
The Aftermath

The morning appears with a pale light, filtered through the half-open curtains. Christian, after a reflective night, contemplates the nuances of dawn. The message sent to Marilena remains unanswered, but he understands that time is a delicate ally in such complex situations.

Meanwhile, in Marilena's apartment, the shy sun tries to break through the heavy clouds, but is unable to dispel the melancholy that hangs in the air. Marilena, asleep in her bed, seems enveloped in restless dreams.

The insistent ringing of the doorbell breaks into the silence. Marilena's friend, Carla, arrives for the visit that had been planned for days. She is unaware of the previous night's events, and her arrival opens a new chapter in Marilena's story.

Carla knocks on the door, eager to share a friendly morning and interrupting the stillness of the morning. Marilene, still wrapped in her blanket, hesitates before getting up.

Carla knocks again, a little louder this time. Finally, Marilena's shuffling footsteps approaching the door. However, when she opens the door, she is faced with an unexpected scene. Marilena, normally vibrant and welcoming, is pale and lying under the covers. The fever seems to envelop her, drastically contrasting with the image that Carla knows so well.

Marilena's face reveals traces of the emotional storm that consumed her. Her eyes are tired, and the paleness of her skin doesn't go unnoticed by Carla. Worried, she asks.

Surprised and worried, Carla quickly approaches. "Marilena, what happened? Are you okay?"

Marilena, still sleepy and weak, tries to smile. "Carla, hi. I... had a rough night."

Carla notices the empty wine bottle on the table, a silent witness to the emotional storm her friend has faced.

While Carla puts her things on the couch, Marilena relives the events of the previous night in fragmented flashes. The words spoken, the mistaken connection to what she believed to be Rafael. A wave of shame and regret washes over her.

Christian, elsewhere, waits with a hint of anxiety, aware that the message he sent is just an echo in the vastness of the digital universe. He wonders if the tumultuous night had any lasting impact on Isabela's life.

"Marilena, how are you? What happened? You look terrible, talk to me."

Marilena tries to smile, but the effort is evident. " I'm dealing with things, you know. No need to worry."

Carla, however, notices something different. "You look feverish, Mari. Are you really okay?"

Marilena tries to minimize it, but she can't hide the tremors caused by the fever. "Oh, it's just a cold. No big deal. Last night was… rough."

Carla momentarily ignores her, heading towards the room with an air of determination. "First things first. You need to stay warm and rest. I'll make you some tea."

While Carla takes care of her friend, Marilene recounts the events of the previous night. From the painful breakup with Rafael to the peculiar encounter with the stranger who gave her the coat. Carla listens attentively, her expressions varying between surprise, disbelief and sympathy.

"You were walking in the rain last night? You're crazy, friend!" Carla exclaims, letting out a soft laugh.

Marilena smiles, tacitly agreeing with the observation. "I was kind of lost, you know? I needed some time for myself."

Carla leads her back to bed, insisting that she rest. "I'll make you some comforting herbal tea. You need to recover."

As the tea infuses the house with its aroma, the story shifts to Christian. He finds himself reflecting on the unusual encounter in the rain. The busy office, full of calls and meetings, can't take his mind off Marilene's face.

Sitting at his large mahogany desk, Christian fiddles with documents, but his thoughts are far away. He remembers the moment he saw Marilene, disoriented and soaked, almost crossing the street without realizing it.

"It feels like I've seen a ghost," Christian thinks to himself. "She was completely lost."

The memory of Marilene's surprised and vulnerable expression haunts him. He wonders about the story behind that night, about why she walked in the cold rain.

"Why was she there at that time of night?" Christian questions, unable to shake off the enigma that has presented itself before him.

Throughout the day, the intrigue about Marilena persists. Christian replays every detail of the brief encounter in his mind. The kindness of offering the coat, Isabel's hesitation in accepting, the grateful expression on his face when he finally did.

"Marilene..." Christian says in a low voice as if testing the name on his lips. The name resonates in his mind in a disconcerting way, as he cannot help but associate it with someone who, until now, is a mere stranger.

Marilena, still a little dazed from sleep and fever, tries to smile. "Carla, I wasn't expecting a visitor. I'm sorry that I'm in this mess…"

While Carla pours the tea into the mug, Marilena tries to explain, between feverish sighs, what happened. "I drank more than I should and called Rafael. Or at least, I thought it was Rafael. This morning, I saw that the same number I called, texted me. He didn't sign it or leave his name. "

Carla watches her with compassion. "Oh, Marilena. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Were you able to talk to him?"

Marilena shakes her head. "No. When I realised that no one was answering, I hung up. But someone heard everything, Carla. Someone I have no idea who it is."

