
Chapter 7: History Repeating

Bonnie was in class trying to stay awake as the teacher gave gave a lecture "Today we're going to talk about shadow reckoning. This is a method of measuring heights by the sun's shadow. Let's say for example that we're going to measure the distance of the shadow. We're gonna take this measure here, measure the length, and we're going to multiply that by the height of the source." The teacher explained as Bonnie looked to the door after seeing someone walk pass the door, looking to the teacher Bonnie stood up and walked out as the teacher continued to speak "Building height can also be measured, using a clinomator, which we're going to make in class tomorrow."

in the hallway Bonnie looked around before she walked to the door and called "Hello?" as she kept walking, reaching the end of the lockers she saw Emily leaning against the wall, when she looked up at Bonnie and walked out of the double doors,

Quickly following Emily out of the double doors Bonnie found herself at a graveyard, looking around she saw Emily, who turned around and went deeper into the forest with Bonnie following when they came to Fell's Church, Emily turned back to Bonnie who was looking at the ruins "Please help me." Emily said

"Who are you?" Bonnie asked

"I'm Emily. You know that. We're family." Emily replied

"Where am I?" Bonnie asked

"This is where it started. And this is where it has to end." Emily said indicating to the ruins

"No this isn't real." Bonnie said turning left only to see Emily, turning the other way to run, she saw Emily in front of her again

"Help me." Emily demanded, before a hand was placed on Bonnie's shoulder causing her to gasp and turn to see Naruto

"It's okay." Naruto said hugging the girl, who looked back to see Emily was gone, and she woke up to find herself in her bed with Naruto but Elena was gone


Naruto, and Bonnie were now in the kitchen, "So what happened?" Naruto asked

Bonnie shook her head, "I don't know, I keep having these dreams, Emily would show up and asked me to help her, then I would wake up in old Fells Church."

"Did she say what she wanted help with?" Naruto asked placing a cup of coffee in front of her

"No, she just said it's were it began, and it needed to end." Bonnie said sipping her cup "How did you get in my head?"

"Well, you fell asleep during the movie, and Jenna called wanting Elena's help so she left, and before I could get any sleep, you were about to sleepwalk right out the door, so I grabbed you and took you to your room, before I entered your dream and found you. It's a vampire thing." Naruto said before he looked to the clock "Come on, you have school in the morning."

"I don't want to go back to sleep. Can you take my mind off it." Bonnie requested

Naruto raised an eyebrow, before he smirked "Sure."

Bonnie gasped as Naruto appeared behind her kissing her neck, causing her to smile, but she groaned when he vanished, and began to look around for him and found him outside at his car in the truck, before he walked back in with a large book, and a tablet

"Got it." Naruto said closing the door and walking to the table

"What is it?" Bonnie asked

"In 1613, I met this woman, she had created a new format of magic, called connective magic, when she was indisposed, I took this."

"You killed her for this?" Bonnie asked looking at Naruto

"No, I slept with her, and her niece, and when they were unconscious, I looked through it, and copied the spells that looked interesting." Naruto said before he shook his head "But that's unimportant. You want to get your mind off Emily, well do get better at understanding and practicing magic."

Bonnie nodded as Naruto kissed her temple, before he left her with the book, and Bonnie browsed through the Grimoire for the entire night, she had managed to memorize a sensor spell that would allow her to sense someone's emotions, and dwelled deep into the books, practices, and vampire combat spells

She would fall asleep again, and dream of running from Emily and wake up in the woods

Next Day

Naruto decided to forgo school, the full moon was in days, and he had to be prepared for what was to come, Sheila had given him some very troubling news as well



Naruto was with Sheila who was pacing "You said you looked into the side affects of this ritual, are they that bad?" Naruto asked

"Potentially yes." Sheila said turning to Naruto who raised an eyebrow "I found out that, you will be weaker for an unknown amount of time, you not having fresh blood for so long will come in to play, and um,"

"Um, what?" Naruto asked raising an eyebrow

"Anyone connected to you by blood, will also be affected by the spell." Sheila said causing Naruto to blink

"I'm sorry, I must have misheard you, because it sounded like you said without saying, that this spell could turn anyone connected to me by blood; into a Original." Naruto said smiling "Meaning my nitwit half brother who is in no way trust worthy, will become one."

"That's correct."

"Well then I guess it's a good thing that your not going through with it." Naruto nodded before he saw Sheila look away from him, causing him to frown "Sheila, tell me your not going through with this."

"My reasons haven't changed, and as much as you don't show it, you still love Damon."

