

{(Talents) - (Mastery of Infernal Flames), (Shadow Manipulation), (Dragon's Breath), (Necrotic Ascendancy), (Rebirth Flames), (Versatility and Adaptability), (Time Manipulation), (Spatial Distortion), (Alchemical Mastery), (Divine Smithing), (Arcane Mastery) }

{(Mastery of Infernal Flames)

Sub-Talent 1: Hellfire Manipulation: Can shape and control hellfire with precision, directing it towards enemies with devastating effect.

Sub-Talent 2: Soul Scorching Flames: Flames possess the ability to scorch the souls of enemies, causing intense agony and weakening their resolve.

Sub-Talent 3: Infernal Aura of Agony: Can project an aura of infernal agony, causing excruciating pain to all who approach the user.

Sub-Talent 4: Infernal Conflagration: Can create a massive infernal conflagration, engulfing entire battlefields in flames of hellfire.

Sub-Talent 5: Demonic Incarnation: Temporarily channeling the essence of a demon, increasing their power and unleash devastating attacks.

Sub-Talent 6: Abyssal Veil: Create a veil of darkness that shrouds oneself from sight, allowing them to move unseen by their enemies.

Sub-Talent 7: Soul Devourer: Flames have the ability to consume the souls of their enemies, leaving nothing but empty husks in their wake.

Sub-Talent 8: Infernal Resilience: Immune to the effects of fire and heat, allowing to walk through flames unscathed.

Sub-Talent 9: Infernal Pact: Can forge pacts with infernal entities, summoning demonic minions to aid in battle.

Sub-Talent 10: Infernal Dominion: Can exert their will over lesser demons, commanding them to do their bidding and unleash havoc upon enemies. }

{(Shadow Manipulation) -

Sub-Talent 1: Shadow Cloak: Cloak oneself in shadows, rendering them invisible to all but the most perceptive foes.

Sub-Talent 2: Shadowstep: Teleport between shadows, allowing to move swiftly and unpredictably in battle.

Sub-Talent 3: Shadow Bind: Can bind his enemies in chains of shadow, immobilizing them and leaving them vulnerable to attack.

Sub-Talent 4: Shadowmeld: Can merge with the shadows, becoming intangible and immune to physical attacks.

Sub-Talent 5: Umbral Shroud: Can cloak one and their allies in an impenetrable shroud of darkness, rendering them invisible to all who would seek to harm them.

Sub-Talent 6: Night's Embrace: Can create an area of darkness that drains the strength and vitality of enemies, leaving them weakened and vulnerable.

Sub-Talent 7: Shadow Conjuration: Can summon creatures of darkness to aid in battle, bolstering their forces with shadowy minions.

Sub-Talent 8: Dark Whispers: Can manipulate the minds of enemies, filling them with fear and doubt, and turning them against each other.

Sub-Talent 9: Shadowmeld Strike: Can emerge from the shadows with a swift and deadly strike, catching enemies off guard and inflicting devastating damage.

Sub-Talent 10: Night's Veil: Can create a dome of darkness that blocks all forms of magical detection, concealing their presence from even the most powerful of divinations.}

{(Dragon's Breath) -

Sub-Talent 1: Celestial Firestorm: Can unleash a torrential firestorm, engulfing the foes in a blaze of celestial flames.

Sub-Talent 2: Draconic Roar: The mighty roar can shatter the resolve of enemies, leaving them paralyzed with fear.

Sub-Talent 3: Flame of Purification: Can purify corruption and darkness with flames, restoring balance to the world.

Sub-Talent 4: Infernal Incineration: Can breathe a stream of fire so intense that it can melt even the strongest of defenses.

Sub-Talent 5: Dragon's Fury: Enter a state of frenzied rage, increasing strength and ferocity in battle.

Sub-Talent 6: Winged Conflagration: Can create a whirlwind of flames with each beat of wings, engulfing enemies in a storm of fire.

Sub-Talent 7: Dragon's Resilience: Nearly impervious to fire-based attacks, allowing to shrug off even the most intense infernos.