Carla, worried, sits next to Marilena. "Well, you need to rest now. Let's get this mess over with. What matters is that I'm here for you."

As Marilena rests under Carla's watchful gaze, Christian's words still echo in her mind. The message sent is a virtual presence, an extension of the tumultuous night they both shared. However, Christian's identity remains a mystery, a loose piece in Marilena's emotional puzzle.

Carla insists on checking her temperature. She finds a thermometer in Marilena's bathroom and gives it to her. As they wait, the tension in the air increases.

When the thermometer indicates a high temperature, Carla looks at Marilena with concern. "Marilena, you need to rest. I'm going to call a doctor to take a look at you."

Marilena is initially reluctant, but Carla's persistence and care end up prevailing. While they wait for the doctor to arrive, Marilena shares details of her troubled night and the call she inadvertently made to Rafael's boss.

Carla listens attentively, understanding the magnitude of the emotions Marilena is facing. She offers a shoulder to lean on, reinforcing that she is not alone in this difficult time.

The doctor arrives, examines Marilena and prescribes some medication to alleviate her symptoms. Meanwhile, Carla takes on the support role, preparing a comforting soup and making sure Marilena is comfortable.

While Marilena rests, wrapped in blankets, Carla stays by her side, sharing light stories to distract her from her worries. The fever may be physical, but Marilena's care and friendship begin to provide some emotional relief.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee surrounded Christian and Henrique as they sat at an inconspicuous table in the cosy café. The soft murmur of conversation around them provided a peaceful backdrop to the intense story Christian was about to share.

Henrique, leaning over the table, watched his friend with concern. "What happened, Christian? You seem to have weight on your shoulders."

Christian took a deep breath before beginning to recount the events of the previous night. He describes the unexpected meeting with Marilena, the confusing call and the words full of pain that echoed in her voice.

"So, she called you thinking it was Rafael? That's... complicated" Henrique comments, adjusting his glasses as he processes the story's twists and turns.

"Yes, exactly," Christian responds. "She was emotionally shaken, Henrique. It seems like there was a painful breakup, and everything fell apart for her."

Henrique nod, understanding the gravity of the situation. "And now? What are you going to do?"

Christian ponders for a moment, looking at the coffee cup in his hands, reflecting on the words he shares with Marilena and the possible implications. "I don't know, Henrique. The situation is delicate. I think, for now, it's best to keep my identity a secret. I just wanted to help at that moment, but now she needs to deal with things her way."

Henrique nod again, acknowledging the complexity of the situation. "Sometimes there are no easy answers. The important thing is to give her space and allow time to work things out."

Meanwhile, in Marilena's apartment, the fever persists, but Carla remains by her side. She offers care and comfort, understanding that her friend is facing not only an emotional storm but also a physical battle with illness.

As Marilena falls asleep again, Carla takes out her cell phone and decides to call Marilena's mother. While Marilena sleeps, she has a worried and detailed conversation with her mother, sharing the delicate situation in which her daughter finds herself.

Carla: Hello, Miss Marta. This is Carla, Isabela's friend. I need to talk to you about something urgent.

Ms Marta: Carla? What happened? I can hear your shaky voice. Did something happen to my daughter?

Carla: Yes, Ms. Marta. Last night, Marilena had a difficult confrontation with her ex-boyfriend. She is emotionally shaken and this morning she woke up with a fever.

Ms Marta: My God! Is Marilena okay? What happened last night?

Carla: They ended their relationship and the situation was very difficult for her. Today, she woke up with a fever and she's quite emotionally shaken. I'm worried about her emotional state.

Ms Marta: Poor Marilena! Where are you now? I need to go there.

Carla: We are in her apartment. She is resting now. I think your presence will do her good.

Ms Marta: I'll take the next flight available. Keep me posted on anything. And thank you, Carla, for being by my daughter's side during this difficult time.

Carla: Of course, Ms. Marta. We are here to support Marilena. She is strong, but she needs care now.

While Carla ends the call, Marilena remains asleep, unaware of the worried conversation taking place around her. The apartment, previously filled only with the sound of Marilena's breathing, now houses an atmosphere of concern and care, as Carla awaits the arrival of her friend's mother to offer much-needed support at this tumultuous time.

Back at the cafe, the conversation between Christian and Henrique continues, exploring the possible ramifications of events. Freddy offered thoughtful advice, knowing that sometimes the best thing we can do is allow time to play its part.

"You did what you thought was right at the time, Christian. No one could have predicted this would happen," Henrique says, seeking to ease his friend's emotional burden.

