
Saving Harry from a Dementor

I waited for my wives to get up, making breakfast in the meantime as my mind wandered over my current life.

'I wonder how the trio of wizards are doing? I killed Voldemort, i wonder if that solved the problem for the 'wizarding' world. Heh, it's kinda ridiculous they claim to be the whole 'magical' world when Avalon exists... Wait maybe they hide themselves in Avalon?'

As my thoughts were spiralling down numerous theories i finally heard the foot steps of my wives, or, as it was now, one of my wives. Jean was walking towards me, not in the best of moods, with only a white shirt on that barely hid her holy area.

"Morning love, you want bacon and eggs or?"

"Eh. Whatever you cook tastes delicious so whatever you want to giv e me..."

"Well I couldn't do that in a day, giving you the universe would take at least a year or two."

She blushed slightly before walking up and giving me a deep kiss, retracting several seconds later as she lazily slumped her upper body onto the top of the kitchen bench.

"Your always so romantic... I suppose I'll have bacon and eggs, do you also have Pancakes!?" She grew in fervour as i revealed some pancakes, which i knew was her favourite part of breakfast, especially since she gained an Asgardian physique.

I nodded and very quickly served her a meal. We spent the next half an hour eating and talking, her exuberance at the meal apparent as syrup slipped down her mouth and onto her breasts. My other wives were apparently sleeping in, and me not wanting to annoy them, naturally told Jean where i was going gave her my bank card so she could get whatever she wanted; Leaving a note also posted onto the fridge in case Jean forgot.

With a final kiss i teleported away, into England, using my eyes to track down where Harry was. It was very easy as his magical signature wasn't hidden at all and it seemed he wasn't skilled in magic to the level of Hermione, as per usual it seemed. I appeared in a familiar park where Dudley was having a go at Harry somewhat, the clouds above darkening and storming, it seemed like Thor was bloody here.

Harry sensed something and so did I as i saw a dementor from Azkaban slowly stalking the two of them. I knew that this lead to Harry being kicked out from Hogwarts and such so letting this continue could ruin his education within their BS system. 'I could also teach him magic using the spells from Potter-verse and my sorcerer status... I could even take Hermione as well, fuck, she could become another sorceress supreme if she was taught properly. You know what... Fuck it, I'll teach them both, maybe it'll keep me a little occupied from blithering around between different universes just to contain my ADHD, maybe i can even share their teaching with Yao since she seems somewhat bored.'

Getting back to the scene in front of me, i saw the Dementor starting to corner the duo in a walking tunnel that was oddly barren despite the time of day and the day itself, it was a Saturday... Anyway, ignoring the workings of fate, I quickly decided to step in.

I appeared next to Harry and Dudley my wings extended as the Dementor began to sweep forwards to attack Harry. Activating my Gluttony i shot my hand forwards, green and black energy covering my hand and forming a miniature vortex.

"Fucking disgusting thing..." Within seconds my Gluttony began to consume the Dementor and digest it. Harry behind me was blown away with my sudden appearance, Dudley had already fainted.

The Dementor screamed out in horrific pain, its aura failing to find purchase on me as my domain of Emotion began to target it and amplify those feelings to it, making a soulless being feel, for the first time... With one final gut-wrenching scream the apparition faded from existence in a mass torn and faded cloth.

"Thanks miss!"

"Haha no issue Harry."

"W-wait! Emelia? Is that you?" He looked up to me with miscomprehension strewn across his face as the last time he saw me I was roughly 5'9 now i was 6'8.

"Mhm! Got some level ups... How about you? I noticed that you have a seal on your magic..."

"Yeah its the Ministerium, they put this on all young wizards due to the threat that we could pose to the secrecy of the wizarding world. Other than that i would say i am fine."

"Huh? What a stupid fucking thought process... Maybe if they taught you all properly you could actually not be a threat."

"Properly? I thought they were all good at teaching the classes."

"Really? Do you know the differences between the Prime Material Plane and the plane of negativity and positivity? No? Perhaps you know the interactions between different spells based off of the energy type, shape, control and perception? Also no? Then you aren't being taught properly."

He looked confused throughout my questioning before becoming somewhat sour at my statement that he wasn't being taught properly.

"But Dumbledore-"

"Is an old man who would never teach what he truly knows to someone because it would threaten his power and control. Politics, that is what all of this stupidity is geared towards. They are politicising education..."

He looked like he had eaten a sour lemon before resignedly dropping his head a little.

"Yeah... i already noticed i was just trying to convince myself... It's why i can barely focus on classes anymore, the spells just kinda slip over my mind at this point."

I smiled slightly and tapped his shoulder in sympathy before looking down at Dudley and waving my hand above his head, a white light shining out and spreading through his body. With a deep gasp he woke up and started running away, despite our best attempts to peacefully stop him. At this point i just let him go cause i didn't care anyway. 

Stopping the awkward atmosphere that was generated i offered him something knew he wanted.

"Well, why don't we go and get your stuff and we'll take you to Ron's house?"

"Really? Thanks!"

We both set off for the Dursley residence, the one place that I had specific plans for.

[*Munch* Seems something interesting is happenin, hehe, i am here for it!]

'You are very lazy... Remind me of myself...'

[Uhuh, sure, that is why your constantly busy...]

'So fuckn sassy... I can't get time with my wives without someone annoying me or problems popping up.'

[You could be doing that now...]

'Ahum, that is just because i was concerned over the state of the 'Wizarding world' after my actions.'

[Sure... 😒]


First chapter for today! Hope you enjoy!


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