"Maybe so, but that doesn't mean I should help him become even more dangerous, than I already have." Naruto said

"You'll need him."

"Not that badly." Naruto said simply

"You haven't seen what I seen. Lexi will help you keep your other tendencies in check, but Damon can help you fight the many threats you'll come across."


"You said you'd do anything to help me keep them safe." Sheila interrupted Naruto who sighed "This is a price we'll have to pay. Trust me, you and Damon's relationship will find its way back to a healthy place."

End Flashback

Naruto sighed as he laid back and looked to the ceiling "Why is life getting so complicated?" he asked himself, before he kicked up to his feet and walked off

Mystic Falls High School

Bonnie had been a wreck today, she was tired and freaking out, she sat through her new history teacher's class, and didn't pay any attention studying the tablet Naruto had gave her, which was basically all the information on witchcraft and the art and practices of magic that he couldn't fit in the Grimoire

Walking to her car to go and pick up Elena who was on the other side of school, she glared when Damon appeared before her "Okay, it's your last chance."

"Get away from me." Bonnie said walking off but Damon walked alongside her

"Oh no, I just want to talk. Let's stay on point. I want my necklace."

"That's to bad." Bonnie said

"I'm trying to help you, here."

"I don't want or need your help." Bonnie said

"You do want and need my help, and you don't even know it. You know why, you little witch? 'Cause you've stumbled into something you need to stumble out of."

"Just leave me alone or I swear-" Bonnie stopped her threat when Damon jumped between her and her car

"Don't! No threats. Look, A, you hurt me last time. B, I wish you no harm. Believe it or not, Bonnie, I wanna protect you. Let me help you get Emily off your back." Damon smirked, before he glared at her ", You see, I know more about that crystal than you do, and I know that she's using it to creep inside of you. I can sense how scared you are? And, you should be, because I will get that crystal, even if I-"

As soon as Damon touched Bonnie's arm she muttered "Aduro."

Damon's eyes widened as a searing burning sensation took hold of his hand, and with a hiss he released Bonnie and panted as he clutched his wrist and saw that his palm had seconds degree burns, and looked back to see Bonnie having got into her car was pulling away


Gilbert House

After being called by Elena, Naruto headed over and was currently on the porch with the two girls "What would Damon want with you?"

"He was saying how he wanted the necklace that belonged to Emily back." Bonnie said getting a raised eyebrow from Naruto

"Where is it now?"

"Tossed it into a feild."

"You really think it's going to be that easy to get rid of?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow

"What do you mean?" Elena asked

"You'll see. I'll find out why Damon wants the crystal, you both just keep am eye on each other alright." Naruto kissed the two and walked off as they waved after him

Mystic Grill

Damon was at the bar with a bottle trying to control his cravings, after giving the Sheriff the body of the vampire he turned and killed things settled down and he didn't need the Council back on high alert

"What's with the bottle?" Looking up Damon saw Naruto

"Crash diet. You know, I'm trying to keep a low profile." Damon said

"You could always just leave, find a new town to turn into your own personal Gas 'n' Sip." Naruto said taking the bottle and pouring himself a glass

"I'll manage. What you can to keep an eye on me?" Damon asked

"I know, that's why I'm not here to keep an eye on you." Naruto said

"Then why are you here?" Damon asked

"I'm bored." Naruto said walking off with the bottle, before Damon with a smirk followed him

Gilbert House

While Bonnie was in the restroom, Caroline had arrived with takeout, and when she entered they looked at each other but didn't speak, before Elena gave Caroline a look

"I'm sorry." Caroline said with a huff as Bonnie looked up to her "There. I said it. If you want the ugly ass necklace, keep it. It's yours." she said

Bonnie gained an uncomfortable look before she asked "Will you hate me if I tell you I threw it away?"

"You threw it away?" Caroline asked annoyed

"I know it sounds crazy, but the necklace was giving me nightmares. I had to get rid of it." Bonnie explained

"You could have just given it back to me." Caroline retorted

"Why? So you could give it back to Damon?" Elena asked causing Caroline to pause as the night her friends went to New York, Damon had really hurt her feelings

"...Screw Damon. Are we doing manicures or what? Who has their kit?" Caroline asked changing the subject

"Mine's in my bag." Bonnie said causing Caroline to go to her bag

"So Elena. Did you invite Naruto over?" Caroline asked going through Bonnie's bag

"No, Caroline. This is girls night." Elena said eating a french-fry as Caroline frowned as she grabbed something from Bonnie's bag