Sub-Talent 8: Draconic Domination: Can exert their will over lesser dragons, commanding them.

Sub-Talent 9: Dragon's Scales: The scales are extremely hard, providing with natural armor that can deflect all but the most powerful of blows.

Sub-Talent 10: Draconic Flight: Can take to the skies with powerful wingbeats, soaring above the battlefield and raining down fire upon enemies. }

{(Necrotic Ascendancy) - 

Sub-Talent 1: Undead Legion: Can summon and control vast armies of undead minions, ranging from skeletal warriors to spectral wraiths, to serve their bidding.

Sub-Talent 2: Death's Embrace: Can drain the life force of living beings, replenishing their own vitality and rejuvenating the undead forces.

Sub-Talent 3: Soul Binding: Can ensnare the souls of the departed, binding them to their will and harnessing their power for necromantic rituals.

Sub-Talent 4: Ethereal Shroud: Can cloak oneself and their minions in an ethereal shroud, rendering them intangible and impervious to physical harm.

Sub-Talent 5: Heavenly Conduit: Can channel the celestial energies of the heavens, infusing necromantic spells with divine power and purity.

Sub-Talent 6: Death's Resilience: Nearly invulnerable to conventional weapons and magic, shrugging off injuries that would cripple mortal beings.

Sub-Talent 7: Eternal Knowledge: Possesses ancient and arcane knowledge of the afterlife, unlocking secrets hidden from mortal eyes and understanding the true nature of death.

Sub-Talent 8: Plaguebearer: Can unleash deadly plagues and curses upon enemies, spreading disease and decay with a single incantation.

Sub-Talent 9: Soul Harvest: Can harvest souls from the living, storing them within the body to empower necromantic abilities and prolong their existence.

Sub-Talent 10: Heavenly Rebirth: Can transcend death itself, returning from the abyss to continue his eternal quest for mastery over life and death.}

{(Rebirth Flames) -

Sub-Talent 1: Healing Blaze: Can create a healing blaze, restoring health and vitality to oneself and his allies.

Sub-Talent 2: Phoenix Ascension: Can ascend into the heavens, becoming an ethereal being of pure light and fire.

Sub-Talent 3: Immolation Burst: Can unleash a burst of pure fire, incinerating enemies in a blaze of divine retribution.

Sub-Talent 4: Radiant Nova: Can release a radiant nova, blinding and stunning their enemies with its brilliance.

Sub-Talent 5: Phoenix's Embrace: Can shield themselves and their allies with fiery wings, providing them with protection against incoming attacks.

Sub-Talent 6: Renewal Aura: Emit an aura of renewal, revitalizing nearby allies and purging them of afflictions.

Sub-Talent 7: Solar Flare: Can unleash a concentrated beam of sunlight, piercing through even the strongest of defenses.

Sub-Talent 8: Celestial Resurrection: Can bring fallen allies back from the brink of death, granting them a second chance at life.

Sub-Talent 9: Wings of Eternity: Can take flight on wings of pure flame, soaring above the battlefield with unmatched agility.

Sub-Talent 10: Everburning Radiance: His very prtesence radiates with divine light, inspiring courage and hope in those who fight alongside him.}

{(Versatility and Adaptability) -

Sub-Talent 1: Masterful Learning: Can learn and master any skill or discipline with remarkable speed, drawing upon the collective knowledge of generations past.

Sub-Talent 2: Adaptive Strategy: Can adapt their tactics on the fly, turning the tide of battle with cunning and resourcefulness.

Sub-Talent 3: Intuitive Mastery: Possesses an innate understanding of the world around them, allowing them to anticipate their opponents' moves and outmaneuver them with ease.

Sub-Talent 4: Legacy of Ancients: Tap into the wisdom of ancestors, gaining insights and knowledge that surpass mortal understanding.

Sub-Talent 5: Heroic Inspiration: Inspire those around one with tales of legendary heroes, boosting their morale and courage in the face of adversity.

