
Discussion, revelations and arrival

Tony, Pepper and Illyana were all sitting in the limousine conversing over some of the recent topics that had revealed themselves. After the sorceress left it took them all a minute or two to fully gain control of themselves again. Eventually we came to the topic of the timeline and I had said to leave it until were on our way to the Grand Prix, that was when Pepper slapped her hands down and ran off to the bathroom to get ready. Illyana, following in her idea ran off to the same bathroom and began cleaning herself up. After they went to do so I quickly grabbed onto the two shape changers and instantly travelled to Kamar-Taj, handing them over to some sorcerers who had been notified of my coming. I soon came back to the hotel room of Tony and Pepper to continue to hurry up and wait.

Through the hour they decided to use, making themselves 'beautiful', though I thought they didn't need it, me and Tony just made some small talk. There was nothing too verbose just some casual talking about his Iron Man suites and my wings.

Thus, I find myself at the side of a stunningly beautiful Illyana within the limousine we had come to the hotel with before. Tony and Pepper both looked at me as they had just finished asking a question, one not easily answered.

"You see, the timeline is kind of like string, it is usually held in a straight line or as straight as it can be and this dictates what events must happen and what events mustn't happen."

"So what you are saying is that this timeline is supposed to be already set ahead of time, with relation to key events and that with that bald woman's notification, were already diverging from that timeline?"

"Mmm, see it's hard to explain, it's not like everything is preordained things can be different somewhat but key events must take place. Yes, with the sorceresses' news we can easily assume something has happened to the timeline on a large scale that even she can't see through."

"That's worrying..."

Pepper spoke aloud her thoughts as she brought her right hand up and began biting the nail of her thumb, gently so as not to break it. Illyana beside me I could tell was completely surprised by the topic but was also intrigued as she was intently listening and looking at me. Tony, well he was just being himself, cocky and arrogant.

" Who cares about some destined timeline! Who needed it anyway, it's not like it changes what I want to do."

"That's one way of looking at it. Still, it will be concerning because events to could spiral out of all control and we could have visitors from other universes, probably."

That brought silence to them all as my dropped info started to make them think. 'Good this is good, maybe they will be less reckless and actually try to prepare.'

"U-um, Emelia you said that people from other universes could be coming here? Does that mean, the multiverse theory is correct?"

"Ah, yes it is..."

Once again, silence.

"Don't worry about it though we still have the Sorceress supreme and I'm here as well, not that i could probably do much as of now, in the grand scheme of things."

Illyana hearing my words put her hand on my left one and smiled slightly, she was attempting to hide her shock through the act, only making her seem cuter in my eyes.

" Okay, off of that topic, it's way too heavy in here right now, we can unpack that at a later time."

I nodded as the atmosphere with his words began to calm down a little and destress. I felt less tense as I was explaining some of these things to them. It's really hard to try and keep secrets constantly, makes me wonder how some politicians do it so seamlessly, probably a mental issue or training, one or the other.

"Emelia, was there any controls on Illyana's mind?"

I shuddered slightly at the mere mention of that journey, my mind trying to dampen its memory so as to preserve some control over my emotions. My change in attitude must have been easily seen through however as Illyana's hand tightened around mine. Pepper, who was the one who asked the question seemed to wince after my reaction.

"There shouldn't be, I used a spell to completely disintegrate any and all outside influence on her mind, well almost all."

There was an ominous pause in the conversation as Illyana grimaced somewhat at my words, whilst Tony and Pepper looked on with some concern building in their hearts.

"Don't worry, its no nefarious influence, in fact, it's probably what is keeping Illyana sane. It was a yellow shield of psychic energy built around her dark traumas. It is binding itself to her good memories, every new one she makes... So as long as she continues to make good memories then that trauma will not effect you in the future."

I turned to Illyana at the last of my explanation as I tried to convey some of my feelings about her trauma. I showed a small smile but attempted to channel my feelings of sadness for her past. Illyana quickly and decisively leapt forward and kissed me before falling back into her original position, a large smile beaming up at me as I looked at her in shock.

'Oh, this woman is playing with fire...'

[Haha, she's definitely a match for you. Good for you sis.]


I blushed slightly at my sis's words, the smile of Illyana only getting bigger as I showed a blush. 'I should take her out for dinner at some point... Candle lit dinner in Monaco, doesn't sound bad at all.'

"Thanks Emelia, I hope my mind didn't effect you much."

A shiver still ran down my spine as the images of blood and limbs raining from the sky only to collect into gory grotesque gobs of amalgamated butchery. My heartbeat started to increase as my mind slowly began witnessing the yellow eye of the moon of that world or place. With all the will I could muster I attempted to pull myself away from the memory. I succeeded but my face had gone pale and Illyana could tell my heartbeat was going haywire.

"A-ah, no your mind didn't... It was my own that was the issue..." 

My voice dwindled down into a small reverberation by the end as I simply stared at Illyana's hand. I tried my best to recollect myself before anyone got too worried. 'It's probably best if I try to supress those memories for now.'

Everyone showed worry for me as they noticed this spectacle, especially Illyana, but we were all interrupted as the sounds of a large crowd cheering a jeering erupted from the nearby venue that we had finally reached.


Hello, Author Alex here, i hope you are all doing well! Thank you all for the power stones and collections of late! Please, if you are so inclined, continue to contribute power stones and add my story to your collections as they all help to make this Fan Fiction grow and spread so that other people can enjoy it as well!

Thanks for your support as always.


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Special thanks to these lovely people for the Power Stones:





















Thank you all!

Alex_Simmondscreators' thoughts
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