"Why are you such a little liar, Bonnie?" Caroline said turning around

"What?" Bonnie asked turning to Caroline

"Caroline!" Elena said before they both saw Caroline holding up the crystal. She walked to the kitchen counter and placed the crystal down as Bonnie and Elena glanced at each other before Bonnie turned to Caroline

"I'm not lying to you, Caroline. I swear." she said

"It's true. I watched her throw it into a field." Elena helped

"Then explain it." Caroline said to Bonnie, who looked to the crystal then turned to Elena

"Emily." she said

"Who's Emily?" Caroline asked

"The ghost." Bonnie said still looking at Elena

"The ghost has a name now?" Caroline commented

"Caroline, please." Elena said

"I wonder why she won't leave me alone." Bonnie said freaking out

"Okay, what is going on?" Caroline asked getting both of her friends attention "Why am I not a part of this conversation? You guys do this to me all the time." she continued

"That's not true." Elena replied

"Yes it is." Bonnie retorted before she looked at Caroline "I can't talk to you. You don't listen." she told her

"That's not true." Caroline denied

"I'm a witch." Bonnie said after taking a deep breath

"And don't we all know it?" Caroline said sarcastically

"See? That's what I'm talking about. I'm trying to tell you something. You don't even hear it." Bonnie replied before walking into the living room

"I listen. When do I not listen?" Caroline asked turning to Elena who sighed

Mystic Grill

Naruto and Damon were playing Darts, when Naruto hit a bulls eye "Lucky shot." Damon said

"Well I must be very lucky then cause that was the sixth in the row." Naruto replied as Damon went to the board and marked in Naruto's points

"You're beating me." Damon said

"Of course, did you expect anything less?" Naruto replied

"I'm onto you. Reverse psychology. It's a little transparent, but I admire the effort." Damon said

"What're you taking about?" Naruto asked spinning the dart on his finger tip

"Seriously, what game do you think you're playing?" Damon asked as Naruto paused and looked at him

"That's a funny question considering the fact that I have been asking you that for months. It's frustrating isn't it?" Naruto asked

"Touché." Damon said as Naruto smirked and tossed the dart scoring another bullseye

"Seven in a row." Naruto laughed as Damon sighed and walked up to the board to retrieve the dart and mark in the points

Gilbert House

Bonnie was on the couch on the tablet when Caroline walked into the living room "Bonnie." she called out getting Bonnie's attention "Look, it's just not me. I don't believe in the "woo, woo." Heh .But if you do, then...Okay. I'm in. That's all it takes for me to jump on board, because I consider you to be more than my best friend, your my sister. And I'm saying this knowing that Elena's in the kitchen listening to my every word." Caroline said before moving to sit on the couch "Look, I didn't know how real this was for you, but I'm listening now." She said "Okay?" she asked holding out the necklace

"Okay." Bonnie said taking the necklace

"Elena, you can come in now. We're done." Caroline said loudly when Elena entered the room with a smile and sat on the edge of the couch "Well, there is just way too much drama in this room. So what do you guys wanna do?" Caroline asked getting shrugs from her friends before she sat up with a gasp "I have an idea. Why don't we have a séance?"

"I don't think that's a good idea." Bonnie said as Caroline got off the couch

"Come on. Let's summon some spirits. This Emily chick has some serious explaining to do." Caroline smiled

Moments Later

The girls all sat in Elena's room with the lights off around candles holding hands "What are we doing?" Bonnie asked

"I don't know." Elena replied

"Be quiet and concentrate. Close your eyes. Now take a deep breathe. Bonnie. Call to her." Caroline instructed

"Emily you there?" Bonnie called out as Caroline and Elena looked at her incredulously

"Really? "Emily you there?" That's all you got? Come on." Caroline said

"Fine. Jeez." Bonnie said before taking a deep breath "Emily. I call on you. I know you have a message. I'm here to listen." Bonnie said and after a moment the candles flared up, causing them to sit back with shocked looks on their faces

"Did that just…" Elena started

"Yeah. It just happened." Caroline interrupted before she gasped and held herself as a chill swept through the room

"It's just the air conditioning." Bonnie said before the candles flared again

"Ask her to show you a sign. Ask her." Caroline said but Bonnie refused causing her to sigh "Emily if you're among us, show us another sign." Caroline said

"See? It's not working." Bonnie said after nothing happened before the windows flew open. "I can't. I'm done." Bonnie said startled before she ripped the necklace off and threw it on the ground, just as the candles went out. "Get the light. Please get the light on." Bonnie said

