
Starting a new day

Pealburg is a relatively small city to the south of Rustboro city. Famous for its extravagant food and pleasant weather, it could be considered the

"Hipster" city of the Hoenn region.

If you wanted to start a lovely family, have a set head, and enjoy peaceful days walking through the tranquil city, this was your city.

Two girls, a Pokemon and her trainer, were sitting next to a pond. The Pokemon had red fur and golden yellow hair and was massively tall, bigger than most Pokemon. Her trainer's body was plump despite obviously having an athletic shape.

2 weeks have passed since Blaziken lost to the cock.

May and Blaziken's relationship strengthened; before, they were companions, but now they are sisters. This stranged May, but it was a pleasant change.

The two girls were fishing in Petalbursg's largest pond. How they ended up fishing, neither had an idea, but here they were.

'Hmm, maybe Blazy helping Dune relieve some stress wasn't that bad of an idea' May thought while taking a Luvdisk off the hook of her fishrod.

Putting aside the pokefish, "Blazy, here is another one" she said as she threw the hook into the pond again.

Blaziken grabbed the now dead Pokemon and put it between her thigs, in an instant, scarlet light began to surge from within her body.

The hearthshaped Pokemon began to be cooked from the heat coming from Blaziken's tighs, Blaziken didn't had a name for the move yet, but an idea would come around.

May was happy her Pokemon finally regained the compuster she had lost when she started her mating season, she would no longer ran off into the woods to "train",

Or whenever she woke up on ther mornings just to see her hairbrush covered in a sticky substance, later to be blamed to a "Gengar" or the closes Ghost type pokemon.

"Blaz, Blaziken Bla, Blaziken..." (May, im so sorry, but i must tell you the truth, i've been feeding you cum alongside every meal for the past two weeks...)

"Yes Blaziken, i love you too my little torchic nuggets, nots pass me that luvdisc and the mayo, im hungry as hell" May said pulling another luvdisc from the water.

Blaziken couldn't help but sigh, she had to do this in order to make her trainer fall to the feet of that dragon, manly, yellow, big cocked bastard, arceus how much she "hated" Dune.

As she tought of how that day she was pressured into sucking his cock, and how she lost any sense of dignity...

A familiar heat and wetness began to form in the crotch, her fur rapidly boiling said "juices" before May could notice.

Soon she would finally be free from this torture, and release all her female urges as she had to do long ago.


As with most cities in the region, the Devon family owns at least a mansion or business there.

On a kingsized bed, one of the richest women in the region, and it could be dabated on the world was cuddling with her pokemon.

In the center of the bed was Dune, covered in dark purple lipstick marks all over his scales, the volume and density of the marks increasing as they moved down to his hip area.

On his right side, was Helena wearing a luxurius set of lingerine completly torn apart, this set of black and dark purple lingerine was worth well over $3,000 pokedollars, but for Helena it was just a drop of water in the sea of wealth she had acces to.

She was no longer the princess of the Hoenn region, she was now a full fledged pokemon trainer, and with Dune's ideas and Gardevoir intelect, she had started a revolution in the technology of the pokemon world.

On Dune's left, Lopunny was snoring loudly, sleeping on a position that was impossible for humans and most pokemon, with both legs way over her torso and her ears wrapped around her ancles, Lopunny mormured non-coherent strings of words.

"Lo..Lopunn..Lopun..Lopunny~" (Dune... Not in the ass... Gardi makes fun of how it swells in the morning... Okay just once~)

A third prescence entered the room, a pokemon with pale white skin and blue hair walked gracefully while holding a Blueish Salazzle by a leash.

"Salazze, go and get the kitchen ready, im going to eat breakfast" Gardevoir ordered, Salazzle dropped the pet act and stood up.

Before she was reduced to a pet, she was the queen of the biggest volcano in hoenn, she was still well-capable of following complex instructions.

Slurp noises echoed in the room; a nice morning started with an excellent breakfast, and Gardevoir began to her morning routine.

First, with nothing but her tongue she licked clean Helena and Dune's bodies, she tought of also cleaning her bff Lopunny, but she decided not too, instead, she kicked her off the bed and took a photo of her swolled butt.

After "cleaning" her masters, Gardevoir used [Life dew] to actually clean them, next she used [Psyquic] on Helena and Lopunny's holes to return them to their regular size and tightness after a night of fun with Dune.

After making sure her masters were completly clean, she came back to the kitchen of the mainsion were Salazzle was reading a book on clasical Hoenn cousine.

"Morning Gardi, it was nice having my body out in the open so early in the morning" The exhibitionist pokemon said as if it was completly normal.

Gardevoir didn't react in any particular way, for her, IT WAS completly normal for this strange behavior to happen around her.

"Is the gas and everything ready?" Gardevoir asked taking off her white dress and putting on an apron with the engraving "Fuck the cheff" on gigant gold bold letters, she had designed the apron herself and was immensely proud of it.

"Yes, everythings ready, there are some Unfertilized torchic eggs just like Helena likes them, and some lechonk stripes are missing after Lopunny came here in the morning to steal some food"

Gardevoir sighed but choose to be the bigger person and not get angry at Lopunny.

Preparing the breakfast while teaching Salazzle about the habits of everyone was a pleasant way to start the day.

"Dune likes his food half-raw, he says it reminds him of his early days, so make sure you undercook whatever he is eating, on the other hand, Helena likes the food as it was intended to be eaten, it must be a trait of the high society, but she can recognize food and wines based on quality, dont serve her what is the expensiviest, but rather ask her by year and region..."

"And lastly, Lopunny, spit on her food, she likes it"

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