
Horror-filled meeting, Surprise Reveal

'NOOO get away!'

My mind cried out in abject horror and pain as the mouth got ever closer to me. I pulled on my psychic connection to Illyana and attempted to pull myself out of her mind. I had failed though. I found myself lying prone on a pile of dead limbs and pools of repugnant coagulated blood.

I struggled to hold my stomach juices as the smell infested each of my senses completely. Black blood stained my hands and dress as it dripped from face. Struggling to get up I put my hands forwards, pushing down on them to give myself some leverage. The action was in vain however as my hands simply began sinking in the malaise of gore.

It was at this point i really did release the vomit that I had been trying to hold back. The vomit didn't even do anything to the smell as it merely joined with the dreadful landscape.

'Ughhh, w-what the fuck!?'

"Haha, now now, calm down little relative."

I strained to look up to where the noise was coming. My muscles tensed against the force that was holding me down, there I struggled for several moments before my bonds were finally slackened enough for me to look at the origin of the voice.

There stood a feminine figure of considerable height and stature, her body covered in a moving crimson dress, the movement looking similar to water's movements down a river. Her eyes were like a felines' as the sharp pupils of her eyes glowed in a silvery redness, a deep blackness consuming the rest of her eyes.

"W-wh--who a-are- y-y-yo-you?"

"Oh dearie, I am the one who saved you from that ant. I am your ancestor. You are my protégé."

The woman shivered as she continued to speak, her words becoming somewhat higher in pitch as her legs quivered somewhat.

"Hohoho, we'll have so much fun in the future...! The blood, the guts, the fear..."

Her right hand's index finger began to caress one of her exposed fangs as her lips widened in a sultry grin, her eyes slanting somewhat in expectation as her face bloomed in several shades of red. The quivering across the 'ancestors' body increased somewhat as liquid slowly started to ooze from the end of her dress.

'Nope, too crazy for me I need to get out!'

"Oh, that's cute, you really are a newborn! Good, that's good, you can have all of your firsts when you call me out! Ohohoh, killing people, torturing them for the first time, savouring their blood as their family watches..."

I felt my blood pumping through my body as my adrenaline spiked. My hands started to get clammy somewhat as sweat dripped from forehead. The taste of vomit still lingered in my mouth as the squishy sensation of blood and dead bodies beneath me created a deeper sinking feeling in my stomach.

"No. Go away vile creature."

It was at this very moment that my surroundings changed, the blood and gore from before being burned and cleansed in white fire as a colossal light, equivalent to an innumerable amount of suns, began bathing my body. I started to feel better and more in control of my movements. Out of pure instinct I began trying to move only to notice I was already standing when I willed it.

"Tch, you ruin all of my fun Angel... Maybe you can join me in killing some people?"

The angelic figure, what I could see of her, was covered in light her facial features completely smothered in bluish light as behind her two massive angel wings flapped calmly. A sparse robe of white silk covered her body as all of her proportions were hazed amongst the light, the barest segment of her appearance being revealed.

"Go. Go away my child, I will keep this one in check."

She waved her hand towards me as I stood stunned, staring at the sheer power of the being in front of me. From her hand a wave of pure heat caused warping within the 'air', hitting me instantly. I felt a yanking from behind me as i was then teared away from the scene of their confrontation, my vision pin holing and becoming narrower and narrower, blackness consuming my sight.


|Illyana's Perspective|

I felt Emelia touch the side of my head a vague feeling of static collecting on her fingers before I felt a small discharge of power through me. I was stuck here, waiting for her to finish. With a small amount of curiosity burgeoning at the edge of my mind I began looking the woman who had volunteered to go inside of my mind up and down.

Emelia's face was rather sharp and defined as her skin almost glowed in the lighting of the room. Her hand was soft and warm to the touch, her skin feeling as smooth as a babies'. I closed my eyes in mild embarrassment as my attempts at controlling my blushes failed yet again. I had been doing this every time I looked at this beautiful woman before me, i had never felt this way, in fact I had felt as if relationships were bothersome things that distracted you from the problems in life. Knowing that this was because of my past trauma I merely tried to carry forward with that notion, believing the pessimistic and unfazed thoughts that seeped from the back of my mind from time to time. That was all true until Emelia came into my life not but three or four days ago. 

She was so unbelievably beautiful that my heart had fluttered from the moment I got to see her real face, so much so that I embarrassed myself in front of Tony who was meant to be my protector. My heart had pumped a little faster ever since that day I had met her. It wasn't just because of her beauty either, it was the way she carried herself, as if she had everything under control and was the most stable person in the room. She purely was herself no matter the situation and it drew me to her like a moth to a flame. Now, this same woman was delving into my mind out of concern for my and everyone's safety despite our warnings. My heart fluttered more as a slight tightening of Emelia's hand sent tingles through my whole entire body.

Small shudders ran through me as the process continued for several minutes, the proximity of Emelia giving me some difficulties down below as the smell of her wafted constantly into my nose. I'd never felt these feelings before. I knew though that these feelings were meant only for her though. Do I really like her? Will she like me? It's been too quick hasn't it? I don't know and I can answer none of these internal question properly, all I know is that my heart flutters and my insides squeeze in sweetness whenever she is around.

(End of POV)


The oblivion I was thrust into slowly started to dissipate into star-like flecks of light as I tried to stay conscious despite the force I was discarded by. Reality seemed to bend and warp around me as all sorts of horrors started to emerge before being purged by multiple entities of shining light and spectral power.

Then I opened my eyes, sweat trickling down my face as I stared into the bright blue eyes of a flustered Illyana. A sudden urge drew my face closer to hers and I did very little to resist it at this point. As our faces got closer Illyana slowly became more panicked as she started to put her hands up.


Her words suddenly stopped as my lips met hers, the soft sensation of her velvety lips making me want to drown in her, her body, anything to do with her. It was mainly me who continued the kiss as I stared into the bright blue ocean-like eyes of Illyana, who was now thoroughly surprised. It took a few seconds but she quickly reciprocated and our kiss got deeper, my hands snaking towards her waist, soon cradling her as I slowly introduced my tongue into the kiss. I heard a coughing noise from behind me but I simply ignored it as I continued my session with the beautiful and damaged woman in front of me. We continued for a minute straight until i felt a build up in my back and my wings burst forth.

I broke the kiss as surprise emerged on Illyana's face and a grimace spread across mine.

'Fucking wings... Fuck it, I don't give a shit let them know, I'll just deal with the problems as they come.'


Hello all, author Alex here, thought I'd thank everyone for the collections, Power Stones and the views! I hope you are enjoying my Fan Fiction so far!


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Alex_Simmondscreators' thoughts
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