
Chapter 3 


Naruto sat at a table with a glass a Hennessy in hand as he sat on the phone, while watching citizens celebrate All Hallows Eve "She honestly thinks that all her problems will be over if she placed everyone in the bodies of witches?" the woman on the phone asked 

"Yes, Finn and Kol, have already taken her offer, but I know Kol, he has an ulterior motivate for accepting this offer, and not just because he wanted to be able to use magic again, I just need to figure out what it is." 

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to be in New Orleans, Naruto." 

"I know, Phoebe but I can't abandon Elijah, or Niklaus. They need me here, Esther is going to tear them down." Naruto said 

"Yes, but Esther was a wielder of your yang seal for more than half her life, she knows your secrets, and if she were to find out that you aren't at full strength then she'll strike at you without remorse." 

"I can call upon my full power for 30 minutes, that's 29 minutes to many." Naruto said taking a sip of his glass 

"Why do you insist on suppressing your abilities, anyway?" Phoebe asked 

"Because, the only person capable of going toe to toe with me is Lilith, I like to spice things up. That is why I leaked the information about my blood to the witches, without telling them that even if they did manage to permanently kill me, all magic will be lost forever. Things began to get dull after a couple of centuries, but New Orleans I feel will be a place I can have a challenge again." 

"Whatever, listen, Klaus', Rebekah's, Kol's, and Elijah's sirelines are getting antsy. This war is escalating we have had to kill a couple of old ones who tried to take some of ours." 

"Who was hit?" Naruto asked 

"Sophie-Anne, Alexander, Sonja, Sun, Genghus, and Lexi." Phoebe said 

"Any casualties?" Naruto asked 

"No one important, just a few fledgings, but Horsemen is in an uproar we all know that The Strix is up to something, but to attack known members of your sireline.." 

"Someone is trying to make a statement." Naruto finished with a sigh "Tell them that until I give the order we will not reveal ourselves. If only a few small fry are dead, than there is truly nothing to worry about. Also tell Achilles that I may need a couple hundred old vampires, and tell Talia that when I give the word I want her and her strongest and most trusted wolves here." 

"Any reason why?" Phoebe asked 

"I don't know really, The Crescent wolves have fallen deeper than I expected when I exiled them from Horsemen, Hayley has faith in them but I don't." 

"The other six families have reported members going missing." Phoebe said "I sent Paige and Penny to look into it." 

"... Someone wants to speak with you." 

Naruto raised an eyebrow before he smiled when he heard "Hi daddy!" Naruto's 3 year old daughter said 

"Hey mama." Naruto said in a soft voice "When you coming home?" she asked 

"I can't leave your big brother yet, but I'll send a clone and he wll be there in the in a moment, mama." 


"So how was school?" Naruto asked 

"It was fun, teacher said, that you are the strongest supernatral in the whole wide world." the girl said 

"That's right, your daddy is the best!" Naruto said with a grin at how she butchered 'Supernatural' 

"Yup, I told all my friends." she said causing Naruto to smile before his attention went to Elijah who sat across from him before he told him to wait, before he created a clone that vanished in a flash, while Elijah looked around noticing how no one was reacting "Ok, Teresa go into the living room and give momma, back her phone ok?" 

"Ok, I love you daddy." 

"I love you to sweetie." Naruto smiled before Phoebe was handed the phone, and he could hear Teresa excited yell in the background as she saw his clone 

"Naruto, I want you to be careful." "I'm always careful." Naruto said 

"That's a lie, and we both know it." Phoebe said causing Naruto to chuckle "I love you." 

"I love you too." Naruto said hanging up before he looked to Elijah "Sup?" 

"Well we have wolves living in our compound, Niklaus is missing, Mikael is on the loose, and the wolves led by my deranged mother have declared war on all vampires. What is up with you?" 

"Well I've been on a compulsion spree, compelling all important citizens of this lovely city." Naruto said causing Elijah to raise an eyebrow 

"We can't trust anyone, including the Crescent wolves, that haven't taken a ring. I've also managed to memorize the layout of the Quarter every nook and cranny. What can I help you with?" 

"I need your help teaching Marcel's nest of vampires to fight the werewolves." Elijah said causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow before he appeared thoughtful and downed the rest of his drink, 

"Let's go."

