
God's Purpose

Lord, please take away the hurt, revenge and grudge from my heart so I'll be able to accept and love my brothers as they are. I know you made use of my being sold to Egypt to help it and the world from this famine!, Zaphnath praying while on his knees seriously in front of his palace window.

Zaphnath, your brothers are here!, Asenath, Joseph's wife came in from the living room with their two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. She held Joseph's shoulder and when he looked at her with teary eyes, she smiled and nodded as if reassuring him that everything will be alright.

Zaphnath ordered to host for another feast for his guests and this time, he will dine and drink with them, pouring his best wines to using his golden cups specially the one he holds dear and handed it to Benjamin for him to drink on.

Drink my friends for I will send you your brother Reuben away since you were true to me and brought your youngest sibling Benjamin. I am happy to have received sincere and authentic clients to eat and feast with me. Drink and be merry, for you all have found favor from Egypt's highest Vizier!, I added while on my mind, I need to make sure my brothers have really changed. God, help me to do this and may I be right, that my brothers already had changed!, Zaphnath/Joseph thought fearing as time passes and the moment of truth has come

 to reveal his brothers hearts.

The Hebrew brothers left the palace with all smiles and Reuben just touched Benjamin's hair when palace guards again returned scouting and screaming for something which the 11 brothers are confused about.

What is this time sir?, Levi asked while halting his brothers and their donkeys. We have paid you with her lump sum and we have drained our resources this time. We are thankful for his lordship to have accepted and fed us with the most sumptuous meal in our lives! Reuben added smiling.

Yes, our Lord had been gracious and you repaid him with insolence and disrespect. He lost his favorite gold cup and one of you stole them!, the guard shouted and ordered the other four guards to search the brothers' sacks of grains hunchbacked on their donkeys. We have found the cup sir, it's on this young boy's sack!, the soldier from the right said holding the missing cup and not letting go of Benjamin's cloak while the young boy started to sob in fear for his life and his brothers.

No, no! I didn't take it. I could never take a cup from his Lord, after he had been so kind to us! Brothers, I didn't take it, how did it get there? I didn't take it, I swear!, Benjamin all swears and tears coming down his eyes as he was escorted back to Lord Zaphnath's palace.

We apologize for the inconvenience my Lord but there must have been a mistake Our brother won't take a cup from his good Lord since we have set ourselves out and sack of grains for our families and community. We won't jeopardize our right nor our honor for a gold cup. Sir, hear our plea!, Reuben said calmly while the brothers are kneeling and bent over to respect the Vizier.

You traitors and thieves! Seize this boy Benjamin and I will keep him until you and your brothers have paid the amount of my gold cup! It has been with me since ancient pharaoh's ruled the land of Egypt. It is a gift from my master and he is kind to me just like I was with you. How can you repay kindness with disrespect and theft?, Zaphnath added and looking at his brothers, tears started to roll from his two eyes.

Sir, please take me, Dan said

No, Lord, please take me!, Issachar said.

No mighty Vizier, take me instead, since I was the one who sent our brother Joseph away before, let me suffer the prison for my past sins! Reuben said now crying his heart out still on his knees.

Sir, our father would surely die when he finds out that we lost Benjamin as well. We all have suffered the lost of Joseph, who we sold to merchants of Egypt. Father would surely die if he finds out that Benjamin is held captive for a sin that he didn't commit!, Levi added apologetically.

You insolent slave, are you saying that our Viezer is lying?, one guard said and about to hit Levi when Zaphnath intervened.

Stop!!! Leave us!, Zaphnath shouted and the guards including the maids, courtier, and servers went out of the reception area.

I am Joseph. I am your long lost brother. Levi, Reuben, Benjamin, everybody! It is me, Joseph, I have missed and longed to be with you my brothers!, Joseph said and is now sobbing while he opened his arms wide to receive his siblings.

Joseph???, Reuben asked and tried to calculate his eyes, checked on Joseph's hair, clothes and built. It is you, oh, my good Lord, it is you!

How? Why?, Dan said while all the brothers flocked around Joseph and excited to now what happened to their beloved Joseph. Joseph smiled while tears flowed into his eyes and sat down the on the ground of the reception area. His brothers surrounded him also seated with the Vizier of Egypt.

Joseph, Asenath and their children are so excited to see their Hebrew side of the family, thus, who Joseph has invited to live with him and his subordinates in Egypt.

Father, welcome to Egypt!, Joseph said when Jacob along with his siblings, Joseph's brothers with their respective families and people came marching with them to the land of Egypt. The land that God has promised for the mean time for Israel to lay and rest for a couple of years since the famine struck. Oh, Joseph, I thought you died. I thank the Lord for he has saved and blessed you. Thank you for receiving us for such short notice!, Jacob added hugging is son.

Don't worry father, you're home now with me. And all of you, to our new city Egypt!, Zaphnath/Joseph shouted to his people, as the Hebrews rejoiced for the Lord, God of Abraham has saved and blessed them through Joseph, the Hebrew Viezer of Egypt.

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