
The future of Hoenn (Rewrite)

After a satisfying breakfast, Gardevoir packed everyone's baggage and left the resort to meet May, who had returned to Mount Chimney.

While taking the cable car to the top of Mount Chimney, Dune taught Helena about the weather since she had encountered a sun team while fighting with Maxie.

"So, Helena, there are 4 main weathers: Harsh Sun, Rain, Sand storm, and snow. There are some other weathers like Fog, Acid rain, and Heavy winds, but those are very situational and not worth learning to play against."

"From what you told me, Maxie had a Sun-based team, with a Torkoal to set up the weather and a Whimsicott to use [Sunny day] in case the Torkoal died. His team was okay at best."

"Camerupt isn't that strong, but with Lilligants' speed control with [After You] and the Charizard with choice specs, his team could handle another team based on speed control."

"The problem was he had a galarian weezing, and in a team where most of his Pokemon relied on his ability, my best guess is it was a last gambit to stop rain setters like Pelipper, but there are better ways to do so."

Helena stared at Dune, not entirely understanding half of what he was saying but still paying attention. She wanted to improve her Pokemon battle skills, so she had to learn everything she could from Dune.

On the other side of the tiny wagon, Gardevoir and Lopunny admired the view while talking using a psychic connection.

'Gardi, was putting that Salazzle on a leash really necessary? I know she is dangerous and stronger than us, but it is still a little bit... overreacting?' Lopunny said to Gardevoir while both girls saw the snowy landscape.

'Yes, Master Dune's instructions were clear. Take care of Salazzle until she accepts her position on the team.' 

'Whatever, I just don't like being the only regular Pokemon in the group. May has only normal Pokemon, but have you seen Blaziken? She's crazy strong. I saw her launch a Torkoal across a room at Mach speed; even when I [Fake out], I can barely move as fast!'

After arriving at the top, Helena walked a few hundred meters before arriving at the scene of the crime. Multiple police officers were running around carrying heavy machinery and taking photographs of everything.

From within the crowd, May emerged and waved at Helena; after doing so, she walked towards her and handed her a pair of glasses.

"Hmm... May? What are these?" Helena asked, nervous about getting a gift from someone who had just emerged from a crime scene.

"Oh! Don't worry. We found a secret laboratory inside the mountain's cave tunnels. Maxie didn't use this pair and couldn't be used as evidence; they were destined for discarding, but I thought you could use it."

May grabbed the pair of glasses and put them on Helena's face. Helena stood still and didn't say a word, even after May took out her phone and started taking photos of her.

"Oww~ has anyone told you, Helena, you look so good in everything? I wish I could rock a pair of glasses like you, but I end up looking like a dork, Pokemon professor, genes, I guess."

Helena blinked at May's comment and just stared at her, blushing from all the praise she was getting.

"Okay, now, the actual purpose of the glasses is to channel the power of mega-stones; since you have a Lopunny, and I suppose you have a strong bow with her, Mega-evolving her should be an option. I figured you don't have anything to channel the mega-stones' energy, so this pair of glasses should suffice."

Helena smiled at her friend and took off the glasses. "Thank you, May! I'll surely use this in the next gym. Do you need some more time, or should we get going?"

"Let me say goodbye to the head detective and tell him I'll be leaving; give me a second!" May ran into the crowd, looking for someone; after about two minutes of waiting, She returned and released Blaziken from her Pokeball.

"Okay! Let's get going, Blazi! Carry me like Dune carries Helena!" May ordered as she looked up at Blaziken. May still thought Helena and Dune had a normal Pokemon-trainer relationship, and the dream she had of Helena moaning with Dune in her tent was just a dream.

"Blaziken..." 'Oh, May, if you knew what kind of pervert this girl is...' Blaziken sighed as she knelt down and allowed May to climb up her back.

"Yeah! Now let's get going," May said as Blaziken stretched her legs, preparing herself for a long walk.

Dune grabbed Helena by her hips, making her squelch at the sudden touch, May seemed to have a flashback, blushing and looking away; Blaziken just laughed at the trainer's embarrassment and finished stretching. 

Dune helped Helena climb his back, mounting him slightly above his backfin. Once Helena was comfortable, she grabbed a sandwich she had stored between her bra and started snaking on it.

May stared in disbelief. "Was that sandwich always there?" May asked, only to gape her mouth further when Helena took out another sandwich from her between her boobs. 

"Yesh, shmimes I have food betwee'n my booobs 'cause they're shoo big, they work ash anoth'er pair of hands. Wan' some chocola'e wi' the shandwich?" Helena said as she handed May the other sandwich.

May accepted the offer and began eating, too; Dune and Blaziken started walking down the mountain with directions to Lavaridge town.

As Dune and Blaziken carried the girls, May pondered on her memories of that night. Had she really dreamed of Dune and Helena doing naughty stuff? Was she the pervert in this situation?

'Arceus... I'm such a bad friend; I'm thinking if my best friend had sex with her Pokemon, not like that a terrible thing... but what if I'm the pervert? What if I'm the horny girl who is thinking about sex? I'm eating a sandwich that was between her boobs! ahhh~'

May felt her body fall to the ground and immediately stood up.

While May thought of everything that had happened recently in her life, Dune was thinking about his and Hoenn's future.

'There are mega-stones, and I fought a Glimmet. That means that research on Area Zero has already started, but thinking of other regions isn't that important now; there's a much bigger problem.'

'There are no players in the world, May follows her game personality, but I still haven't heard of Brendan, and May wasn't enough to stop team Magma.'

'I will have to personally interfere. Regular Pokemon are way stronger than in the games, and the trainers are better, but not enough to deal with what the future has for them. It seems I'll have to intervene, or else the world is going to end up destroyed.'

After pondering for a while and planning for the future as Dune felt the soft giant masses of flesh in his head, the party finally arrived at Lavaridge town.

In contrast to the other towns the party had visited, the city was very traditional, with straw ceilings and dirt paths.

Upon arriving at the main street, Dune carefully lowered Helena to the ground while Blaziken shook May away, causing her to fall into the dirt.

"Hey Blaziken! Don't throw me like I'm in a bag of potatoes! I'm a girl; girls are soft and delicate, be more careful, or I'll fry your butt and sell it for the price of a Pokeball!" May screamed as she began pitifully kicking Blazikens leg.

"Fufufu~," Helena laughed at May. She envied her shamelessness; if she had been in her position, she would have just accepted the rough treatment.

After tiring herself out by kicking Blaziken, May looked back at Helena and Dune, Helena was just staring at her, heavily sweating due to all the heavy clothing she wore, and Dune was looking around, occasionally stopping to stare at a flock of Butterfree flying over them.

"Ehem." May coughed as she patted Helena's shoulder, "Let's go and grab something to eat; my dad told me this town has great ramen and even better hot springs."

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