The French Quarter 

The residence of the Quarter continued to celebrate All Hallows Eve, as Cami walking from her meeting with Vincent called someone on her phone "Finally, you pick up your phone! I've been trying to get a hold of you for days! Way to leave a girl hanging." 

Davina, who was standing on the porch of a cabin out near the Bayou, smiled "I know, I should have called you back. I didn't want you to worry. I just... things are complicated." she said watching as Mikael trained with a wooden staff out in the yard 

"Yeah, well, word on the streets- and, by streets, I mean Josh- is that you've gone totally MIA. Seriously, are you okay? Where are you?" Cami asked concerned 

"I'm fine. I'll be back soon, I promise. And... thanks for calling. It's good to hear your voice." Davina said hanging up before Cami could reply 

"Davina? Davina?" Cami asked before sighing in annoyance as she checked her phone 

"Well, that was rather rude!" a voice said behind her causing Cami's eyes to widen before she turned around and gaped, as Klaus was standing there smirking at her in amusement "Well, it's a pleasure to see you, too, Camille!" 

"Don't... Don't do that crooked-smile thing, okay? I haven't see you for months, and now you're... appearing out of the blue? What do you want?" Cami asked after regaining her composer 

Klaus walked up to Cami, and said "Well, I have a rather long list of people I need to track down and deal with, and at the top of that list is a certain runaway witch." 

"Maybe she doesn't want to be found." Cami shrugged 

"And for good reason. Had I magically resurrected the insane, vampire-hunting stepfather of my sworn enemy, I'd be hiding too!" Klaus said casually 

"Wait, what?" Cami asked stunned 

"Oh, haven't you heard? Mikael the Destroyer, back from the dead. And, by all accounts, under the complete control of your little friend, Davina." Klaus said 

"Well, you heard her, clearly. She didn't say where she was!" 

"Oh, on the contrary, love. You just had to know how to listen. For instance, I heard cicadas, and I heard tans, but the real giveaway was the church bells. Did you know Davina's family owns a little cabin in Terrebonne Parish? It's been abandoned for years! But, a brief glimpse at a map showed its just a mile from the loveliest little chapel." 

"So, what's the plan?" Cami asked sighing 

"Well, the way I see it, if Davina wants to use Mikael to kill me, we just have two options. One, you reason with her. Two? Well, I don't 

think you'd like two very much." 

"... Fine. Let's go." Cami said after a moment before they began to walk down the street and head off to Davina's cabin 


Mikael stood outside, with his wooden staff as he had his eyes closed, as though he was meditating while still healing from his battle against the werewolves to save Davina, 

Davina walked outside and down to him, "You don't look so good. Those bites-" 

"Werewolf venom is to be purged by force, not acquiesced to." Mikael interrupted coming put of his meditation and facing the young witch 

"And what is that? A Viking bumper sticker?" Davina asked 

Mikael's eye twitched "Exactly how much longer are we going to be hiding here? Like cowards?" he asked 

"Elijah saw you. If he knows you're here, then Klaus does, too. So, I'm sorry, but until I unlink him from my friends, you're stuck here with me." Davina said 

"Confrontation is inevitable, child. Your fear will prove to be our greatest disadvantage." Mikael lectured stepping up to Davina 

"I'm not afraid." Davina said boldly

"Well, you should be. You are weak." Mikael spat 

"But I'm still in charge." Davina said smugly, before she held up her wrist and showed him her bracelet "By the way, I spelled it while you were... purging. It won't come off again." 

"Ah, yes. Your magic. How well did that serve you when the wolves attacked? Hmm? Magic can only ever fight half your battles. Remember that." Mikael said before he turned to go back to his training, 

"Okay. Fine. You're so tough? Teach me." 