"Hold on. I got it." Elena said getting up and turning on the lights, Bonnie looked down to see the necklace was gone

"You guys, the necklace, it's gone." she said

With Salvatore Brother's

Naruto and Damon were on the football field, as Naruto had a football "What are we doin' here?" Damon asked

"Bonding. Catch!" Naruto said tossing the football to Damon who caught it and threw it back, before he walked up to Naruto who tossed the ball back "Go on. Give it a try." he said

"Don't forget who taught you how to play this game." Damon said putting down the bottle before he threw the ball before super speeding after it to catch it with Naruto smirking as he exploded into a shower of electricity and when Damon turned with the ball, Naruto reformed and tackled Damon causing him to grunt "That hurt." Damon groaned

Naruto scooped up the ball, laughing

"I'm impressed Naruto. Fun with Booze and darts, sentimental with football, and now starry night. " Damon said before he sat up and asked "What do you want?"

"What do you want with Emily's crystal?' Naruto asked

"How do you know about that?" Damon asked standing up

"Come on. You knew they would tell me. Now, what do you want with the crystal?" Naruto asked

"You don't know?" Damon asked

"I'm putting it together. Let me guess you being here was to get the crystal, and with the same comet passing, what spell did she put on the crystal?" Naruto asked

"Quite clever Naruto, I'm gonna bring her back." Damon said turning around and walking off as Naruto watched after him in surprise

Gilbert House

Bonnie was looking under the bed for the crystal while Elena was talking to Caroline "Okay, fun's over, Caroline. You made a point, and I get it. Now give it back." she said

"What? Well, I didn't take it." Caroline said before Elena saw someone walk by the doorway, looking to the door way Caroline asked "What? What happened?"

"I don't know. Nothing. Jeremy, are you home?" Elena asked walking into the hallway followed by Caroline, Bonnie was about to follow when she saw the crystal in the bathroom.

"Guys…" she called out getting there attention, they followed her to see her go into the bathroom and pick up the necklace before the door slammed shut, and she screamed "You guys open the door. Help me."

"Bonnie! Bonnie! What's going on, Bonnie?" Elena shouted as she and Caroline tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge


Naruto and Damon were now on the Mystic Falls High campus after leaving the football field "How can you bring Katherine back?" Naruto asked following Damon

"Before Katherine and the others were killed in the church, you remember what it was like in this town?" Damon asked turning to him

"I remember the fear and the hysteria." Naruto said having been leaving town when it happened seeing as he and Damon started it when they fought and he broke Katherine's neck, which is why she was captured

"Townspeople were killing vampires one by one. When they got Katherine, and you refused to help, and abandoned her. I went straight to Emily, said, "I'll do anything. Name your price; Just protect her." She did." Damon said as Naruto sighed

"How?" Naruto asked

"She did some kind of spell with the crystal. And while the church was burning and we thought Katherine was burning in it. She wasn't." Damon said

"But you said you saw her go inside." Naruto said

"There's a tomb underneath the church. The spell sealed Katherine in that tomb, protecting her." Damon said

"Are you telling me that Katherine's alive?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow

"If that's what you wanna call it. She's been trapped in a mystical holding cell for the last century and a half, but you're an expert on starving a vampire, so how do you think she's doing, Nate? Now in order to give the crystal its power, Emily used the comet that was passing overhead, and in order for that crystal to work again…"

"The comet had to return." Naruto finished for him

"Downside...Long time in between comets and a couple of hiccups along the way with the crystal but the comet passed, and I got the crystal. And then Caroline got the crystal, and now Bonnie has the crystal and here we are." Damon said

"Emily hated you, why would she do this for you?" Naruto asked

"Because she knew they were gonna come for her, too, and since you we're unavailable she made me promise that her lineage would survive." Damon said as Naruto frowned "That is the only thing keeping me from ripping that little Bonnie girl's throat out to get my crystal back. Well. A deal's a deal. So…" Damon said with a shrug before he asked "You wanna go throw some more?"

"Why would you do this for her? Her love it wasn't real, don't you see that?" Naruto asked only for Damon to scoff before Naruto's phone rung "Yeah?"

"I need your help." Elena said on the other end

"What's wrong?" Naruto asked turning from Damon

"It's Bonnie." Elena said causing Naruto to frown

"What happened?"

