
The Passage Of Time- 1

[Godric's Hollow- 2 November 1981- Morning- 10:00 AM]

In the vast backyard of the once-resplendent and quaint manor, stood a multitude of people dressed in serene black clothes.

While Lily and Euphemia Potter addressed the incoming crowd, James Potter was instructing his two Head Elves- stationed in decoy Potter Manor on the night of the attack. Handing baby Harry and Friedrich/Fritz to Katniss Potter and Smeagol Potter, James took his position near the open casket of the late Flemont Potter and Pieris Evans. Sirius and Lupin were handling the guests and keeping an eye on Jeremy- who was constantly drinking alcohol.

Soon all the guests settled down, and a half-drunk Jeremy went onto stage, for the final speech-





Pieris was a crutch for my old age, a smile on my face in the toughest of times, she...




I have lost a part of my soul... Ha ha... ahem... she would have teased and scolded me for speaking about her only on my behalf... Honestly, I do not know and understand- what she meant to my girls, Lily and Petunia. Although I can confidently say that she loved you both unconditionally..." Looking up and meeting his daughters' eyes, "We have never told you both about your names and their origin; Pieris' family had this adorable tradition of naming their female offspring for centuries- right after the birth of the child, their mother would look in the child's eyes and they would get a feeling which then transforms into a name of a flower, that becomes the name of the child..."

*Sniffle* Looking up with a sigh, he continued, "As I have said earlier, I neither know nor understand her feelings towards others in depth- James, son, she was proud of you and respected you as the father of her grandchildren. As for our in-laws, she thought of you as her family, and Euphemia, she used to tell me on some nights, how she found a best friend in you..." Taking a deep breath, he spoke, "Lastly she sacrificed her life for the love of her Grandchildren..." Ending his speech, with the help of Sirius he shakily came off the stage and took out a flask from his breast pocket, to continue his drinking...


The next and last person to climb the stage was Euphemia- as the part of 'Pure-Blood' noble family, although, she tried to maintain a stoic demeanour throughout Jeremy's speech, it broke down when she lay her eyes on the body of Flemont Potter; *Snifling* She started, "Thank you all, for attending the wake of my husband and best friend" a sad smile tugged her lips, "Although, I have a lot to say, concerning my husband- I would like to share this short snippet of one of the recent conversation we had:

{You know dear, I appreciate life right now.

Haha, what came over you suddenly, mister?

Hmm~ now that I am getting old, sometimes, when I look around and observe- I find myself surrounded by a lot of happiness and comfort, yet, until I see your ace or feel your presence, all those previous feelings seem lost on me... In no way, do I condemn others that are now part of my family, my circle or me... I do appreciate them.


I appreciate- the morning rush, the jingle of my grandchildren's giggle, the true friend that I have found in Jeremy, the occasional football games with beer, the company of similar-age couples, the helping hand of Ketniss and Smeagol Potter...

Oh~ even though you were so against naming them Potter and freeing them?

Hahaha... Well, I accept that it was my narrow-minded ideals regarding, what a 'Pure-Blooded' nobles are... if not for Lily's little speech, I would have felt proud of enslaving two living beings with independent thought processes. Speaking of which, she truly brought a true sense of honour to our family... Hmm... I would say, she is my second favourite person.

Oho~ And who might be the favourite of our Lord Potter?

Hmph~ Of Course, my grandchildren are the ones.

And here I thought it would be me~

Haha~ My dear, let me veer back on the conversation we were having and answer you. Euphemia Potter, my love and respect for you is unquantifiable! This life, the respect I get and the honour our House receives- If left on me, I would have failed a long time ago, you gave me hope, and you taught me love and respect. I don't mention this often, but, thank you for existing, my love~}"

Amidst a heavy silence of grief, Euphemia wiped away the constant flow of her tears, cleared her throat, with cold eyes and a steely voice, she declared by holding her wand high, "I, Euphemia Potter, on behalf of House Potter, declare- from this moment onwards, every Death Eater and wannabe Dark Lord, no matter, if 'Pure-Blood', a 'Half-Blood', a 'Muggle-Born', or a 'Squib'- is our enemy and to die would be an easy escape for them, from us!"