Mikael stopped and turned to Davina with a raised eyebrow "Teach you what?" he asked 

"How to be strong." Davina said causing Mikael to slowly gain a smirk, visibly impressed by her nerve 

Marcel's Loft 

The vampires, including Gia, Marcel, and Josh, were in a meeting discussing what to do with the werewolves' ultimatum "We don't wanna run." Gia said 

"I know, and I respect that. But, believe me, there's a big difference between wanting to fight and knowing how to win." Marcel said looking to his recruits 

"So, show us! You've kicked their ass before, I'm guessing you didn't do it alone." Gia replied 

An apprehensive Josh raised his hand getting everyone's attention "Umm, yeah, not that I don't dig the whole Karate Kid vibe that we got going on here, but- how are we supposed to learn to defend ourselves from an army of super-wolves in, like, one day?" 

Marcel had no answer, when suddenly, someone vamp-sped through the room before two of the male vampires fell to the ground with Naruto standing over them, hearts in hand. 

Everyone backed away while Marcel looked at Naruto in shock and horror, before Elijah walked in "Sorry Elijah, I got a bit overzealous." Naruto said dropping the hearts with an audible splat 

"You!" Gia said vamping out, before she made to charge Naruto but Marcel grabbed her 

"Hello, Marcellus, it's been a while." Naruto said smirking "Who is this guy?" Gia asked glaring at Naruto

"He is the first." Marcel said

"He's an Original?" Josh asked standing beside Marcel 

"His blood made the Originals." Marcel said watching as Naruto smirked while wiping the blood off his hands with a handkerchief "When I say the first, I mean he is the first vampire ever." 

"You know it's rude to talk about someone like they're not in the room." Naruto said 

"What are you doing here?" Marcel asked 

"Well wolves have declared war on you, and Elijah wanted my help in teaching your fledgings how to protect themselves." Naruto said looking around 

"By killing two of them?" Josh asked causing Naruto to look at him with a raised eyebrow 

"You look an awful like someone I killed in Pennsylvania." Naruto noted before he shrugged "You all are now in a war against wolves under the control of a psychotic witch, so if you think you all are going to come out of it alive as you are now, sorry to burst that bubble. Not really." 

"What he is trying to say, is that you all need to train hard to survive." Marcel said 

"Let's see what you got so far, who here has fighting experience?" Naruto asked only for 2 men to walk forward 

"I used to bare knuckle." one man said "And you?" Naruto asked

"6 years karate." the second man said "Ok let's see what you got." 

The two men smirked as the first man got in a boxing stance, while the second placed his right hand up to jaw nose level while his second was chest level, with his pinkies, index fingers, and thumbs extended 

Naruto watched them closely and raised his hands giving them a 'Bring It' gesture, the boxer sped in, before he stopped while throwing a normal hook, Naruto leaned back and gave his own hook, immediately the boxer went down with a broken neck, while Naruto ducked under a roundhouse by the karate practitioner, and while he was in mid-turn Naruto elbowed him right at the bottom of his neck, at the tip of his spine, immediately the man crumpled to the ground unable to feel anything 

Naruto sighed in dissapointment, "Anyone know what was done wrong?" he asked looking at the nervous fledgings 

"They were to slow." Gia said getting Naruto's attention 

"Exactly, your bodies are weapons, you don't have superspeed to just run fast, to kill your prey, your speed can be used in a fight in conjunction with your strength." Naruto said before he looked to Elijah, "I'll leave you with your apprentice, while Marcel, and I teach the fledgings, outside." 

Elijah nodded Lafayette Cemetery 

Finn was conferring with Oliver, Aiden, and several other werewolf leaders in front of the lycée "Well, I trust our message was well 


"Loud and clear. Those vampires should be gone by tomorrow." Oliver said 

"In my experience, one can never be too careful with these creatures, though. We'll greet them with superior numbers." Finn said before he turned to another werewolf "Would you bring me the recruits, now, Sam?" 

As Sam walked away to do as he was told, Finn turned back to Oliver and Aiden "Oliver, Aiden; I have a task for you." he said just as the two saw a group of young children in their early teens walk out to join the leaders. Aiden's eyes widened in shock and confusion when he saw a young, dark-haired boy in the crowd 

"What's going on here?" Aiden asked 

"Tonight is Luna Sanguinis, blood moon. Now, a thousand years ago, your people marked this celestial event with a rite of passage. Electing not to shrink from their nature, but to embrace it with pride by slaying a human being and activating their curse." Vincent lectured to the kids, as Aiden gasped quietly in horror when he realized what Vincent/Finn was trying to do "Tonight, as unturned wolves, you will kill with the singular purpose of unleashing that warrior that lives within you." 