Sub-Talent 6: Cultural Adaptation: Quickly adapt to new cultures and environments, blending in seamlessly wherever their travels take him.

Sub-Talent 7: Tactical Analysis: analyzes enemies' strengths and weaknesses, devising strategies to exploit their vulnerabilities and secure victory.

Sub-Talent 8: Diplomatic Charm: possess a natural charm and charisma, able to sway even the most stubborn of adversaries to theior cause.

Sub-Talent 9: Jack of All Trades: proficient in a wide range of skills, making one a valuable asset in any situation or endeavor.

Sub-Talent 10: Ancestral Blessing: channel the blessings of ancestors, granting one increased strength, speed, and resilience in battle.}

{(Time Manipulation) -

Sub-Talent 1: Temporal Acceleration: can accelerate time around oneself, allowing them to move with incredible speed and agility.

Sub-Talent 2: Temporal Stasis: can freeze objects or beings in time, rendering them immobile and unable to act.

Sub-Talent 3: Time Echo: can create echoes of themselves from different points in time, overwhelming their enemies with multiple versions of himself.

Sub-Talent 4: Chrono Shield: can create a protective barrier that slows down time within its confines, deflecting incoming attacks with ease.

Sub-Talent 5: Chronal Distortion: can distort the flow of time in a localized area, causing time to fluctuate unpredictably.

Sub-Talent 6: Temporal Sight: can peer into the timestream, seeing glimpses of past and future events with remarkable clarity.

Sub-Talent 7: Time Warp: can create a temporal warp, allowing them to teleport and others across great distances in an instant.

Sub-Talent 8: Time Dilation: can slow down or speed up time for specific objects or individuals, manipulating the passage of time to their advantage.

Sub-Talent 9: Temporal Backlash: can unleash a wave of temporal energy, causing temporal disturbances that disrupt and disorient his enemies.

Sub-Talent 10: Time Mastery: complete mastery over the flow of time, able to manipulate it at will to achieve their desired outcomes.}

{(Spatial Distortion) -

Sub-Talent 1: Dimensional Rift: Can tear open rifts in space, allowing them to travel instantaneously between distant locations.

Sub-Talent 2: Spatial Warp: Can bend and twist space, creating shortcuts through the fabric of reality.

Sub-Talent 3: Void Projection: Can project their consciousness into the Void, allowing them to explore other realms and communicate with beings beyond the physical world.

Sub-Talent 4: Celestial Barrier: Can create barriers of pure energy that repel attacks and prevent unauthorized entry into their domain.

Sub-Talent 5: Spatial Manipulation: Can manipulate the spatial geometry of his surroundings, creating traps and obstacles for enemies.

Sub-Talent 6: Interdimensional Portal: Can open portals to other dimensions, allowing one to summon beings from other realms to aid him in battle.

Sub-Talent 7: Spatial Compression: Can compress space around his enemies, crushing them with immense gravitational force.

Sub-Talent 8: Spatial Expansion: Can expand the space within a confined area, creating pockets of extra-dimensional space to store objects or hide from enemies.

Sub-Talent 9: Celestial Navigation: Can navigate the celestial realms with unerring accuracy, charting courses through the stars and guiding others to their destinations.

Sub-Talent 10: Spatial Mastery: He has complete mastery over the fabric of space, able to reshape reality itself to suit his needs.}

{(Alchemical Mastery) -

Sub-Talent 1: Philosopher's Stone Creation: Can transmute base metals into gold and create the legendary Philosopher's Stone, granting him eternal life and boundless power.

Sub-Talent 2: Potion Brewing: Can brew potions of extraordinary potency, granting temporary boosts to strength, speed, and magical abilities.

Sub-Talent 3: Transmutation Circle Mastery: As a master of transmutation circles, one is able to create intricate symbols that amplify their alchemical abilities and channel magical energies.

Sub-Talent 4: Elixir of Immortality: He has perfected the formula for the Elixir of Immortality, granting him eternal youth and resilience against disease and injury.

