
Breeding (+18)

(Carnival of debauchery)


After Gardevoir tied up the Radiant Salazzle, Dune, Helena, Gardevoir, and Lopunny stared at her quietly, looking up and down on the radiant Pokemon.

With an arm over her shoulder, Garchomp played with Helena's massive breasts while Gardevoir and Lopunny sat beside each other, examining the blue Pokemon.

Gardevoir used [Psyquic] to remove the nuzzle from Salazzle's snout-

"What are you looking at?" The salazzle spoke, but contrary to her expectations, this didn't surprise the humans or the Pokemon.

"She can speak too," Helena said as she felt Dune's cold claws pressing against her soft breast.

"She does; she attacked me on the volcanic caves under Mount Chimney, and she commanded an army of Salandits; her biology is different from normal Pokemon, contrary to shinies, who only are different in skin colors," Dune said, as he moved his claw down, groping Helena's ass.

'Hmm... It Pokemon her psyche is different from regular Pokemon Master Dune, after [Synchronizing] with her mind, I was met with a mental barrier in the shape of a massive blinding light.'

"Lopunny" (Her tits are big, why do all shinies and radiants and stuff have big breasts, was my biggest sin being born normal and without tits?)

'Lopunny, please be quiet before I use [Mystical fire] and burn the fur off your rear.'

"Lop!" (Okey!)

"It doesn't matter; we can still interrogate her," Dune said, making Salazzle flinch; she thought she was about to be tortured or raped, but what happened was outside her expectations.

"Lopunny, move Salazzle to the front row, Gardevoir, search how to activate my weird hormones; let's make this poor Salazzle go crazy."

Lopunny quickly moved the chair Salazzle was tied in while Gardevoir used Helena's phone to research Alpha Pokemon.

Helena just lay on the bed, half-naked, after Dune [Slashed] her nightgown off; she thought since she was about to be fucked all day long, she better put on something comfy.

Looking through her bag, she found a nice set of lingerie she still hadn't used; after putting it on, everyone was ready, so Helena lay still on the bed, like a fruit prepared to get picked.

'Master Dune, it seems to activate the hormones. Alpha pokemon must either have a strong reproductive will or be in the presence of an opposite gender alpha pokemon.'

Gardevoir explained to Dune, trying not to look at the massive meat hanging from Dune's crotch.

'I also did some scans and discovered this Radiant Salazzle appears to be an Alpha Pokemon, a weak one if I'm being honest, but has all the attributes related to one.'

The Salazzle seemed to protest but made weird sounds due to the nuzzle on her snout, so Dune looked at her in slight compassion.

Lopunny and Gardevoir, to the contrary, were envious; even when they were in their first evolutions, they had to get the right to watch the master's mate.

"Very good, Gardi; go and change into something more comfortable, and tell Lopunny to get ready too," Dune said as he moved before Salazzle. Gardevoir and Lopunny rushed to get changed on their way, fighting to see who would wear the sexiest outfit for Dune.

Dune started to drool again; for Salazzle, seeing such a big and strong Pokemon succumb to its primary desires was scarier than any torture she could see because it could also happen to her.

Dune climbed onto the bed and stared at Helena; she was wearing sexy lingerie he still hadn't seen on her; Helena still had that same goofy smile. Dune loved that expression, no matter how often he had seen it. 

Dune moved his claw, patted Helena's head, and said, almost whispering with the most love and care he could muster even with all this desire.

"I'm going to breed you."

"Huh?" Helena's brain short circuits when Dune says this: breed, what a weird word, it means to have sex and produce young animals, breed her; what could that mean?

Helena overthinks about such a simple word; she doesn't realize Dune has already put her in a mating press position. Helena was lying on her back against the silky bed while Dune was on top, kneeling and pressing their bodies together.

Dune's cock was just inches away from Helena's entrance, but she could feel the heat coming out of it; she came back to her senses as it came closer, it was an experience whenever Dune penetrated even when he was just a Gabite, but now he was a full-fledged Garchomp.

The moment Garchomp's cockhead entered, Helena's pupils dilated, and they let out a loud moan, Slazzle, who was watching Dune's back, could only imagine what kind of pleasure Helena was feeling.

Dune penetrated slowly, as two spouses who had just married; he went nice and slow, and he could feel how tight Helena was; even after all the sex they had, she was just as tight as ever, and she was even tighter now, but he attributed that to his increase in size.

After slowly moving deep into Helena, the lumps made Helena's vaginal walls convulse in pleasure; every inch that came in was signaled by the blunt spines that brushed with her pussy lips.

7 inches had gone inside when Dune felt his cockhead hit Helena's cervix; when he was a Gabite, he had experienced this, and usually, Helena's cervix would adjust to allow deeper penetration, but now, it was just half of his entire length.

Helena was panting and gripping the sheets tightly; she had her first orgasm of the day when she felt Dune hit her deepest part; Helena was sweating profusely.

Helena caressed Dune's face; she was so happy at this moment; she felt so high on pleasure that her mind was numb, and she overlooked Lopunny and Gardevoir, who had just arrived, Gardevoir wearing a sexy maid uniform, while Lopunny was just wearing a beach bikini.

Slazzle was going crazy hearing Helena's moans; Gardevoir noticed this, so she changed her perspective, allowing her to observe the spectacle about to unfold alongside them.

In an instant, the three Pokemon just stared, awaiting something, and then it happened.

Dune and Helena, still in a mating press position, gazed into each other's eyes and nodded. Dune thrust as fast and strong as he could and broke through Helena's cervix, into her womb, each spine that brushed against Helena's cervix, stimulating her nerves as nothing had ever done.

Finally, after a deep push, Dune's cock hit something again, then he and Helena stood still, gasping and drooling; they knew what had happened; Dune reached so deep into Helena he had grazed against her womb.

Gardevoir and Lopunny grabbed each other's hands; it was a beautiful moment to observe their masters embracing each other. It was beautiful.

That lasted 4 seconds before Helena's and Dune's animalistic instincts kicked in, and Dune pulled out fast only to thrust back even stronger.

What proceeded was nothing but animalistic mating; Dune and Helena kissed as Dune penetrated Helena deeply, again and again and again.

This lasted about 10 minutes before Dune cummed for the first time, his seed spilling all over Helena's deepest part.

Helena felt the dense and hot liquid move around her insides; it was a fantastic feeling, and she wanted more.

"Oough~ Fufufu! Yesh~! Fill me up until I break!" screamed Helena as both changed into a doggy-style position, Dune spanking Helena's ass with his claws.

"I wamt to hoost your brood~" Helena said, her vision blurry but still recognizing Gardevoir and Lopunny in front of her, but she didn't care in the slightest.

Dune proceeded to cum again, and he played flat on the bed, signaling Helena to move into a cowgirl position.

Helena happily moved on top of Dune and positioned his cock slowly in her entrance, slowly lowering herself until half of Dune's member was inside her, then she let herself fall full force on Dune's cock.

Impaling herself, Helena squirted and started bouncing up and down, her breast swinging everywhere as Dune smiled cockily; Helena rode him while she moaned and dirty-talked.

"This cock~ is the best! I'm a Miltank, and you are my Tauros!" Helena screamed as she felt Dune's spines erect, signaling for another release.

And so, Dune and Helena mated over and over again until Helena fainted and fell flat next to Dune, breathing heavily, covered in cum and sweat.

Dune stood up from bed and saw Gardevoir and Lopunny hand-holding as they stared at him in awe.

Dune just managed to pull two words together before his instincts came back.

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