
Kamiki Couple

"Hm? This feeling... No, it shouldn't be possible. How can there be a Six Eyes bearer in the same generation?"

A man with a stitched head suddenly stops walking, bewilderment crossing his face.

"This feeling is unmistakable. A baby is born inheriting the Six Eyes! I can't be wrong in sensing that aura."

As reluctant as he is to deny the truth, he knows well that this is just an attempt to deceive himself. In the past, he had dealt with the Six Eyes bearer several times, making him familiar with this phenomenon.

After a brief shock, he regains his composure.

"This world always surprises me. The Six Eyes have their own will; there shouldn't be another Six Eyes."

"My plan is in motion. I can't allow the emergence of dangerous factors that could disrupt my plan."

Aware of the troublesomeness of Six Eyes bearer, he takes out his phone, noting the birth of the Six Eyes bearer and posting it on a forum.

"With this, the jujutsu world will be in turmoil. I don't need to intervene; many sorcerers will try to kill that person."

For now, he doesn't want his existence exposed to the Gojo Family. So, he exploits those who don't want another Six Eyes bearer to appear.

"Hopefully, they succeed in killing the baby."

Not very confident in the success of this plan, he continues his journey, devising a plan to deal with the new Six Eyes bearer.


As a Six Eyes bearer of this generation, Satoru is also aware of the birth of another Six Eyes bearer.

He quickly returns home to the main residence, wanting to see the newborn. Unfortunately, he's told they are still searching.

Shortly after, Satoru is asked to find the Six Eyes bearer. Without hesitation, he agrees.

He can faintly sense the other party's location.

When members of the Gojo Family hear this, they are delighted and ask him to go there because Jujutsu Sorcerers in Japan are also searching for the baby.

Accompanied by three other members of the Gojo Family, Satoru heads to the location under his guidance.

After 30 minutes of driving, Satoru feels the distance between them getting closer.

"We're not far now. We should arrive shortly." Satoru says with a wide smile.

"We are now in Nakano District. According to the directions given by Satoru-sama, we are heading to the hospital." One man says, checking the GPS on his phone.

"Bingo! We're on the right track!" Satoru exclaims.


Nakano Hospital.

In one of the wards.

A woman with pale skin and unstable breathing lies weak on the bed, but her eyes soften as she looks at the baby held by the nurse.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Kamiki, you have given birth to a baby boy. His eyes are as beautiful as the blue sky."

The nurse hands the crying baby to the mother's embrace.

"Ah, my son. Thank goodness you were born safely."

Holding her son for the first time, Mrs. Kamiki sheds tears of joy.

The baby boy's cries stop, as if his eyes have wisdom, and he hugs his mother's face.


The ward door opens, and a bespectacled man quickly enters, approaching his newly born wife and son.

"Honey, are you okay?" Mr. Kamiki asks.

"Fool, do I look okay? I risked my life for both of you." Mrs. Kamiki weakly complains.

"You've worked hard. Thank you."

Mr. Kamiki wipes away his tears of joy at becoming a father.

"Darling, look at his eyes. They are the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen."

"Uh, you're right."

Following his wife's words, Mr. Kamiki carefully examines his son's eyes.

The shape of his son's pupils doesn't seem too special at first glance.

However, when observed up close, he realizes there is a beautiful detail in those eyes.

The eyes look like the sky with swirling clouds.

"Amazing... When he grows up, he will surely captivate the hearts of many women. As expected from my extraordinary genes."

Mr. Kamiki praises himself without shame.

"You're so narcissistic, darling." Mrs. Kamiki says, amused by her husband's behavior.

"Sir, Madam, please give your baby a name."

Seeing their intimacy, the nurse reminds them. Besides, she needs to record the baby's name to avoid confusion in the NICU.

"His name is Haruto." Mrs. Kamiki says.

"Wait a minute, honey. This wasn't our initial agreement. Haven't we agreed that if the baby is a boy, I give the name, and you give the name if it's a girl."

Mr. Kamiki complains about his wife's shamelessness.

"Oh, are you daring?" Mrs. Kamiki squints her eyes.

Gritting his teeth, Mr. Kamiki refuses to back down and says, "Anyway, the right to name the baby boy is mine."

Looking at her husband's determined gaze, Mrs. Kamiki sighs, not insisting further.

"Sigh... Do as you please."

"Are you sure?"

"Don't make me say it for the second time."

Mr. Kamiki dares not question his wife anymore. While gazing at his son, he says softly, "Eiji, meaning prosperity. May our child live prosperously, unlike his father enslaved by the corporate world."

"Eiji, huh... A good name."

Repeating the name of her son, Mrs. Kamiki kisses her son's cheek, Kamiki Eiji.

On the other side, the nurse notes down the name in the documents.

"Tsk tsk tsk... Lucky~, I'm the first one to find him. The reward of 500 million yen will be mine~"

The harmonious atmosphere in the ward is disrupted by an unknown man.

He wears round thick glasses, checkered shirt, and looks like a bookworm. His gaze is focused on the baby in Mrs. Kamiki's arms.

Turning to Mr. Kamiki, the nurse asks, "Is he your relative?"

"No. I don't know him."

Upon hearing his answer, the nurse politely dismisses the other party.

"Sorry, since you're not their relative, please leave."

"You dare to kick me out?"

Closing the ward door with his foot, the bookworm man chokes the nurse in front of him until her body lifts a few meters from the floor.


The nurse's eyes widen, the grip on her throat prevents her from breathing, and her hands scratch the other party's hand to free herself.

"Hey, what are you doing! Let her go!"

Mr. Kamiki steps forward to help the nurse, but his stomach is kicked, causing him to crash into the wall by the bookworm man.

"Darling!" Mrs. Kamiki cries in concern.

"Wait for your turn, bug."

Glancing at Mr. Kamiki writhing in pain, the bookworm man shows a mad expression.

"You women are always like this, only judging men by their outward appearance. After being hurt by one man, you all easily say that all men are bastards. Damn it, you choose scoundrel men yourselves, why should I be blamed!"

He rambles unclearly, ignoring the nurse's kicks and scratches on his hand.

After a few minutes, the nurse stops breathing.

The bookworm man discards the nurse as if throwing away trash.

"Madam, do you know your baby is worth 500 million yen? With all that money, I don't need to work as a sorcerer anymore; I can live a lavish life forever. So... Can you hand over your baby?"

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