
Chapter 32: Ten seconds!

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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By the time he had arrived at Orrizo Alley's Portkey Office, he had decided not to take the approach of a direct assault. If he was smart about this, no one would even know what he had done.

After entering the large building he went over to what appeared to be the waiting area, sitting down on a seat and listening to those around him.

"Come on," said a woman who appeared to be the mother of the two children she was with, "our Portkey leaves exactly at 6:00, and if we miss it we'll have to pay for another one!" She looked at who Harry guessed was her husband. "Make sure that we've got everything!"

Harry looked to his watch. 5:58. 'We'll be going with them,' he said to Loki.

'Okay, and don't look at your watch again. It might raise suspicion. I'll count the time for us.'

'Someone looking at their watch isn't suspicious. You're just paranoid and want the chance to show off your counting skills.'

'You cannot fault me for that,' Loki drawled. 'As with every part of me, they are quite phenomenal. Now concentrate, they're moving.'

True to his word, the family of four moved over to a quite deserted spot over by the toilets, dragging their trunks after them.

A short while later, Harry hoisted the expanded backpack with his belongings in onto his back, fastened the black cloak he was using to conceal his face, and followed them over.

'Ten seconds,' said Loki.

Harry was getting closer.

'Five seconds.'

He was nearing them even further.

'Three seconds.'

And then he tripped over, his arms lashing out as he fell and grabbing the man's leg to support himself – and then the world beneath him suddenly vanished as he was hooked in the navel by a force and dragged forward by the man's leg, unable to unleash his grip.

Suddenly, he felt his perception of time slow as Loki poured all of his energy into doing it, altering Harry's brain at the same time as he repaired it to ensure no damage was caused.

The few moments Harry would have otherwise had to carry out his plan were extended to a few seconds - and that was all he needed.

Ignoring the swirling colours around him, he pushed a blast of Asgardian magic forward and out of his hand.

A flash of orange overwhelmed his vision, and then with a final yank upon his stomach, he was a few hundred feet above the ground and rapidly falling towards the green fields sprawled out below.

Whilst this had been a possibility, it wasn't exactly likely, and he hadn't really planned for such an occurrence.

After all, there wasn't much information about people separating themselves from Portkeys, either because in order to do it you'd need to do extremely fast wordless and wandless magic, or because no one was stupid enough to do it.

Asgardian magic was much faster to cast, and for a slight moment Harry contemplated what it had done to the people he had hitched a ride from.

Perhaps he had blown the man's leg off, or perhaps he had sent him careering off into the Rivers of Time.

The latter was highly unlikely, but it would be a cool last resort if he ever needed to kill someone in the future.

A few moments later, with Harry a few metres closer to the ground, he subconsciously registered that his thinking of things like that at a time like this could have been a symptom of magical exhaustion.

Luckily for him, he consciously registered that it might be a good idea to halt his free-fall.

Calling up what little was left of his magical reserves, he pulled his wand from his sleeve and idly cast a cushioning charm over himself, his wand flying from his hand and up into the air directly afterwards.

A second or two later he slammed against the ground, bounced once, twice, and then rolled to a stop. Even through his charm, that had hurt a hell of a lot, and a human would be left crippled or dead.

'Loki?' he questioned. From the lack of response he guessed that the time slowing had exhausted the god as much as having to pour out almost all of his magic power to dispel the Portkey's energies had exhausted him.

'I think I'm going to sleep now,' he said, and sleep he did.

When Harry awoke, it appeared to be just before the time of sunrise. If he had possessed any hell of an idea where he was, that might have given him a bearing on how long he had slept.

'Any idea where we are, Loki?'

'Well, from the grass beneath us, I can determine that we're on Earth, and from the position of the stars, I can tell that I never bothered to learn how celestially navigate Midgard.'

Harry rolled his eyes and set out to find his wand. Using Loki's magic sensitive senses and the bond he and the wand shared, it wasn't very difficult and it was quite easily found buried up to the handle in the dirt.

After pulling it out and ensuring he had all his belongings, Harry set off in a random direction.

It was not too long before he came across a road. When he noticed the signs were in English, the cars were driving on the left, and there weren't any kangaroos or koalas roaming around, it didn't take him long to guess where he was. To England he had returned, and how he had not missed it.

Taking off his disguise necklace, he chucked it up into the air and slashed through it.

SHIELD had found him in both Russia and Italy, so he didn't doubt that they could find him here, especially since they had a record of that face.

He would have to create a new one, of course, seeing as Harry Potter would be more recognisable here than in any other part of the world.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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