
More Benefits

The second reason is that Odin feels a little reluctant, so he has protected Thor and Loki so well since they were young, both physically and mentally.

However, seeing Zane, this stinky kid, being so mercilessly cruel to his own son now, Odin still feels very heartbroken.

But he harbors no resentment towards Zane, instead, he feels grateful.

Although Odin still doesn't know why Thor and Zane started fighting.

But Odin, who knows his son's personality well, can be sure that it must be Thor, this spendthrift, who provoked Zane actively.

Otherwise, with Zane's somewhat Buddhist-like temperament, coupled with the fact that Odin had just shed blood to create an unparalleled divine weapon for him, how could he possibly provoke trouble on his own initiative.

So Odin is very grateful to Zane now, grateful that he didn't just chop off Thor's head with a sickle at the beginning.

Although at this moment he doesn't seem at all like a father, even appears a bit cold-blooded.

But Odin's long life has taught him to view things from the perspective of separating his own desires from the essence of the matter.

In summary, provoking someone stronger than you, no matter how right your ideology may seem to you, is still wrong.

And for the stronger to oppress the weaker, even if it's wrong, it's the most correct thing to do.

This is the most realistic manifestation of the rules of the universe, there's no right or wrong, only strength and weakness!

Very dark, very cruel, and also very simple!

As the battle in the sky progresses, with Thor's wounds increasing and his movements becoming slower and slower, it gradually draws to a close.

With Zane's final blow directly piercing through the nearly disintegrating Mjolnir, then leaving another shallow wound on Thor's chest.

Thor, who is now powerless to continue the fight, falls on the Bifrost like a dead toad, leaving a large, glaring bloodstain on the originally tidy Bifrost.

At this moment, Zane looks in the direction where Odin is, giving him a look that says, 'Old man, it's your turn to step in.'

Odin naturally understood, nodded towards Zane.

Zane's anger has almost subsided when he could no longer find the arrogance after torturing Thor just now.

After all, no matter how much he tortures, he can't kill this brat.

After all, the old man treats himself as an honored guest from beginning to end.

Zane still has to give Odin face.

Otherwise, why would he have been messing around with Thor for so long?

After communicating with Odin through eye contact, Zane lands on the Bifrost, placing the Reaper's Scythe on Thor's neck.

"Little Thor, do you understand now?"

The icy indifference in Zane's eyes towards life fills Thor with an unprecedented fear.

It's the fear of death, the extreme reluctance to part with one's own life.

As Thor resignedly awaits his fate, the veteran Odin finally makes his appearance.

Odin directly wedges the Gungnir between the Reaper's Scythe and Thor's neck, then calmly says:

"Lord Zane, can you give this old man some face? I apologize to you on Thor's behalf, can we just let it go like this?"

As he speaks, Odin continues to send signals to Zane from angles Thor can't see.

But now it seems like Zane can't see Odin's signals at all, speaking for himself:

"I give face to someone who gives me face! This matter isn't over!"

Odin: "???"

Odin is completely baffled, damn, why is this stinky kid not following the script again?

Wasn't the script supposed to be me giving you a way out, then you say a couple of tough words, and the matter is resolved, just like that, now what are you up to?

At this moment, Odin suddenly sees the wicked smile at the corner of Zane's mouth.

The cunning Odin immediately twitches at the corner of his mouth, understanding that Zane is trying to extract some benefits again.

He's truly a vampire, not letting go of any opportunity for extortion!

But now Zane's intentions are nakedly revealed, Odin really dares not refuse, this is the most frustrating part for Odin.

It seems that ever since he met this stinky kid, he's been extorted by him all along, and in the end, he has to thank him.

What a pit!

After pondering for a while, Odin grits his teeth and says to Zane:

"Lord Zane, your wife, Lady Lorna Dane, my queen said she has extraordinary magical talent, would you mind letting her accompany Frigga for a few days of study?"

"Not at all, not at all, Your Majesty, you are too kind."

After getting what he wanted, Zane retrieves the Reaper's Scythe and continues nurturing it in the Sea of Faith.

Then he greets Odin and turns around to leave.

As if he was just chatting casually, not beating the Crown Prince of Asgard to a near-death state just now.

Before this, Zane had heard Lorna say that the Queen of the Gods, Frigga, praised her for her excellent magical talent, which Zane always kept in mind, so he just extorted Odin a little bit more.

And Odin, who had been whispered by Frigga, naturally understood Zane's intentions, so he simply gave a favor in return.

Although Lorna's current strength is considered a bit above average on Earth, it's still not much in the universe.

Although she's always protected by Zane, having her own strength improvement is still necessary for her safety.

After Zane left, Thor, who had recovered from his injuries, opened his eyes weakly and said apologetically to Odin:

"Father, I'm sorry, I..."

At this moment, Thor truly understood the words Zane had said to him before and realized just how reckless he had been.

Seeing Odin's face full of wrinkles and his hair already gray, Thor suddenly realized that his father seemed to have really aged...

"It's alright, child, go and heal your wounds."

Seeing Thor's expression full of apologies, Odin also smiled with relief, secretly praising Zane's actions.

As for Thor's Mjolnir, which was damaged by the Reaper's Scythe, Odin generously expressed his intention to send it directly to the dwarves for reconstruction.

After all, he has an abundance of Uru metal, so this is not a problem.

The greatest reward for him is to see his son further grow.

If Thor knew what his old man was thinking at this moment, he didn't know if he would just shake his head or have his soul ascend to the Heaven.

It's all a trick, but this trick on his son is unique!

After that, Zane and his group stayed peacefully in Asgard for half a month.

It wasn't until the Skynet fully received all the basic technology of Asgard, and Lorna had completed her basic studies and returned with a stack of magic books, that the group bid farewell amidst the farewell of the people of Asgard and boarded the Ark.

By the way, Thor, who had recovered from his injuries, was among the people bidding farewell to Zane, but his actions and expression were somewhat awkward.

Before leaving, Zane also gave Odin a quantum communicator.

Promising that if Asgard ever encountered a life-threatening crisis, he would definitely come back to help by pressing this communicator.

Of course, privately, Zane also gave Odin a personal communicator.

Telling him to inform himself when he's about to perish, then they could have a hearty battle without regard for life or death!

Naturally, Odin accepted with a smile.

Although it seemed awkward, as if Zane was hoping for his early demise, Odin also understood that this was Zane's greatest respect for him.

He couldn't bear to watch himself quietly pass away like this, this was Zane's way of holding a grand funeral for him.

The Odin who had long seen through life and death had no reason to refuse, he even felt a bit impatient in his heart.

Finally, in the eyes of the reluctant maidens and wives of Asgard, the Ark carrying Zane and his group left Asgard.


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