A multitude of wands shot up in the air with their tips glowing in an ethereal milky glow, including- Lily Potter Nee Evans, James Potter, Katniss Potter& Smeagol Potter(Head House Elves of Potters), Sirius Black, Lupin, Dumbledor, Molly Weasely Nee Prewett, Arthur Weasely, Alice Longbottom, Ross Geller, Monica Bing Nee Geller, Chandler Bing, Joey Tribbiani, Phoebe Tribianni Nee Buffay, Aberforth Dumbledore, Malia Tate, Bonnie Bennett and many more.

Among the crowd gathered, there were many hidden Death Eaters too, the followers of their 'Dark Lord', who were now fuming inside and gritting their teeth- among them, the Malfoy family was one, and to not garner any more suspicion, he too had to lift his wand, albeit grudgingly, followed by his wife Narcissa Malfoy Nee Black...


"I appreciate you guys attending the funeral, all the way from the USA. Thank You." James and Lily attended and thanked the Gellers, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, Malia and Bonnie.

"We are friends, and friends support each other. You know the deal." Ross said loosening away from the hug from James.

Lily tried to extend the invitation for family dinner, "Join us for the dinner and stay the night, at least.", but she was denied the request, Monica countered- "We would love to, and you know it too, but I have left Marshal and Phoebe has left Ted, in care of our house elves, and as a mother, I can't help but worry~".

With a heartfelt smile, Lily reciprocated- "I understand."

"How about you guys plan a trip for next year summer or Christmas, to the USA!?" Joey cheerfully barged into the conversation.

James too chimed in: "You know what, it is a good idea, especially coming from you Joey." Giving a playful sigh towards a smug Joey, he concluded: "We will discuss and if nothing comes up, then most probably send you a letter before Christmas."

Nodding her head, "I agree." Lily said

"Alright now attend to others, we know our way back. Be Well!" Chandler sent them away, and they all left together.


[Burrow- Potter Manor(Second)- 31 July 1982- 11 AM]

"Katenis dear, please tell Lily to bring the marinated Turkey," Molley Weasely asked the sullen Katenis.


"Even when they can apparate silently, why do they have to use sound? I would never understand..." Molley absentmindedly uttered, while making the fillings for the Turkey.



"What do you say, you use a new sound? Isn't it kind of outdated now?" Lily suggested to the newly apparated Kateniss.

With a weary smile and a slight shake of the head, "Mrs. Weasely is requesting you to bring in the Turkey, Lily. All the sounds you suggest are a joke in front of this one; old is always gold~" Katniss said.

"Yeah~ Yeah~ Whatever~" With a playfully dismissive tone, Lily picked up the Turkey and started moving towards the Kitchen.

"Have you-" Before Lily could finish the sentence, Katniss replied: "I have asked Smeagol to look after the James&co. Don't worry~" 

"Hmm~ What about Dad and-" Again before Lily could finish the sentence, Katnis replied: "Dad Jeremy and Arthur Weasely are having a conversation over beer; well more like Mr Weasely is sticking around like 'Bad piece of gum~'"

"Oh, and-" The same happened again, with Lily and slowly a threateningly sweet smile was building up on her lips. Still, Katniss replied: "Millie is looking after Youngin' Fritz and Bobby are looking after Youngin' Harry~"

"Hm~ Hm~ Also-" With a bright smile Lily looked over to the side to see how clueless Katniss was; this time it was Lily herself, who cut her sentence, yet poor Katniss didn't notice and continued: "No worries~ I will take another round, attending guests and maintaining order, hehe~"

"My dear, Katniss~" That was the last sentence Katniss heard, as she subconsciously *POP* away...

"I know you can hear me, dear~ Tomorrow, early morning we will be listening to Pop music~ Also, give my sweetest regards to Mr James Flemont Potter~" The Devil Lily Potter enunciated her words...

A Wild James shivered all over...


