

(Emelia's Perspective)

I held the dismembered aura of the Hive Mind, its eyes watching me with lethal intent. Hunger was evident from its gaze as I scowled towards it. My own arm was broken in several places and I felt my blood slowly leaving my body as puncture wounds from 'teeth' were scattered along my body.

Space around me and my opponent was fracturing slightly as the warp started to lightly seep in. With extreme concentration I raised my Bankai above my head. Our fight had taken a brief pause, neither me or it taking a move. We just stared at one another. My powers started to hiss around me as I brought a potency I had never used before, to my last attack on this harrowing entity.

Similar to my own action, the Hive Mind's powers began to swirl with a sharp potency as the ephemeral layer of space shuddered from both of our primed attacks. A whetted slicing sound overflowed my senses as the keen sound of glass shattering followed with it. All hell broke loose, literally, the warp now began to swarm around us as millions of daemons attempted to escape only to be met by my own aura and the anti-warp presence of the Tyranids. Daemons whined and crisped as a verdant field of roiling flames now cascaded into real-space.

No words passed from my mouth as I took the limb that was floating in front of me and activated Vorax. Instantly my aura consumed the severed limb, power and different aspects flowing into my body as another Species was added to my list. My psychic might started to form into my attack as I activated all of my domains, despite the little effect they had, and prepared myself into a stance. My plan concerning this whole fight was to make the Tyranids flee or at least last long enough that we both retreat... I do not know if this was possible but considering the emotions of shock that I am gathering from the Hive Mind and the other deities, it is about to come to a head. 'I suppose it is time to end this gladiatorial fight.'

My grip on my Bankai tightened as I pushed out my Nen, Force and Aura powers, My life force becoming visible to everyone who was of a certain power level. In an instant the entire solar system was alight with the life force of a perpetual anomaly. The entire solar system was now coloured a hazy white, all of the space filled with my intent and power; some of it focussing on saving the people I could.

"I shall show you the power with which you have gained the wrath of... Scum. Know fear...!" With a cascading wave of projected lifeforce, psychic immensity and sheer power a slash of pure energy crashed towards the Hive Mind, its own attack gaining more and more life force behind it as it burned several million Tyranids and synapse creatures to gain a momentary boost in power. Claws met energy blast as the entire solar system thrummed with vibrational energy, physics was still intact but the hole to the warp just widened, the daemons still burning into flames as they attempted to escape their hell.

Crunches and explosions covered the distance between me and the Hive Mind, its roars of absolute anger booming out psychically. The two forces were equal, almost entirely even in power distribution and wavelength, It was like an unmoving object meeting with an unstoppable weapon. Our powers created a small paradox that slowly flashed and blanketed all of the daemons in its splendour, vanquishing all of them instantly; those that were at the breach. I hissed as the paradox swept over me and burned my entire body, my broken arm taking the brunt force as it became reminiscent of Charcoal. The Hive Mind was not much better off as the paradox chewed through its presence and began to distantly destroy many fleets and Tyranids. Many of the Tyranids on the surface of the planet fell over and died through psychic torture and shattering. Instants after the paradox was summoned it vanished, leaving both me and the Hive Mind reeling in pain and shock. 

Within mere nano-seconds the entirety of the Tyranid fleet in this solar system was destroyed, psychically becoming dead. The Hive Mind began to rescind from the space, its creatures unable to project power any more. With immense hatred the creature, beast, monster, looked at me... Remembering my face and my powers, my scent and the look of my ships and sword... Everything was remembered and would be accounted for it seems. Seconds later the entire solar system settled down as our fight ended. My forces were scattered amongst the loosely floating Tyranid vessels.

My fleet was in a bad state, many of the smaller vessels crunched and damaged, limping through space with tens of large biological spines sticking through the ships. The Capital vessels were safe for the most part and had been integral for the safety of many of the crews of lost vessels. Out of the 210 Ships 150 survived, it was a large loss... Each ship containing 1000-2000 crew members and countless materials. With a pained expression I moved downwards to my fleet and the remnants of destroyed ships, scooping them all up with my Multiversal Storage. In an instant the entire battlefield was cleaned of Veritas Imperium ships, items, tech and people.... I gathered the souls of my people within my storage as well, preserving them for mass resurrection back on my home world.

