and colds."

"But his crew said that he didn't have any allergies. So was he suffering from a cold then?"

"No. W-we found very minute traces of it in the glass from w-which he drank alcohol."

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