"They're just a bunch of kids!" Aiden said angrily 

Finn turned to Aiden and said "Aiden, we can no longer afford to hide our children from the horrors of war." he said as he put his arm around the dark-haired boy's shoulders, paying no mind to Oliver and Aiden horrified expressions "From now on, you're either with us, or you're against us." 

Finn turned back to address the young untriggered wolves "Come with me!" he said before leading the children away, and Oliver and Aiden stared at them in shock as they walked away 

Outside Marcel's Loft 

Marcel and Naruto watched as the fledgings sparred against one another "So how long have you been back?" Marcel asked 

"Last full moon." Naruto answered

"Took your time coming to say hello." Marcel said 

"Well I don't exactly trust you anymore. I thought I made that clear in 1919." Naruto replied 

"Your still on that?" Marcel said looking to Naruto 

"You proved me right, Marcel." Naruto said looking him in the eyes "You faked your death, letting everyone believed you perished in the fire. Not only that but you continue to act like your on our side, when in actuality your only with us for self preservation." 

Marcel stared at Naruto offended 

"Don't give me that look, we both know it's true, soon as something happens that hurts you, you will blame us for everything." 

"Your family isn't exactly innocent." Marcel spat 

"I know, but you aren't either. You ruined a Davina's life." Naruto said, and immediately Marcel got into his face 

"I saved her life! She prayed to you for months to come save her, where were you?" 

"Doing my own thing." Naruto answered before he asked "What do you think is going to happen to Davina if she were to perish? Her list of crimes against her own coven continues to grow, she has helped you subjugate her people. She continues to associate with vampires, and has turned her back on her coven." 

"Those witches had it coming." Marcel said 

"Then I'm sure when they use that logic on her, you won't be complaining." Naruto replied before turning back to the fledgings "Oh yeah, be sure to tell Niklaus and Elijah that you don't see yourself as part of the family. Niklaus deserves to know that the boy he adopted doesn't count himself among us." 

Marcel glared at Naruto before he scoffed and looked to his recruits and after a moment he made to speak to Naruto only to look, and see him gone. 


Elijah and Gia were glaring at Aiden who stood with Hayley, having come to ask for help, when Oliver came back pedaling intimate the room and tripping g down the stairs "Hayley, call off your friend!" Oliver shouted as Naruto entered the room 

"Naruto it's alright, they need help." Hayley said getting in front of him, while Naruto looked at her and nodded 

Moments Later 

Marcel and Josh joined the others as they listened to Aiden, and Olvera explain their problem "The witch wants soldiers. So now, it's either join up, or pay the price." 

"I've known my brother Finn to be merciless, but I'll admit, this exceeds even my expectations." 

"It's because he has something to prove now." Naruto said looking to Elijah "Mommas boy will do anything to show Esther that she was right to bring him back, so he will do everything in his power to make sure vampires are gone for good." 

"I'm sure if you hadn't of killed Sage we may have been able to use her to get him on our side." Elijah said causing Naruto to scoff 

"Fuck that, he chose to stand against us twice, he had the chance to go live a normal life when he was brought back, but he chose this, I'd gladly kill him again." Naruto said before he checked his phone "I have to go." 

"Go? Naruto we may need your help." Hayley said as Naruto walked passed her 

"Your a Hybrid Hayley, you have an Original, and a vampire with 2 centuries under his belt. You got this." Naruto said kissing her forehead before he sped off 

Hayley sighed and turned to see everyone looking at her with an raised eyebrow "What?" 

No one said anything just looked away With Naruto 

Naruto was walking down the road when he stopped by a park, to see a father playing with his 2 daughters 

Kingdom of Norway, 962 AD 

Naruto sat on a branch, warching as a 10 year old dark haired girl, stood in the snowy field with her eyes closed before her eyes snapped opened and a large ice dragon shot from the ground, and struck down yards away before large pillars of sharp ice sprung up, Naruto began to clap causing the young girl to turn to him, with a wide smile "Very good Dahlia!" Naruto said before a tendril of water hit his face knocking him out of the tree into the ground, while he sighed and looked to the giggling blonde girl hiding behind a wall 

Naruto with a swipe of his hand called up some snow and formed a snowball in his hand, looking to Dahlia who was smiling Naruto placed a finger to his lips "Shhh." 