Sub-Talent 5: Elemental Fusion: Can fuse elemental essences together to create new substances with unique properties, such as fireproof armor or lightning-fast potions.

Sub-Talent 6: Alchemical Synthesis: Can synthesize rare and exotic materials from common ingredients, unlocking the secrets of the universe through the power of alchemy.

Sub-Talent 7: Universal Solvent: Possesses the legendary Universal Solvent, capable of dissolving any substance and breaking down even the strongest of magical barriers.

Sub-Talent 8: Homunculus Creation: Can create homunculi (small human figures) to serve as loyal servants and guardians, imbuing them with magical powers and intellect.

Sub-Talent 9: Alchemical Transmutation: Can transmute his own body, granting himself temporary enhancements such as increased strength, speed, and resilience.

Sub-Talent 10: Alchemical Revelation: He has unlocked the secrets of the universe through his alchemical studies, gaining insights into the nature of reality and the true potential of alchemy.}

{(Divine Smithing) -

Sub-Talent 1: Celestial Alloy Forging: Can forge weapons and armor from celestial alloys, imbuing them with otherworldly properties and unmatched durability.

Sub-Talent 2: Rune Inscription: Can inscribe powerful runes onto their creations, granting them magical enhancements such as increased strength, elemental resistance, and healing properties.

Sub-Talent 3: Soul-Bonded Weaponry: Can forge weapons that bond with their wielders on a spiritual level, granting them increased power and control over their abilities.

Sub-Talent 4: Ancestral Smithing: Draw upon the knowledge and techniques passed down through generations of master blacksmiths, infusing the creations with the wisdom of ages past.

Sub-Talent 5: Divine Enchantment: Can enchant his creations with divine blessings, granting them the ability to smite evil, heal the wounded, or protect the innocent.

Sub-Talent 6: Adamantine Crafting: Can forge weapons and armor from adamantine, the hardest substance known to man, creating indestructible artifacts of legendary power.

Sub-Talent 7: Elemental Infusion: Can infuse their creations with elemental energy, allowing them to unleash devastating attacks of fire, ice, lightning, or other elemental forces.

Sub-Talent 8: Legendary Reforging: Can repair and reforge legendary weapons and artifacts, restoring them to their former glory and unlocking their full potential.

Sub-Talent 9: Artisan's Vision: Possesses an unparalleled artistic vision, able to envision and create works of art that transcend mere craftsmanship and become objects of divine beauty.

Sub-Talent 10: Forge of Creation: He has mastered the Forge of Creation, a mystical forge that allows him to channel the power of creation itself and forge weapons and artifacts of unparalleled power and beauty.}

{(Arcane Mastery) -

Sub-Talent 1: Elemental Manipulation: Can manipulate the elements with precision, conjuring fire, ice, lightning, and other elemental forces at will.

Sub-Talent 2: Astral Projection: Can project their consciousness into the astral plane, allowing them to explore other realms and communicate with beings beyond the physical world.

Sub-Talent 3: Illusionary Magic: Can create illusions so vivid that they are indistinguishable from reality, deceiving enemies and manipulating their perceptions.

Sub-Talent 4: Arcane Empowerment: Can imbue objects or allies with arcane energy, enhancing their abilities or granting temporary boosts in strength and resilience.

Sub-Talent 5: Arcane Barrier: Can create barriers of pure magical energy, capable of deflecting even the strongest of attacks.

Sub-Talent 6: Illusory Mirage: Can create intricate illusions that mimic reality, deceiving enemies and providing strategic advantages in combat or espionage.

Sub-Talent 7: Ethereal Shroud: Can envelop oneself or allies in an ethereal shroud, rendering them intangible and immune to physical harm for a limited duration.

Sub-Talent 8: Mind Control: Can bend the minds of enemies to their will, forcing them to obey commands without question.

Sub-Talent 9: Arcane Sight: Can see magical energies and auras, allowing to detect hidden spells and enchantments.

Sub-Talent 10: Arcane Ascension: Can ascend to a higher plane of existence, becoming a being of pure magic and transcending the limitations of the physical world.}
