
28 Making it back home

Ryan checked his mana core and estimated that he can use his element on himself for about 10 seconds. That is if he use it to make himself 5 times lighter.

He look at the monkey that is still gargling his blood and walked over. Looking down at it and seeing the anger and lively ness in its eyes Ryan hesitated. He had wanted to grab his sword back but it clearly don't look like it's about to die.

The monkey eyes have way to much life in them. Being to scared to pull the blade out Ryan decided to just leave it there. He have a feeling if he pull that blade out it will start attacking him again and there is no way he will survive another attack.

Ryan turned in the direction towards his home, and picture the path he will take to make it there. Realizing it will be a very close call.

He looked downwards at the beast on the forest floor.

Seeing that it still haven't found out that what he looking for is above, Ryan started wrapping his injuries the best he can. If he runs out of mana he won't be able to keep his aura active to stop the bleeding.

Wrapping his injuries won't be perfect but it will at least slow down the bleeding.

"I never had such terrible injuries before, and been in this much pain." Ryan mumble to himself, as he wrapping his injuries with a pain face on.

Glancing at his left arm that is dangling and bent in the wrong direction. Looking at the gashes in his body and the area where there chunks of skin hanging off. Hearing the sound of his blood dropping to the ground, expanding the already large puddle. Seeing only red, impossible to tell what color his skin anymore.

Ryan sighed to himself."If I die before I make it back to my family, no one will ever know how hard I tried to get back. Is, what im doing really worth it?"

Not giving himself more time to think about the answer, Ryan look at the branches he will have to land on.

Thinking it will be better to just do it all in one go, he started limping to the edge. The limping got faster and faster, now it's more of a jog. Just as he about to get to the edge, Ryan bent his knees and jumped.

He traveled over 20 feet upwards in the air and over 20 feet across to make it to the next branch. He stop using mana to power his element and slightly stumble with the landing. But he didn't stop and he didn't slow down.

The jump only cost 2 seconds of mana and now he feeling more confident in making it. Ryan jog to the next jumping point and just as he about to land he stop using mana to power his element. But instead of stumbling his vision started going black.

He can see the darkness in is eyes slowly closing in. Ryan knew if he pass out, only death await. Ryan just stood there not moving anymore trying to mentally fight back the darkness.

It took a couple minutes for his vision to go back to normal but now he feels extremely dizzy. He did his best to locate the last jumping point and slowly walked over. He was incapable of running anymore or he will be risking running off the tree.

As he prepare himself for that last jump, he didn't waste much time and went for it.

It wasn't a difficult jump, it was just a high jump mostly. He cleared it pretty easy, the hard jumps was the other two. If he didn't run a little, he probably would of failed the first 2 jumps.

Ryan eventually made it home and he still have a little mana left. He used the remainder of the time to do his best at cleaning his wounds. The first injuries wrapping was done in a rush, but this time he took his time. He made sure all the skin was in the right places and was adding medicinal ointment to stop the bleeding.

He even made sure to been his arm back to normal. He didn't do it because he knew that you have to for it to heal normally. He just did it because he didn't like it not looking normal.

Just as he got done he ran out of mana but he won't be bleeding out. He start cultivating and circulating the mana throughout the body helping it heal slightly faster.

Mana is only bad for the body, because it contains to much energy. Mana is very helpful to the human body but only in very small amounts. You can let mana circulate throughout your body without actually absorbing it, and it will be beneficial.

Ryan spent hours cultivating until he unknowingly fell asleep.

" That's My Nindo, My Ninja Way!"

The darkeness disappeared and the only thing Ryan see the tv again.

" Jason must love watching TV. Every time I have a dream, he always find time to watch something at some part of the dream. I guess we watching TV for hours again." Ryan sighed thinking about it.

Just what Ryan expected, he sat there for a couple hours until a deep voice interupted the show.

"Jason, your friends are here they been knocking on the door. they want you to go out side."

"I'm watching TV, tell them I'm not going out side."

" You been watching TV all day, it will be good for you to go out side for a bit."

"But dad, I don't want to play outside."Jason said in a helpless tone.

"Okay that's fine, but I'm watching TV. Where's the remote."

"REALLY." Jason yell like he was on the verge of crying.

"Yes, really" Jason dad said chuckling.

"Ooookay, I will go outside. But I get to watch TV when I come back." Jason said with an annoyed tone, as he walk to find his shoes."

Ryan the spectator was not surprised by this conversation. Jason always arguing with his parents about things like this. If it not the tv than its video games.

Staying up late, not coming to eat dinner right away, not doing his homework first, not cleaning his mess. These are all the reason he got called away from the TV or game and he always argued back. Ryan can't help thinking about how he will turn out when he get older.

Jason eventually went outside to play as Ryan watch through Jason eyes.

"I really do wonder what's going on and why am I having these dreams. Will I get to see him live his whole life. Will there come a time where it will show me how Jason memories ended up with me. I guess if Jason himself had a hand in it I probably won't find anything out until he get older."

Looking at the peacefull environment Jason playing at Ryan can't help but to wonder is this how it would be like without dungeons.

"Will this place receive dungeons too. I did hear they had appeared randomly one day and no one knows why. I guess there only a matter of time before I find out answers to my questions."

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