The order to collect our troops on the ground was sounded and occurred within moments as all of the remaining soldiers, dead or alive, were brought back onto the capital vessels remaining. The Sentinels were the next to come as almost all of them were fine, ten of them being huge chunks and piles of burning metal. I appeared back on the 'throne' of the Arcadia, my arm flaring in pain as the charcoal flesh throbbed. This injury would take a long time to heal, a long time to mend completely... 'I'll remember you, and when the time comes, I shall vanquish you and tear your entire species apart!' I felt intense hatred for the first time, my fangs baring themselves as my horns slowly regenerated back.


(Trazyn The Infinite's Perspective)

This day was like any other, interesting and dreary at the same time. I had walked through the halls of my vaults and toyed with a few of the 'sentient' species throughout. They were interesting to toy with and play with, some filled with unique perspectives and views, others just becoming amusement for my never-changing metallic coffin, this coffin being something that one could call a body.

This day had been like any other, until... She appeared, a unique being. Her powers seemed similar to the Catan, but at the same time completely separate and different. I had been watching her on one of my various devices, the bright green display showing everything in clear details, including the analytics and geometry of her powers. Her power was similar to those disgusting abominations that the Apes call Chaos Gods, but different yet again... An anomaly, that is what I would classify her as. 

A sense of wanting slowly seeped from my long dead 'heart' as I witnessed her verse the biological plague known as the Great Devourer. She was fascinating as she used powers unknown to any of my databanks or reliquaries. Amidst the fighting I was tempted to go and snatch some vessels and people of hers' but ultimately decided against it as my apparatuses were clearly demonstrating the attention that this fight was gathering.

"Interesting..." My cold voice slipped out from my vocal amplifier as I aimlessly walked through my vault, coming to a new section, a section that was empty and would soon be filled with Unique prospects. 'Perhaps I could get her to share a vessel with me, perhaps a trade...? Possible.' I continued to wonder aimlessly as my various applications of the Tesseract Vault shined amidst the bright green glow of my abode.


(The Emperor)

Such an interesting entity, one not human, but supported and believed in by humans. A feat that I myself had accomplished a long time ago. She was not human but I could tell that she once had been, perhaps she had survived within the Warp. It was possible but unlikely, very unlikely and I was not one to take chances... I could see the countless possibilities now forming from this event, as if it was a trigger to the ending I had seen all those Millenia ago, before my foolish son's betrayal.

I toyed with numerous cards in my hand as I observed the order within the chaos, a domain of my own creation. Just beyond my consciousness I could feel, hear and see most of humanity, their prayers and whispers becoming a constant droning sound track to my ever tiring mind.

'There is a chance... We shall see.'


Hope you enjoyed! Please let me know of anything from Warhammer you would like to see, I may or may not add it... Also, I do not own Warhammer 40k or Warhammer, I only own the characters that I have personally made. Second of all, I do not claim to have 100% knowledge of Warhammer 40k law, if I get things wrong please understand that this is a fan fiction and that it is possibly an AU... Thank you all once again.

Thanks for all of the power stones and support! Please continue to donate power stones for me if you like my work, it really helps me gain motivation and keeps me wanting to give more chapters.

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Special Thanks to the Loyal Soldiers who had given me Power Stones! We need more if we are to win!:

- Supernova_Uchiha

- FumiXi

- GoldenLeafGrass

- hiatusy

- Itze684

- Smaher

- real777

- Pokemon_lover

- Christian_3709

- LoneWolf_3000

- JustLor

- Dr_Paradox9898

- dagoyaju

- Akisu

- Wizardlyllc

- Leah_montez

- Anthony_Ellement

Thanks to you all!

Alex_Simmondscreators' thoughts
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