
Surrounded by Ye Heng's Scent

Ye Heng had the urge to laugh as he recalled what his younger sister was trying to do. It was not as if he could not see that Ye Qing Xin was trying to create a chance for him to be alone with Tang Shi Yi.

He already told his younger sister that he and Tang Shi Yi were just friends from college and nothing more. But it seemed that his younger sister refused to give up.

Ye Heng wanted to explain himself. However, he did not want to embarrass Tang Shi Yi. 

Seeing that he was supposed to leave and head back to his office anyway, Ye Heng convinced Tang Shi Yi to leave with him. Anyway, his sister was right. It was not easy to get a taxi around this time in the area.

Ye Qing Xin walked them to the elevator and waved her goodbye. As the elevator door was closing, Ye Qing Xin did not forget to send his elder brother a teasing look.

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