
Caught Em all!

Himari watched as the Asgardian ship she was on slipped out of hyperspace and came into a system where there were countless Asgardian Battleships duking it out with replicator ships that looked like disks with very long spires dripping off behind the front of said disks. Her sister was looking at the ship with a small smile as she raised her hand, a neural command to cease and follow transmitting to all replicator channels.

Asgardian ships wove in and out of Asteroid fields as their weapons sundered into the shielding of the replicators. The replicator ships fired back with replicator-filled weaponry which easily penetrated the Asgardian ships causing some of them to be blown off course and slowly spin in space. The replicator ships were thrusting towards the heart of the Asgardian's defences in this sector until they all simultaneously came to a stop.

Himari could feel it, the thousands of presences and parts of the replicators... It was a lot but very little in comparison to what their mistress had said about the Pegasus Galaxy Replicators. Aurélie smiled deeply as she guided the replicator ships towards Thor's capital ship, the little Asgardian getting a bit panicky after the unexpected movements of the foe he had been facing for years now.

"Don't worry Thor! They are under our control, now we will start spreading the net through our recently annexed replicators." Himari's job was to spread the capitulation call to all replicators within the galaxy so that they all became a part of their mistress's strength.

Thor didn't have the best confidence in his newest allies but seeing as how the replicator forces easily gave up once in their presence it was best to assume that what they were saying was true.

A few hours passed and throughout the hour countless Replicator ships were flooding into the current solar system. Thor had to calm down the military command of the Asgard as they saw it as a precursor to invasion. Luckily the commander wasn't a stubborn Asgardian and was quite open to the plans of the council once he learnt of them. Aurélie just shook her head as she took physical control of each ship that came into the system whilst Himari expanded the call throughout the Hyperspace Communication systems of the Replicators.

Eventually a whole day passed as there were now literally hundreds of Replicator ships, hundreds of thousands of the insects and a few human form replicators gathered within the system. The ships were parallel to each other and neatly aligned into a grid as Asgardian Ships hung in the background and watched over the gathering of enemy ships.

Another few hours passed as Himari spread the signal once more throughout the entire Galaxy, finding no purchase on any more replicators. She opened her eyes towards Aurélie and nodded.

"There is no more left sis!"

"Great! Mistress will be pleased!"

Thor stood in the background during this conversation, his thoughts sporadic as he watched an enemy they had been facing, as a species, end in front of him and it was all because of these two oddball replicators that were completely loyal to that Emelia person. He shook his head and cursed under his breath before ordering the Asgardian ship they had planned to give Emelia to follow the rest of the replicators, the rudimentary AI system acknowledging the request.

"Himari, Aurélie, I thank you on behalf of the Asgardian Race, i hope you can keep these forces sequestered away from the galaxy and universe. They are too dangerous otherwise."

"Mistress ordered us to take them to her and that is what we'll do! I know our mistress won't do anything bad with it!"

"That will have to do then."


Following that conversation Himari and Aurélie were teleported to the Replicator ships and quickly ordered the Human forms to set a course to a remote system within the Milky Way Galaxy, where Emelia had set Atlantis up temporarily.

Several hours later the armada of replicator ships and the single Asgardian Ship entered into a dwarf-star star system. The snowflake-like city hovering in space, the dark brown and red glow making it seem ominous despite the attempts of the Ancient Architecture to make it seem tranquil and peaceful. 

Emelia very quickly detected their presence.

"Its a very good haul! Good work Himari and Aurélie, i will have to think of rewards for you."

The two replicators high fived one another and quickly ran up, expecting head pats. Emelia easily granted their head pats as she found it rather cute that they acted like this.

Several days passed as the replicators had been stored within her Multiversal storage, their time stopped within the storage, making sure they could not evolve beyond what she wanted them to. Emelia was now spending time with her wives as she considered the future destinations after going back to Marvel.

"My loves..."

All of my wives turned to me as I spoke, calmly listening to what i would have to say. 

"Have you decided if you would like to take the Evolution?"

They all had mixed reactions, the only definitive answer being from Jean who nodded to my question.

"So Jean has accepted... Illyana?"

"Honey... Its just, i don't know how to explain it to my parents."

"They accepted me being with you, if they accept that easily i am quit sure they will accept you for whoever you are." Hesitation still flickered on her face but soon faded as she replaced it with steely determination.

"I'll do it! I want to help you as well!" I shook my head whilst smiling. 'This silly woman thinks she needs to, to be with me...'

"Illyana, i love you, but if you don't want to you don't have to, i will love you none the less."

She melted as i held her and kissed her, her determination still not lost but calmed a little from its earlier fervour. Idun contemplated for a few moments more before deciding to accept. Oceana accepted easily as she thought there was a chance of getting the same species that i got.

"We all want it love..."

"Mhm, honey we want it."

"Sweetie we really want to help you!" 

"Big sis, I'll always accept what you want."

Getting the confirmation i quickly teleported them all to Earth and stored Atlantis, coming to pick them up and travel back to the original universe i appeared on. We quickly appeared in our house on earth.

They were all completely surprised by how quickly i did all of that, their senses trying to stabilize amidst the flurry of spatial changes. Finally they all snapped out of it a minute later, all of them watching me as I held out four Evo tickets.

"Once you take one of these you will begin the process of Evolution... I will look after you all, as is my oath and duty." I saluted them causing Illyana and Oceana to laugh whilst Idun just cocked her head to the side in confusion, Jean just shaking her head and walking forwards.

Jean took one of the tickets, a greenish black light covering her body before she slipped backwards and began to fall. I caught her easily and sat her upright on the couch, the light still billowing around her and penetrating her skin.

The others looked at this with a bit of trepidation but eventually they all grabbed one, each of them falling unconscious, being saved by me and settled onto the couch. I looked around through the house, the light of the mid-day sun shining through the clear glass of the house, which promptly exploded inwards, my eyes activating as I created a shield around my wives before getting flung through the walls of my house.


First chappy of the day!


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Alex_Simmondscreators' thoughts
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