
Leaving the North

As the party returned to Winterfell, the preparations for the journey to King's Landing began. Eddard, anticipating potential dangers, instructed Ser Jory Cassel to organize and tighten security measures, "Jory, prepare the men for our trip South, a hundred men should be enough".

Jory looked at Eddard and replied, "At once, my lord"

The castle buzzed with activity as the men readied themselves for the journey south.

Once the preparations were complete, Eddard, along with his two girls and his contingent of Stark men, joined King Robert's party as they departed the North for the capital.

Eddard and Jory kept a watchful eye on their surroundings, particularly the Lannister men accompanying them, heeding their distrust of them.

During the journey, Eddard found moments to discuss important matters with Ser Jory, ensuring that the security measures were maintained and that Sansa and Arya are always accompanied by 4 guards. The tension between the Starks and the Lannisters lingered beneath the surface, and Eddard remained vigilant.

As the party neared King's Landing, Eddard and Robert engaged in a familiar conversation about Daenerys Targaryen. Eddard expressed his concerns about the consequences of harming a child, emphasizing the moral dilemma and the potential for chaos that could arise from such actions.

After their conversation, Eddard decided to bring up another issue. "Robert, we have a marriage agreement between my daughter Sansa and Joffrey; however, it would be better if Tommen stayed at Winterfell. He'll be a squire under Ser Rodrick, this way he'll get to know his future in-laws, he can befriend my younger sons Bran and Rickon and see a different culture than the South.'

Robert looks surprised at Eddard. 'Hmm.. Tommen? A squire in the North?"

Changing his look to pleased, Robert laughed out, "Hah, it'll be a good experience for the lad. Agreed!'"

Eddard, feeling pleased that Robbert agreed, decides to push his luck and tries to make a second demand, "Furthermore Robert, I heard that the crown is in huge debt. As your hand I can fix it, but you will need to let me do my thing. If you are going to be hot-headed like always, there isn't going to be much I can do."

Robert, not wanting to talk any further about business, stood up and looked at Eddard, "Don't push Ned, I can do whatever I want! I am King! Not you!"

Upon their arrival in King's Landing, Eddard wasted no time in reinforcing security and issuing orders to his men. The capital was known for its political intrigues, and Eddard was determined to protect his family and maintain order.

And later, during the evening, Eddard practiced his sword training, practicing in private in a closed off tent with Ser Jory and other trusted guards.

His training, however, is suddenly interrupted when a guard enters and calls out to Eddard, "Lord Stark, your daughters tried to sneak off with the illborn prince."

Eddard stopped his training and looked at the guard, "I assume you followed my orders and put a stop to it?"

Looking at Eddard, the guard proudly replied, "Yes, my lord! The prince however has gone wailing to his mother, The Queen."

Eddard put on a smile, "Hah, so the young prince is a petty little crying boy, is he. Well done, bring in my daughters for me!"

Sansa and Arya were brought inside the tent by the four guards and looked nervously towards their father. "Father, we didn't really mean to try and wander off outside the encampment. The prince ordered us to.", Sansa tries to explain.

"It really isn't our fault.", she tried to tell Eddard.

Eddard looked at both of his daughters and berated them a little, "You not only ignored my words, you also brought your sister and your guard in danger because you wanted to impress a haughty little prince? And you tried to push the blame elsewhere. Is this how I raised you now?"

Sansa looked down, "I'm sorry father, it won't happen again."

Eddard ignored Sansa's apology and looked at Arya, "And you Arya? You knew that I forbade it and yet you also tried to sneak off with your sister and the prince. Where is your apology?"

Arya looked at her father, "I can't help, I'm cooped up in this camp all day. I want to go out and explore. We're finally outside Winterfell and I want to see what it's like."

Eddard looked at Arya and replied, "And yet, that does not excuse the fact that you ignored my words, and also endangered your sisters and your guards. Besides, once we arrive in King's Landing, if you comply with your lessons and perform well, I'll let you explore a bit under supervision or with me present."

"If the both of you can't agree with those terms, I might as well keep you in your rooms all day long." "Now, both of you, off to bed with you."

It didn't take long after Eddard sent his daughters to bed, that a Baratheon guard came to fetch Eddard in the name of the King. 

Eddard quickly cleaned the sweat off his body and put his shirt back on.

In Robert's tent, Eddard arrived not much later and was yelled at by Robert, "In gods name, what is going on Ned? Why is my boy here, claiming that your daughters and their men harassed him, huh?"

Eddard, not in the least bit fazed by Robert's yelling replied, "Robert, the prince tried to order my men around and take my daughter out alone in the dark outside the encampment."

"My men were in their right not to be ordered around by the little brat, and they certainly were in their right to protect my daughters. If he wasn't your son, I would have cut his balls off."

"You know, that little boy needs a dose of reality, Robert. Let this be a wake-up call for him, that if he doesn't fix that god-awful behavior of his, he'll end up like your Aerys."

Cersei couldn't believe what she heard. A filthy northerner, insults her own son and even blames him for the event. She's angry beyond anything else, "Robert, are you going to let that slide? Punish him! Cut off his tongue!"

But unknown to Cersei, that reaction is what Eddard was counting on. After all Robert will oppose most, if not everything, that comes out of Cersei's mouth.

And sure enough Robert yelled out, "Silence! Silence both of you!"

"What would the two of you do huh? I'm not here for petty arguments, I'm a king for God's sake. And you two, you are a Queen and a Hand, act accordingly, will you."

"I won't punish Ned, nor his children or his guard. They acted within their justified jurisdiction. Besides, they are children, let them resolve it as children in the morning. A simple apology for Sansa and Arya should suffice."

Robert sighed and looked around, "I won't wait for your replies, it's an order. So everyone fuck off. And you, Cersei, it would be better if you didn't coddle the little brat so much, see what he's turned out to…"

Eddard simply complies and returns to his quarters. Unfortunately he's unable to hear the rest of Robert's conversation with Cersei.

The next morning Sansa and Arya apologized and Joffrey reluctantly accepted.

And not much later the King's party continued the Journey towards King's Landing.

The journey south had its challenges, but Eddard remained focused on the safety of his family and the responsibilities that came with being the Hand of the King.

After two months on the road, the party finally reached King's Landing. Eddard, his family, and the Stark men were met with not only the bustling activity of the capital but also its famous bad smell.

The journey had been long and demanding, but Eddard knew that the challenges in King's Landing would require even greater strength and resolve.

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