
Chapter 107

"No! She is there because the gods don't care about humans!" Luke then crossed his blade with Percy and held it there, "they use us humans like they use everything! Just look at all the people we meet Percy! Edward ran away because he couldn't take it any more! Chirsty-"

"Shut up!" Percy cut Luke off as he kicked Luke back into the sand. He then swung down at Luke only for the son of Hermes to doge at the last second by rolling away. Luke got up and began his attack on Percy, he was faster but his bleeding shoulder held him back. Percy however was relentless, he could feel his anger grow with every swing he took at Luke, his Gamer's mind couldn't keep up.

Slowly Luke watched in horror as Percy's eyes turned from green to a golden yellow, just like the Titan that haunts his dreams.


Perk: 'Le Bete' has been activated! You gained +50 to all stats!

Percy however wasn't paying attention. All he cared about was killing Luke. He smashed Riptide into Luke's blade and then pushed harder and harder until Riptide cut Luke's blade in half. Percy drew back and fist and threw it at Luke, "EARTHQUAKE FIST!"

The fist smashed into Luke's ribs breaking a few of them and sending the don of Hermes flying off and into the sand.

Percy then jumped at Luke with Riptide but suddenly the son of Hermes pressed an open palm on the sand and shouted out, "beast summoning!"

A large green circle appeared in the sand and a gust of wind pushed Percy back on his ass. The yellow eyed boy's fury pushed him forward, made him go beyond his limits. Percy got up almost at once and saw the figure that now stood before him.

It was the Chimera. The legendary beast of myth with the body of a lion, and two extra heads in the form of a goat and a snake's on it's tail. And right next to it was a panting and tired was Luke holding his broken ribs. The son of Hermes turned to the Chimera, "take care of him."

The Chimera roared as the Lion opened it's mouth sending out a blast of fire right at Percy. The fire drew closer but before it burnt Percy the demigod flashed away in a burst of speed.

When the fire died down the Chimera looked around for the charred remains of Percy but found nothing. He heard a rustle in the wind and quickly all three head turned to the left. But the only thing there was a small foot sized pit in the sand.

Just then they heard another rustle and they turned to the right only to find a similar pit there as well. Suddenly the result came from all around them. They turned all around, each head going it's own way but the only thing they saw was a blur of black.

"Up front," came a voice in front of them. The lion's head turned just in time to see a punch connect with it's face, "Earthquake Fist!"

The Chimera flew back from the force of the impact into the sea. It looked up, it's lion's head was destroyed now. It looked to the yellow eyed demigod as a hint of fear crept into it's heart.

Percy raised a single hand up and all the water around the Chimera moved. It trapped the Chimera into a sphere of water as slowly the pressure started to build up. As a last ditch attempt to escape the goat head blasted out a ball of fire that exploded causing the sphere of water to collapse and the Chimera was thrown out.

Percy walked upto the Chimera, it wasn't moving, but it was still breathing. He looked down at it, his face not showing any mercy. He drew back a fist and punched the Chimera again, again and again. He ripped into it's body with just his fingers as slowly the thing started to die from the pain alone.

In it's last moment of life the Chimera looked into the yellow eyes of the demigod that was killing it by literally ripping it apart and so nothing by fury. Slowly it began to disintegrate into nothing leaving behind a frustrated Percy and several loot items.


You have killed while under the effects of Le Bete! You have temporarily gained +2 to all stat points!

Percy ignored the box as he got up from the dusty remains of the Chimera and looked around for Luke. Instead of finding the son of Hermes Percy found he was alone in the beach with nothing else in sight. With no one else to fight Percy opened his mouth and roared. "ROARRR!"

The son of Poseidon then collapsed to his feet and slowly his eyes turned green again;


Perk: 'Le Bete' has been deactivated! Your states have change back to normal.

Percy looked up and saw the remains of the monster has had killed in less than a minute. The curse he bore truly was powerful for him to have destroyed one of the most dangerous monsters in Greek Mythology.

Just then;


You have gained a new perk!

Chimera's blood- Allows user to temporarily take on one trait from the last monster he killed. The user can use this trait for however long he wishes. (Example- A Cyclop's resistance to fire.)

Note: The Chimera doesn't count.

Now how did I get that? Percy figured it was one of the rewards for kill the Chimera. He checked his Exp and saw he got + 30,000 Exp. He then checked the body and found 1000$ and a skill book: Fireball.

Percy put the book and money away, he didn't have time to deal with this now. Luke was gone, probably snuck away while Percy was killing the Chimera. Right now Percy was on his own. Well he had Grover but the well meaning Satyr would only drag him down. With him around Percy can't use his full abilities.

Percy took out the Gauntlet of Kefka and summoned Alecto. She formed out of the smoke and bowed, "Master."

"Do you know how I can get to Hades?" Percy asked the Fury who nodded, "good. Then take me there right now."

Alecto picked up Percy and flew him across the LA night sky. Eventually they ended up in front of a building with the sign DOA Recording Studio, huh figures. Percy then turned to Alecto, "how much does Hades trust you?"

"He considers me one of his most loyal subjects," Alectos replied.

Percy nodded, "then you are the one who can get closest to him." Percy then reached into his inventory and pulled out the chains of Hephaestus, "hide this on your person somehow and go ahead of me. Once you are inside go and inform Hades you just reformed, once he dismisses you sneak into the throne room and wait for me. When I give the key word, bind, throw these on Hades and bind him tightly."

Alceto nodded as she took the chains and walked into the building. Percy was betting a lot on her, but he had faith this would work, it had to work. Percy waited a few minutes after Alecto went in and then walked into the place.




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