Dahlia nodded before Naruto stealthily walked up to the wall that the giggling girl was hiding behind "Oh Esther." he said causing the girl to gasp and look up at his evil smile 

"Daddy no!" Esther yelled running only for Naruto to throw the snow ball at her back causing her to fall while he and Dahlia laughed at the girl, who picked herself up and with a wave of her hand sent a wave of snow at them, 

Naruto was snapped out of his flashback when he felt a presence behind him "You have a lot of balls coming here." he said look to Esther who was standing beside him looking at the family as well 

"I just want to talk." 

"Well that's something cause I have nothing to say to you." Naruto said walking away only for the woman to follow 

"I know your upset with me, but you have to see what I'm doing is what's best for everyone." 

"No I don't, you made them vampires, that's on you and Mikael. I gave you my blood to heal them in case any of them got hurt. 1000 years Later you come back and not only do you attempt to kill them, but me as well." Naruto said with a glare 

"You have been cursed longer than they have, I wanted to save you from being a monster." Esther said causing Naruto stop and turn to face her 

"So I was a monster when I took you, and Dahlia into my life, and raised you both as my own?" 

"No, but," 

"But, there's a but, I'm either an merciless monster, or I'm the guy that raised you with love and care. Pick one." Naruto said before he 

began to walk away again 

"Yes, you raised me with love and care, but that was only when you weren't fawning ocer Dahlia's talent." Esther said causing Naruto to stop and turn to her "I was never as strong as Dahlia, we all knew that, and you didn't make it any easier on me when you continued to advance her training to the point that she was able to kill you with her magic alone." 

"So I neglected you, is what your saying?" Naruto asked stepping up to her "Was it neglectful of me to give Dahlia the Book of the Damned and focus on you, so that you could catch up to her? I've done nothing but encourage you, all the way, day in and day out I came up with different ways to teach you magic, and how to master the Yang seal, and when you finally approached Dahlia's level you decided to quit magic all together." 

"I wanted to have a family!" Esther hissed

"And what a family you have, Esther." Naruto said turning around 

"Dahlia drove me to do it." Esther said causing Naruto to sigh and turn to her 

"To what?" Naruto asked 

"Almost a year into my marriage, I couldn't have a child," Esther said shakingly as she looked Naruto in the eye "I was barren, in desperate need of help, I went to Dahlia for help, and she tried to turn me away, so I made her an offer?" 

"What could you possibly have to offer her at that point in time, Dahlia was neck deep searching for potential members for a coven she wanted to start." 

"I offered her members, the first born of every generation for as long as my line should last." Esther revealed, while Naruto watched her "I didn't really think of it as a big deal, at the time, but when I had 

Freya, I couldn't part with her so I kept her away from Dahlia, until she took her. I thought if I had more kids I wouldn't miss her that much, but I still did. I was going to rid them all of the ability to have a child, and vampirism made that possible, but I never saw a newborn vampire before them, and after I sealed his wolf gene Klaus killed me." 

"..." Naruto remained silent before he spoke "Your a horrible mother, and to think Freya who helped me raise you shared with you the sorrow she felt when she lost her own daughter. You bargain yours, and every other first born away." 

"I wanted to tell you, but she said she'll come for Finn, and unborn Elijah." Esther said as Naruto shook his head 

"You should've told me when you made the Damn deal!" Naruto shouted before he walked away paying no mind to the girl 'So Dahlia is that who your channeling, is little Freya really alive? Will Dahlia come for Hope, and Emma?" he thought honestly worried about his daughter not wanting a confrontation to break out between himself and Dahlia whose magic has only grown more potent, and larger assince he saw her, and she was a prodigy in magic, as well as Chakra. 


Next Chapter, Naruto gets a call from Klaus who is in need of assistance with his Mikael problem and Naruto comes face to face with Davina for the first time in a year, how would she react to the presence of someone who she thought of as an older brother who was nowhere to be found when she really needed him. 

Should Gia live and remain with Elijah? Should Hayley get with Naruto? 

Next chapter