A long table was set with a variety of food: Yorkshire Pudding, Shepherd's Pie, Crispy bacon, Slightly fried vegetables and Dipping sauce, Scotch Eggs, Toasted Sausage and Beans, Trifle and much more with two moderately towering Birthday cakes; Surrounded by a multitude of guests.

A casually dressed Lily went to bring her lovely child downstairs for his Birthday Party: "Millie is Fritz ready!?"

A cute Elf in a green dress walked out from the closet, holding hands and leading the way for a cute sharp crimson-haired boy with white bandages wrapped around his eyes and covering them. 

*Cute+Cute= Cuteness Aggression*

"Frizy~!" Lily squealed - hugging and pecking his cheeks...

"Mum~ Don't~" Two-year-old Friedrich desperately tried running away, to no avail...

After a few minutes of Fritz whining and Lily enjoying, they walked out of the room; A young Harry walked out with little messy reddish-brown hair and decked in Knickers with straps underneath which he wore a white furled shirt- same as his brother but instead of dark green it was black.

... And yet again an innocent child was attacked due to his cuteness.


Amidst the joyous choir of 'Happy Birthday'- Lily carrying Friedrich/Fritz and James holding Harry's hands, came downstairs.

After cake-cutting with the background of Sirius, James, Lupin and Dumbledore shooting magic in the air, and receiving various Birthday presents, the peaceful and full of smiles dinner ended...


Being the children that they were, Harry and Fritz started buzzing around their family to open the presents, right after the last guests left; well except Sirius, who at this point had his room in the manor. Therefore, after cleaning up and lounging down on their favourite chairs and recliners, with their favourite drinks in their hand, Euphemia allowed the eager little chipmunks to open their presents:

> Harry-

. From Weasely's - A woven red sweater for winters, with a big H on his chest

{Eh, waste~

Harry James Potter!!- Lily and Euphemia

You are grounded for insulting someone's sentiments!- Lily

And you will be wearing this sweater most of the winter- Euphemia

But... DAD~

They are right, Harry! The most important gift to someone is, a gift of genuine sentiment, an object should not matter.- James

Well said, James. Remember this lesson Harry- Jeremy

... Sorry. I will remember it...- Harry

Good, now open your next presents, Fritz is waiting for you- Lily}

. From Longbottoms- A cute little bow-tie

. From Dumbledore's- A bag of Fizzing Wizhbies and Lemon sherbet candies

. From Sirius and Lupin- An 'Air-Wave Gold' flying broomstick

. From Jeremy- A Football and a Chelsea T-shirt

. From Euphemia- A Potter 'Family Ring' for young heirs and an enchanted daily wear clothing

. From Lily and James- Another set of enchanted clothing, this time it was from the muggle side.

> Friedrich/Fritz-

. From Weasely's- Similar to his twin a sweater with a big F on its chest area, but instead of red, this time the colour was dark green

. From Longbottoms- Another cute little bow-tie

. From Dumbledore's- Another bag of candies, this time a bit varied- Chocolate Frog (5) and Bertie Bott's Every Flavoured Beans

. From Sirius and Lupin- Another 'Air-Wave Gold' flying broomstick

. From Jeremy- A Chelsea T-shirt and a 'Bamboo Flute'

. From Euphemia- A Potter 'Family Ring' for young heirs and an enchanted daily wear clothing

. From James and Lily- Another set of enchanted clothing, this time it was from the muggle side.

{With a beaming smile, both boys thanked the people present, for the gifts.}


"Alright, listen up boys, tomorrow you, your dad and I will be moving to our house in the city- your pre-schooling will begin then. Harry, you will be going to a nearby school and Fritzy you will get home-schooled by one of my childhood friends, who is now a teacher." Lily instructed the two before they went to their beds.

"Mom~" Harry, "Okay" Fritz.

"No groaning and whining Harry; muggle education is necessary when you are young since at eleven you would be attending Hogwarts. Also, your mother attended her education when she was your age, before Hogwarts, in that same school." James stated and placated the young boy


A/N- Thinking of gifts for young children is very hard~

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