
Chapter 655: You're Ugly, We're the Same

Unfortunately for Natsumi, her human self neither heard her nor even knew that two spirits were watching her from atop a building...

Just as Future Natsumi didn't want her to open the door, Human Natsumi felt the same.

Her home was hell, school was hell; there wasn't a safe place for her. Still, she knew that if she wanted to live, she had to go inside. Her mother might not feed her anymore, but there were still crumbs left.

As long as she could eat, even if it meant entering hell, she would.

So, she took a deep breath, gathered her courage, and opened the door.

"You little bitch, I've been waiting for you!"

Unfortunately, things were about to get worse.

Her mother, who shouldn't have been home, was there, and from the terrifying expression on her face and the way she looked at her, Natsumi couldn't help but tremble and step back. She had never seen her mother so angry before.

But this was inevitable. It was the end of the month, and as usual, Natsumi's father's child support was supposed to have been deposited into her mother's bank account, but it hadn't. This made her mother irritable. She wanted to call that man who had abandoned them and demand answers, but given his position and influence, she clenched her teeth and only sent him a message.

Two days had passed, and still, there was no money from Natsumi's father. He hadn't even responded to her messages.

The month's money was almost gone, and Natsumi's mother couldn't wait any longer. So, she decided to make a call.

That's when she discovered something terrible...

The man had died. And what was worse, because he had died young, he hadn't changed his will, meaning all of his assets and money went to his wife and family, leaving Natsumi's mother with nothing...

With no source of income, Natsumi's mother fell into crisis. Money was everything to her. She couldn't work and didn't know what to do—until Natsumi appeared. The daughter she hated. And then a thought crept into her mind, like a whisper from a demon...

(This ugly girl! It's all her fault for being born ugly! If she hadn't been, that man wouldn't have abandoned us!)

The ugliness of humanity, blaming others for one's mistakes, making excuses to avoid the pain of loss and, at the same time, seeking gain.

"That bastard is dead, and we need money. You need to do something!"

And, as expected, since Natsumi was the 'culprit,' it was only fair that she now bring in the money...

"Do something? But..."

Natsumi didn't understand. After all, she wasn't even being fed, so how was she supposed to bring in money?

Work? No, she had tried that before and wasn't hired.

"I don't care what you do! You have to bring money!"

"But... I..."

Working part-time wasn't even feasible anymore, especially since they had no money. Even if Natsumi found a job, it would be impossible to support the household, especially her mother, whose debts were piling up. It was as if her mother saw a solution to her problems.

"Shut up! We're bankrupt, don't you get it? And even if you're ugly, someone out there will pay for you."

Her mother looked Natsumi up and down. Even though she was ugly and poorly developed, in this city, there were always perverts who wanted schoolgirls.

Better if they paid a high price...

"It's settled. Tomorrow you'll start working. I'll find you a client."


Natsumi wasn't stupid. She knew exactly what her mother was implying—or rather, stating outright.


Natsumi was furious and humiliated. The same mother who had always belittled her for being ugly was now demanding this for her own convenience.

This was the worst. Her mother was so selfish, putting her own benefit above Natsumi's safety...

Wasn't she supposed to be her mother?!

Even if she hated her and didn't feed her, at least she shouldn't demand this...

"I won't do it! I'll never do this!"


There was no way Natsumi would agree. She had sunk low, but she would never give up her body or her dignity. This was the one thing she had, and she didn't want men abusing her.

"I can't do it! I'm ugly! You said so yourself! No one will want me! I'm just like you!"


Those words shattered something in her mother's mind. After all, Natsumi had struck a nerve, hitting the very stake in her heart...

"You little brat! Don't compare yourself to me!"


Natsumi couldn't react. All she could feel was the breath being squeezed out of her as she lay on the floor staring up at the ceiling. Her mother was choking her. Terror consumed her, and she struggled hard to break free, but due to her poor nutrition, Natsumi had no strength. Her mother's sudden attack, slamming her against the floor, left her body weak...

"You bitch! I'm not ugly!"

"You... are... we're... the same..."


Even with her vision fading, Natsumi managed to speak. After all, she felt death approaching, and her hatred for her mother grew stronger. So, even as her mother squeezed her throat harder, she mocked her...

(Ahhh... I don't want to die...)

Still, Natsumi clung to life. Death was terrifying. Even though her life was a nightmare, she was still alive.

Life was precious, and Natsumi didn't want it to end...

[Do you want to live?]

At that moment, a figure covered in mosaics appeared before her. This 'ghost' was strange, as it seemed that only Natsumi could see it—her mother hadn't reacted at all.

(Yes! I want to!)

But Natsumi didn't care. She was dying, desperate to survive. She clung to anything that would offer help, be it this ghost or even a demon...

[The power is yours... do what you must.]

With Mio Takamiya disappearing, the Sephira crystal flew towards Natsumi, and the transformation happened in an instant. Her mother couldn't react. The only thing she saw was a light, followed by a mirror...

"Haniel: Kaleidoscope!"

Light filled the house, and after Haniel's release, the only thing left was Natsumi in her astral suit and a grotesque-looking frog...

That frog, of course, was her mother. Natsumi had transformed her using her newfound powers. As she felt the immense strength coursing through her body, the rage in her heart intensified, especially when she saw the frog...



Without mercy, Natsumi stomped on the frog, unleashing all her fury. Her expression distorted as she watched the frog suffer...

It felt so good to see her mother suffer, yet somehow, it also made her sad.

"Die! Die! Die!"


Even after stomping on the frog two more times, the sadness in her heart didn't fade. Instead, it grew. Before she knew it, her legs gave out, and she collapsed, tears streaming down her face...

"No... I can't..."

With her legs weak, Natsumi fell to her knees. The frog took the opportunity to escape, and Natsumi didn't stop her. She didn't have the strength to. All she could do was watch as the frog hopped away in silence...

No matter what, that frog was still her mother. The woman who had cared for and loved her in her early years. The same woman had changed drastically after her father left. Even in her final moments, the frog had the same eyes as her mother—eyes filled with fear of death, clinging to life...

Mother and daughter were the same...

Both ugly, without a place to belong, lost in their pain.

*Hic... Hic...

Unable to stay in the house that had caused her so much pain, Haniel appeared again, and Natsumi flew away on her broomstick. The moon illuminated the starry sky, and her crystal-like tears fell. A little witch flew into the sky for the first time, free like a bird that had escaped its cage, yet sad. Freedom was painful, so much so that her cries wouldn't stop.


Just as one witch cried out in loss and sadness, another witch cried out in pain over her past, in Yuki's shadow dimension.

Natsumi, who had been watching her entire past unfold, couldn't bear it anymore and screamed in agony.


Her Reiryoku surged, and an inversion was certain.

That is, if Yuki allowed it.


And it was clear as day that Yuki wouldn't allow it. Suddenly, he grabbed Natsumi by the waist, pulling her into his arms. And just as suddenly, he sealed her lips with his own...


TN: Uff 

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