
Chapter - 44 The Awful Smell

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Will mean a lot if you choosed to support, which you will not.


In the face of danger and emergencies,

Mrs. Hooch's experience seems to be somewhat lacking, her face was pale, unsure of what to do.

William trusted the entire Hogwarts staff, finding Professors Flitwick and McGonagall the most reliable.

As Snape and Tywin had only recently left the hospital.

"Wingardium Leviosa," William incanted, wielding his wand to cast a levitation spell.

Slowing down shabby's falling speed, as he couldn't completely stop him from falling, as the spell wasn't made for that,

but at least he was able to slow down his fall and redirect it a bit on the grass.

Mrs. Hooch hurried over, bending over to assess shabby's condition, her face was as pale as a vampire.

"Oh, Merlin, I'm not hurt, but my limbs were entangled by the vines, and there's some blood pooling," Mrs. Hooch observed, checking Shabby's injuries.

"Alright, kiddo-you're fine. Get up, I'll take you to Pomfrey, and she'll have you patched up in a jiffy."

Mrs. Hooch rose, addressing William, "Impressive bluebell fire spell and floating charm, young one. Thanks to you, Ravenclaw earns five points!"

Everyone started clapping.

William sighed. Recently he had saved too many people.

Making it like a common occurrence It seemed like all the teachers, across subjects, had planned their grading from fifty points to a mere five.

No doubt, Professor Snape had a hand in this. Lately, whenever he glanced at William, his had this hideous smile, like he had just one upped him.

Madam Hooch addressed the rest of the students sternly, "I'll escort this student to the hospital.

The rest of you, stay on the training ground and put the broomsticks back in place.

If I find anyone flying when I come back he will be immediately be expelled from Hogwarts before you can say 'Quidditch'..."

But before she could finish her warning, the Devil's Snare suddenly went berserk.

Afraid of flames, the plant retracted all its vines into the ground, leaving behind only a thick trunk.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The ground quaked like a drum, causing several magical creature waste disposal tanks to tremble violently, their enchantments disrupted.


The septic tanks with magical creature's waste blasted.

Everyone started running from the place not wanting to bath in animal dung.

Cho was the fastest. Swiftly mounting her broom she flew towards the training ground.

William reacting quickly jumps up suddenly and grabbed the tail of Cho's broom.

The speed of the worn-out broom slowed down instantly, like an old bird, but still managed to save them from the disaster.

A pungent smell started spreading, carried by the breeze, spreading across the school grounds...

The scene below was filled with chaos and tragedy.

Situated on the eighth floor, the headmaster's office overlooked the school.

Dumbledore gazed out of the window, watching the sky.

Next to him sat a crimson bird, singing its peculiar melody.

Adjusting his half-moon spectacles, Dumbledore applauded, "Fawkes, your singing remains as enchanting as ever,

blending with the Sorting Hat's lyrics-it's like a theatrical performance... Perfect, just perfect!"

Fawkes inclined his head graciously, acknowledging Dumbledore's gesture.

Dumbledore retrieved a Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean from his pocket, inquiring,

"Care for one?

I've been fortunate lately;

I've had some delightful strawberry-flavored ones.

They're quite a treat."

Fawkes blinked his black eyes, gazed into the distance, then abruptly vanished from the office.

Dumbledore's brow furrowed.

It was unusual for Fawkes to act in such haste and panic.

He separated a Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean, picked one, and held it near his nose.

Sniffing it, a peculiar smell wafted up to him.

Dumbledore took another deep inhale.

This smells... rather overwhelming!

Could Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans have a new flavor?



Suddenly, a really bad smell has enveloped the entire Hogwarts.

It came so unexpectedly so  mysteriously and above all, it was a hundred times worse than the dung bomb the Weasley twins used.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this smell could have been used for biochemical warfare. And the country which had used this would have won effortlessly.

The professors can't dissipate the smell quickly.

In the huge disposal tank, there  was not not only the excrement of magical creatures, but also of  all the teachers and students.

This smell was so lethal that it has eroded the layer of soil from the surface.

If you want to completely eliminate it, you will need to prepare an army for it, even magic wasn't able to help in this kind of situation.

So, the Quidditch training ground was  closed because of this.

The students kept complaining  about having to resort to indoor Quidditch for training.

However, it wasn't all negative—the school also bought a new batch of broomsticks overnight.

Ultimately, the main reason for this accident were the old brooms.

According to what Shabby had said before, he was playing Quidditch when he was three year old,

He was also able to use the rocket boom (you store energy in the broom and blast off at a speed ten times greater then the normal)

at the age of five,

And he was scouted by the  major clubs at the age of ten,

which obviously means he was a Quidditch prodigy.

But he just gave up his career in  Quidditch, just so he could study at  Hogwarts, and become a Hufflepuff, as that's what his parents also wanted.

With such an amazing story with such feats, how can you say that shabby was not talented.

Of course he was talented, It was just that the school brooms were defective hence he wasn't able to show even an ounce of his talent.

So does the countless students who have boasted the same, are now sticking with this story.

It was not that their flying skills were bad, but the school's broom that doesn't allow them to showcase their talent.

Of course, when Cho rode that same old broom like everyone else and escaped the stench,

However this incident was selectively ignored by everyone.

According to Mrs. Hooch, the Ravenclaw house has finally found a talented player.

With which william would like to agree, as he was also very talented in basket ball.

As the three-pointer of the six consecutive orphanage basketball competitions in his previous life,

It was just that william did not wanted to boast about his skills, and definitely not because it was a lie.

He's got amazing ball-handling skills. If he were a bit taller, he'd undoubtedly be the best point guard in Asia.

Sadly, thanks to Shabby, the flying -class session turned into an indoor one.

Mrs. Hooch prohibited everyone from even touching the Quaffle.

This left William, all set to showcase his amazing ball control with both hands, really sad after all he wanted to show everyone how good he was with balls.

After a few days of not meeting fluffy, he seemed to have taken some steroids injection or something,

His size has increased several times from the first meeting,

From pups height then he was about as tall as Fang now.

Hagrid also hid in his cabin all day long to save himself from the smell,

He also complained that the smell affected Fluffy's appetite.

William definitely didn't believe it. He clearly found that Fluffy's food was more dangerous to smell and taste, not only fluffy, but also Fang.

He really didn't wanted to know what Hagrid even fed them.

Hagrid had still not told Dumbledore anything about Fluffy.

With time passing and Malfoy still not apprehended for Azkaban, public demands for the truth heightened.

The Ministry of Magic couldn't handle the pressure anymore. With each passing day Hagrid felt more frightened.

William couldn't console Hagrid regularly because the stench was too overwhelming for him to travel everday.

Everyone wore a mask, and if someone who didn't know what was happening would believe that  Hogwarts was dealing with Corona ahead of time.

Filch made a lovely mask for Mrs. Norris and wore one himself, trailing behind her with a stick all day.

He blamed the Weasley brothers for this obnoxious smell,

Always telling Dumbledore to severely punish them and even deduct points for releasing this gas.

It's only been over a month since the  school started, and Gryffindor was already in negative 130 points, it was very close to setting a new all time low record.


Does anyone even likes this story, or am I just living in delulu posting this.
