
Chapter [84]

Sona and Tsubaki emerged gracefully from a portal, being greeted by the elegant Grayfia, who awaited them with her impeccable posture.

"Hello, Sona-sama and Tsubaki," greeted Grayfia with her usual elegance.

"Hi, Grayfia," replied Sona with a warm smile.

"Rias is waiting for you," said Grayfia, pointing in the direction of the mansion's entrance. "Please, follow me."

"Hi, you finally arrived, let's go inside," greeted Rias as Sona and Tsubaki approached, indicating the way into the mansion.

"What are you talking about? It hasn't even been a minute since we were on the phone," protested Sona with a playful smile as they entered the room.

"I'm just eager to hear the details of the party," explained Rias, gesturing for everyone to settle on the comfortable sofa in the room.

Sona sighed softly, her expression revealing a hint of frustration.

"There aren't many details," she replied, shaking her head. "The only thing I know is that only you and Akeno can go."

Rias raised an eyebrow, surprised by the unexpected limitation.

"Why only me and Akeno?" she questioned, her mind trying to understand the reason behind the restriction.

"Because you're the guest, and Akeno is your queen," explained Sona, trying to convey the reason for the restriction.

Rias frowned, processing the information. "I see," she murmured, somewhat disappointed. "But wouldn't it be nice if all of us could go together?"

As the conversation continued, Koneko listened in silence, munching on some candies while staying on the sidelines of the discussion. She had no expectations of being invited to the party, but still, hearing Rias express her desire for all of them to go together sparked a twinge of curiosity in her heart.

Sona sighed softly, understanding Rias's frustration. "I agree, but the party is only for heirs and their queens."

Rias looked at Sona with a hopeful expression. "Then why not ask Riser to make an exception for Koneko?" she suggested, with a captivating smile. "Pretty please?"

Sona chuckled gently, amused by Rias's attempt to persuade her. "I'll talk to him, but I can't promise anything."

"Great," exclaimed Rias, applauding enthusiastically.

"I don't mind not going, Kaichou," murmured Koneko calmly as she chewed on some candies.

Rias huffed, clearly dissatisfied with the response. "But I do," she said, her determination shining through in her voice.

Sona observed the scene with a mix of understanding and resignation. "Rias is as spoiled as ever," she thought to herself, shaking her head with a slight amused expression. "Don't worry, Koneko," she said aloud, addressing the Nekomata. "It's my pleasure to help you go to the party."

"Thank you, sempai," murmured Koneko, her eyes expressing gratitude for Sona's gesture.

Sona nodded in response to Koneko's gratitude, her gentle smile conveying reassurance to the young Nekomata.

Suddenly, the elegant Venelana entered the room, her imposing presence capturing the attention of all present. Her eyes swept the room, settling on the girls who were conversing animatedly.

"Hello, girls, I didn't know you were here," said Venelana kindly, her voice filled with maternal warmth. "How are things?"

Sona smiled, her voice overflowing with calmness and confidence. "Things are going well, Lady Venelana," she replied, her expression conveying serenity.

Venelana observed Sona with a mischievous gleam in her eyes, her mind amused by the possibility of a subtle tease.

"Sona, my dear, tell me, when do you and Riser plan to start a family?" questioned Venelana with a mischievous smile, her voice laden with feigned curiosity.

Sona swallowed hard, her smile freezing for a moment as she processed Venelana's direct question. She was well aware of the tradition among noble families to wait for descendants to ensure the lineage's continuity.

"It's a possibility, Lady Venelana," replied Sona diplomatically, her tone carefully neutral.

Venelana raised an eyebrow, amused by Sona's reaction.

"Riser is such a charming man, and you make such a beautiful couple," continued Venelana, her voice conveying a playful malice. "It would be wonderful to see the next generation of Phenex following in your footsteps."

Sona felt a slight surge of irritation run down her spine, but she kept her expression calm and controlled. She knew Lady Venelana was just teasing, but she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with the implicit pressure on her personal life.

"We're happy as we are now, Lady Venelana," replied Sona firmly, her voice conveying determination. "Time will tell what the future holds."

Venelana smiled satisfied with Sona's response, knowing she had achieved her goal of teasing the young heir of the Sitri family.

"Of course, my dear," she said, her voice softening as she changed the subject. "But what were you girls talking about?"

"Mother, we were just talking about Riser's party," explained Rias, excited about the party.

"It will be nice for you to go to a party to relax your mind," commented Venelana with a gentle smile, addressing Rias.

"Yes, I think it will be a good change of pace," replied Rias, her eyes meeting Akeno's with gratitude. "I initially didn't want to go, but Akeno convinced me."

Venelana watched the interaction between the two with an affectionate smile, admiring the loyalty and friendship that existed between them.

"It's truly heartwarming to see the mutual support between you two," remarked Venelana, her gaze briefly shifting to Akeno. "You're a great friend, Akeno."

Akeno smiled at Venelana, appreciating her kind words.

"No need to thank me, Venelana-sama," replied Akeno humbly. "Rias is my King and my friend, it's my pleasure to support her."

Rias nodded in agreement with Akeno's words, feeling grateful for her friend's comforting presence.

As the girls continued their conversation, a slight disturbance in the air announced the arrival of the family patriarch, Zeoticus. He gracefully emerged amidst a flicker of energy, greeting everyone with an expressionless face.

"Hello, girls," he said, his voice calm and serene filling the room. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important."

Rias and the others stood up to greet the patriarch, their respect evident in their postures.

"Hello, father," greeted Rias, her tone conveying filial reverence.

"Hello, Lord Zeoticus," said Sona, her voice soft and respectful.

Zeoticus nodded briefly in response, his gaze sweeping the room with a tranquil expression.

"I'm just passing through," he explained, his voice soft and calm. "I have some matters to attend to in my room."

The girls nodded in understanding, allowing Zeoticus to continue on his way to the family's private quarters.

As Zeoticus walked away, Venelana approached the girls, her face radiant and welcoming.

"Well, girls, I think I'll be going too," she said, her voice conveying warmth and affection.

Rias and the others bid farewell to Venelana with warm smiles, thanking her for her visit.

"Goodbye, Lady Venelana."

"See you later, mother."

"Goodbye, dear," she replied, her voice soft and gentle as she walked away towards her own quarters.

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