The café, now filled with serious conversation between friends, became a haven for reflection. As the aroma of coffee permeated the air, Christian and Freddy faced the complex reality unfolding in their lives.

"As the city takes its course out there, our role is to be friends and support each other," Henrique says, raising his cup in a silent toast to the friendship that sustained them through adversity.

They pay their bills, the two friends get up to leave, uncertainty about what the future holds for Marilena and Christian hangs in the air. The aroma of coffee, now just a memory, wafts through the air as the city prepares for the afternoon, and the story of Christian and Marilena is woven into a tapestry of possibilities.

Christian drives back to work, but his mind is filled with thoughts about the night before. The gaze is lost in the city lights, but its focus repeatedly turns to the building where Marilena lives. A sense of unease hangs in the air, an unintended connection that now makes him question the role he played in her life.

The car moves through the illuminated streets, but the reflection of the urban lights is eclipsed by the shadow of recent events. Christian wonders what tomorrow holds for Marilena, about how she is coping with the emotional storm that has befallen her.

When he stops at a red light, he looks once again in the direction of the building. The image of Marilena, fragile and emotionally shaken, resonates in her mind. He wonders if there is anything more he can do if there is any way to lessen the impact of the turbulent night she faced.

The light changes to green, but Christian remains momentarily still, deep in thought. The morality of his action, or inaction, haunts him. He ponders the delicacy of the threads that connect people's lives, threads that can intersect in unexpected ways.

However, Carla, worried about Marilene's condition, decides to stay a little longer. They settle down on the sofa, wrapped in cosy blankets, and Marilene is grateful for her friend's constant presence.

"Carla, I don't know what I would do without you here. Your friendship is a ray of sunshine on this cloudy day," Marilena says, looking at her friend with gratitude.

Carla smiles, placing a cup of hot tea in Isabel's hands. "Friend, we're in this together. And you can be sure that, no matter what happens, I'll be by your side."

Marilene sighs, taking a sip of the comforting tea. "Sometimes life surprises us in strange ways. Last night, a stranger gave me a coat in the rain, and I don't even know who he is."

Carla arches an eyebrow, interested. "A stranger in the rain? It looks like a scene from a movie. Who is this guy? Some lost Prince Charming out there?"

Marilene laughs, but a shadow of sadness passes through her eyes. "I don't know. He was kind, but he didn't tell me his name. And the coat... well, I'd give it back if I knew how."

Carla watches her for a moment before suggesting, "Maybe he'll show up again. Sometimes fate puts special people in our lives at times when we need them most."

Marilene reflects on her friend's words. "Do you believe in destiny, Carla?"

Carla thinks for a moment before responding. "I believe that some things happen for a reason, but I also believe that we shape our destiny with the choices we make."

Arriving at the office, the afternoon is silent, and Christian finds himself immersed in reflection. He looks out the window, at the sky above, taking in the vastness of the unknown. Fate, capricious and unpredictable, has woven a complex web that connects lives in ways we cannot always understand.

The phone on his desk emits a soft notification, reminding him of the digital world that is also part of this plot. Christian wonders if, amid all this, there is room for repairs, for understanding, or if the course of events is destined to move forward, defying expectations and charting new paths.

As the afternoon unfolds, they share stories, laughs and even a few tears. Carla becomes Isabel's emotional foundation, offering wise advice and the comfort of true friendship.

"Marilena, whatever the future holds, I'm here to support you. No matter how difficult it is, we will overcome it together," Carla says, placing her hand on Marilene's shoulder.

Marilene smiles, feeling blessed by the friendship she has. "Thank you, Carl. I couldn't ask for a better friend."

The day goes on, but the connection between Marilena and Carla grows stronger. As Marilene recovers from her cold and tumultuous emotions, she realises that the storm may have brought not only challenges but also the opportunity to cultivate meaningful bonds in her life.

As the afternoon turns to evening, Christian leaves the office, but his mind continues to revolve around the image of Isabel. He finds himself driving through the city streets, passing the meeting place in the rain. The persistent rain seems to symbolize the emotional turmoil that enveloped Isabel.

Uncertainty hangs in the air, but Christian, in his way, feels a strange connection to that rainy night. He wonders if some destiny marked the meeting, if there is more to discover about Isabel and if the coat he gave her could represent a link between two worlds that, until then, remained separate.

As he drives home, Christian decides to keep the episode as a single chapter in his life, but the image of Isabel and his curiosity about her story continues to echo in his mind. The night is calm, but yesterday's rain still resonates in the empty streets, as if the universe is trying to tell a story that has not yet been fully revealed.

Next chapter