"Emily is possessing her. She said something. She said "I won't let him have it. It must be destroyed." And then she just left." Elena said as Damon who was listening frowned

"Where do you think she went?" Naruto asked

"I don't know. (Gasp) Fell's church, by the old cemetery that's where she took Bonnie in her dreams. We have to help her, Naruto." Elena said

"I will, stay there, I'll find find her." Naruto said looking over his shoulder to see Damon had vanished and immediately he sped off


Fell's Church

Damon who had eased dropped on Elena and Naruto's conversation when she told him about what happened to Bonnie, had immediately raced to meet with the witch and he arrived to see Emily in Bonnie's body walk into a clearing "Hello Emily." he said when she turned to him he continued "You look different."

"I won't let you do it." Emily said already knowing why he was there

"We had a deal." Damon retorted with narrowed eyes

"Things are different now. I need to protect my family." Emily said

"I protected your family. You owe me." Damon replied with a glare

"I know. I'm sorry." Emily apologized

"You're about to be a lot more than that." Damon growled speeding forward only for Emily to throw her hand up and swipe it to the left, causing Damon to shout as he went flying into a branch where he was impaled, causing him to scream

Moments Later

Naruto arrived to see Damon hanging on a branch that ran through his kidney, walking over he pulled him off and dropped him


Naruto looked up to see Bonnie and smiled "Hello Emily." he greeted walking up "As much as I would like to catch up, I must ask what're you doing?"

"These people don't deserve this. They should never have to know such evil." Emily said causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow and tilt his head slightly

"What do you mean evil?" Naruto asked

"Emily. I swear to God I'll make you regret this." Damon groaned on his knees

"I won't let you unleash them into this world." Emily replied

"Them?" Naruto asked before turning on Damon "What part of the story did you leave out, Damon?"

"What does it matter?" Damon asked causing Naruto to narrow his eyes

"Emily, tell me what you did." Naruto said

"To save her, I had to save them." Emily said

"You saved everyone in the church?" Naruto asked

"With one, comes all." Emily said

"I don't care about them. I just want Katherine." Damon said finally standing up

"I knew I shouldn't have believed a single word that comes out of your mouth. This isn't about love, is it? This is about revenge." Naruto said

"The two aren't mutually exclusive." Damon retorted

"Damon, you can't do this." Naruto said pushing Damon back before his brother got in his face

"Why not? They killed 27 people, and they called it a war battle. They deserve whatever they get." Damon replied

"27 Vampires, Damon. They were vampires. You can't just bring them back." Naruto explained before Damon grabbed his shoulders

"This town deserves this." Damon said

"You're blaming innocent people for something that happened 145 years ago." Naruto retorted before Damon slapped his hand off and got back in his face

"There is nothing innocent about these people, and don't think for a second it won't happen again. They already know too much, and they'll burn your little grand-witch right next to us when they find out. Trust me." Damon said to Naruto and Emily

"Things are different now." Emily said causing the brothers to look at her

"Don't do this."

"I can't free them. I won't. Incendia!" Emily shouted as a circle of fire erupted around her

"No! No please." Damon pleaded having tried to get into the circle but was kept outside

"Bonnie!" Elena shouted running to the clearing as Emily took of the necklace and her original form flashed before she threw it into the air

"No!" Damon shouted as the necklace exploded into a shower of sparks, as Damon glared into the fire at Bonnie who took the form of Emily before returning to normal with her head down

Bonnie blinked before she began to look around confused as to where she was and how she got there before she heard growling and looked to see an enraged Damon coming at her and just as he was about to grab and bite her, Naruto appeared in between the two and an elbow to Damon's chest sent him flying back into a tree

"Bonnie, you okay?" Naruto asked looking at Damon

"H-how did I get here?" Bonnie asked as Naruto turned to her

"That's a long story." Elena said walking over and hugging her friend

"Emily won't be bothering you anymore." Naruto said before he looked over his shoulder to Damon who was sitting down facing away from them "You both go on home. I'll be there in a few."

The girls nodded and headed to Elena's car as Naruto walked over to Damon "Katherine never manipulated me, I would've done anything for her. It was real for me." Damon said causing Naruto to sigh and run a hand through his hair "I'll leave now."

"My brother." Naruto thought as he watched Damon get up and walk away, to sit in the ruins, what did he say to the brother he had been at odds with for so long. It's not like he didn't know what he was feeling, hell he remembered every single woman he has been with and the ones he could say without a shadow of a doubt that he loved were few but Katherine was one that stood out amongst his lovers, she had hurt him to his core so much that he flipped his switch and left everyone to their fates

With a sigh Naruto went to Elena's house and snuck into her room, to comfort she, and Bonnie, as Damon sat and cried to himself.

Next chapter