

Hundreds of ships immediately launched from Kree-Lar, breaking through the atmosphere to face off against the Ark.

"Boss, there's a communication request. Should we accept it?"

"Reject it. It's pointless!"

Without hesitation, Skynet cut off the communication request from Kree-Lar and focused entirely on charging the star-destroying cannon. Unlike other weapons, which were fully automated and required only a command, the main cannon of the Ark required meticulous calculation, especially with the added energy of the Power Stone.

Skynet, still unfamiliar with the Power Stone's energy, had to accurately manage every bit of energy in the cannon. A slight imbalance could cause the massive energies from the two stones to destabilize, potentially blowing up the Ark. However, under Skynet's calculations, the likelihood of such an event was minimal. Even if it did happen, Skynet would detach the cannon as a massive bomb, ensuring the Ark remained unharmed.

Once Skynet fully understood the Power Stone's energy, it would streamline the process with a simple program. Seeing that the Ark had no intention of negotiating, the Kree fleet immediately launched an attack, understanding that the glowing cannon was meant to attack their homeworld.

Detecting these energy reactions, Skynet didn't even bother activating the Ark's energy shields, letting the attacks strike its vibranium hull, one of the hardest metals in the Marvel Universe. Not only was it indestructible, but it also had the property of reflecting energy. The Kree's attacks couldn't even scratch the Ark, and some unlucky ships were destroyed by their own reflected energy beams.

"Cease fire, cease fire!" The Kree commander, realizing the futility of their attacks, ordered a halt and sent another communication request to the Ark. With their attacks proving ineffective and the cannon's energy readings off the charts, the Kree were forced to consider a truce, hoping to trade resources and technology for peace.

They had encountered beings like those on the Ark before, who left after being compensated. They assumed this time would be the same, albeit at a higher cost. No one would destroy a civilization without gain—obliterating Kree-Lar would only waste immense energy and leave rubble behind, an unprofitable endeavor.

But to their shock, their communication request was denied again. As the star-destroying cannon grew brighter, the Kree command center panicked, desperately sending messages to the Ark. Skynet, annoyed, blocked all signals from Kree-Lar, focusing solely on the cannon.

"Firing countdown, 10 seconds."

"10, 9, 8..."

"3, 2, 1"

"Charging complete!"

"Target locked, fire!"

The cannon's glow enveloped half of Kree-Lar in a blue-purple hue. As Kree civilians gazed bewilderedly at the sky, a massive 20-meter-wide beam tore through the hundreds of ships in front of the Ark and struck the planet's surface. The impact caused an unprecedented earthquake, toppling nearby mountains.

Fortunately, the beam hit an uninhabited wilderness, sparing lives, but the beam continued, drilling through the planet's crust, mantle, and aimed directly at its core. Under Skynet's precise calculations, the energy beam detonated upon reaching the core, shattering it and causing Kree-Lar to tremble. The energy beam left a massive, deep crater visible from space, resembling a gaping wound.

Despite the initial destruction being contained to the crater, the star-destroying cannon wasn't just about raw power but also penetration. Its design was to annihilate a planet's core. As Kree citizens fell to despair, some attempted to flee in ships.

"Skynet, monitor Kree-Lar. Not a single mosquito leaves," Zane commanded.

"Understood, boss!"

With Skynet's data streams flashing, the remaining magnetic robots in the Ark swarmed out in small ships, surrounding key locations indicated in the Dark Aster's data.

At this moment, Lorna, standing beside Zane, tugged on his sleeve.

"What's up?" Zane asked, puzzled.

"I want to try," Lorna said, eager to join in.

Zane was taken aback, expecting her to object to his ruthlessness. Instead, she wanted to add to the Kree's destruction.

So brutal, but I like it!

"Alright, go have some fun!"

Zane couldn't contain his excitement and ruffled Lorna's hair playfully.


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