
Round 1

Immediately, chaos erupted among the people below.

During this time, Zane began explaining the specific rules of the game to the audience.

The Chitauri camp wasn't too worried. Most of them were mere grunts.

They didn't need to choose anyone; they only had to see who the Earth side picked and then decide how many of their own to send.

However, on the Earth side, the heroes were mostly acting independently.

With only ten seconds given by Zane, they struggled to choose anyone.

Moreover, many of them felt a deep-seated resistance to stepping onto the stage Zane had set up.

They knew that stepping onto that stage meant shouldering the fate of Earth.

Death wasn't frightening, but the thought that their death might doom the entire planet was terrifying.

Everyone instinctively resisted participating in Zane's game.

Seeing this, Tony sighed deeply.

He stepped forward, overriding the objections of the others.

"The Earth camp chooses the Hulk!" Tony shouted, ignoring the uproar behind him.

If they waited for a consensus, it would be too late.

Seeing the Earth camp choose the monster that had once beaten him, Loki smiled wickedly.

He casually grabbed a grunt from the crowd of Chitauri.

"We'll send him," Loki said, pointing to the bewildered grunt in his grasp.

Seeing that both sides had made their choices, Zane shouted into the microphone with enthusiasm:

"Now both sides have chosen their first-round fighters."

"The Earth side sends the Hulk."

"Don't be fooled by this big green guy's minimal attire; once he gets going, he's unstoppable."

"And the aliens send..." Zane hesitated, looking at the trembling grunt.

"Uh, they send a random grunt." Zane shot an annoyed glance at Loki.

Loki, noticing Zane's look, gave a sheepish smile.

Zane understood Loki's strategy—using a version of Tian Ji's horse racing tactic.

Having seen the Hulk's brute strength, Loki knew that sending all the Chitauri would still end in a crushing defeat.

The Hulk's ability to grow stronger with anger was too overpowered.

So Loki only sent a grunt, knowing this round was already lost.

While Zane was displeased, Loki's move was within the game's rules, so he said nothing.

The Earth side wasn't ignorant either. They knew the tactic but had no choice.

They desperately needed time.

To recover strength, change gear, heal wounds, and discuss the next round's strategy…

All these required time. Impatient Zane wasn't giving them enough.

So, Earth effectively won the first round. But they also lost their strongest fighter.

Under Zane's rules, the same fighter couldn't compete twice!

The next two rounds would be the real challenges!

Before the Hulk entered the ring, Tony had Thor come over and relay some instructions to him.

Why didn't Tony go himself?

Come on, that's the Hulk, teetering on the edge of sanity and rage.

Tony didn't want to die at the hands of his own teammate before even entering the battle.

Zane watched all this unfold.

He was well aware of Tony's plan: to have the Hulk stall for as much time as possible, giving their team a chance to recuperate.

But Zane, with his immensely powerful spirit and the ability to foresee countless outcomes in a single thought, wouldn't miss such a critical detail.

The barrier made of death energy around the ring wasn't just to prevent anyone from escaping!

As Zane pondered this, he suddenly paused.

He remembered his initial purpose for being there was to eliminate the Chitauri army.

How did he end up playing these games?

Now it seemed like he was deliberately making things difficult for Earth.

Was he subconsciously aiming to destroy Earth?

Zane quickly shook his head, ridding himself of these errant thoughts.

Why worry so much? As long as it was entertaining, it was enough.

As for the system rewards?

Zane felt that the excitement of this grand show was far more important than any A-level skill.

Yes, the game rules Zane set were for both sides.

If Earth's side lost, he would not hesitate to destroy Earth.

He had never been joking from the beginning.

After being baptized by the energy of the Mind Stone, the shackles that once bound Zane's heart had long since vanished.

Now, everything Zane did was entirely at his whim.

He acted on impulse, leaving when his interest waned.

As for the consequences, they were of no concern to him.

Without having to consider the consequences, one can live quite happily.

Returning to one's true nature was Zane's current state of being.

While Zane was mulling over these chaotic thoughts, the Hulk roared and punched Thor, who had just relayed Tony's message, sending him flying.

The Hulk then leaped into the air, soaring through the barrier and landing in the ring.

Seeing Thor embedded in the wall and struggling to get free, Tony felt a chill run down his spine.

He was glad he hadn't gone himself; otherwise, it would have been him in the wall.

With his frail body, he would be dead or seriously injured!

Loki, meanwhile, smirked as he tossed the trembling grunt into the ring.

The Chitauri grunt, landing face-first in the ring, looked up at the roaring Hulk.

His legs went weak, and he collapsed back onto the solid ring before he could even stand.

The grunt looked pitifully at Loki outside the barrier.

But Loki was busy harassing the superheroes who were trying to recover, not sparing a glance at the ring. The grunt was merely a pawn, not worth Loki's concern.

However, Loki's disruptions were only verbal.

With Zane watching from above, he dared not make a move.


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