

Without uttering a word, and still in shock, the men obediently followed Diamond, who looked a bit disheveled from probably the fighting that she had been engaged in previously.

As for Diamond, she was cursing inwardly repeatedly as she felt her body aching so badly that she just wanted to take a good rest and recuperate from the wounds she incurred in the fight.

As long as she gets the damn book to Zara, she can get that well-needed rest. This time, her job was done. Whatever was going to be done next was no longer her business.

Her part was done.


Meanwhile, in the lobby, the Hansleys were waiting anxiously for Diamond to come out.

A while ago, they just received a call from Cade who told them that the sun was setting and at this rate, the day might fly away and that was dangerous.

If the book has been found, finding a way to send it over was of greater importance.

Next chapter