
C27: Level 3, Infamy, New Sensations

C27: Level 3, Infamy, New Sensations

Word count = 3288 on 1/27/2024

So we did not reach the quota in time. We got to 98 stones out of 100 until today's reset. But I'll be nice and post the 2nd chapter later today. As for the single ability you get to know about....it's Nen


<Status >

Name: Axel Gram

Title: Brawler

Level 2 -> 3

(Base= after monsterphilia → soul shock stats → after adjusting/goliath fight → level up)

Strength: SS- 1086 → SSS - 1399 → EX+: 2500 → I: 0 [1]

Endurance: S-985 → SSS - 1330→ EX+: 2480 → I: 0

Dexterity: SS-1099 → SSS - 1330→ EX+: 2310 → I: 0

Agility: SS-1041 → SSS - 1350→ EX+: 2320 → I: 0

Magic: SS-1044 → SSS - 1350→ EX+: 2350 → I: 0

**New**<Magic > -> <MageCraft >:

Cleanse-simple cleaning spell that dispels dust, stains on clothing or substances upon one's body.

Create Water: a simple elemental spell that converts humidity in air into water. Water can not be more than 5 ft away from user, otherwise control is lost (dnd style)

Flame Wave: An intense blast of fire magic that spreads out in a 10ft cone in front of the user.

FlameBolt- fire formed into a spear-like structure that possesses exceptional piercing power.

Mind manipulation- low leveled mind control spell that is only useful for making suggestions, can be overridden if intellect is high enough (weak monsters only)

<Skills >:

Anima Scissa- Holders of this skill are torn beyond construction and thus are unable to use magic. Comparably, the possessor may tap into the power of their soul to unearth new found abilities comparable to magic. When the vessel possesses enough power, new fragments may be unearthed.

Anima Scissa (Magister daemonium): tapping into the soul, the user may exhibit the power of a gluttonous demon who may consume the strength of others through the incantation, "Shadows of the Abyss, I AM the Endless, Rapture of Power and Possessor of All that Belongs to Others." Level 2 incantation: "I am the endless, Rapture of Power and Possessor of All that Belongs to Others. Level 3 incantation: "I am the Endless, Rapture of Power"

Anima Scissa (parasitica corpus): allows controlled body manipulation (only self) which can be refinement of muscles to draw out enhanced strength temporarily. Transformations rely on Mind to maintain. Call out the incantation "Mura" to direct energy according to the users thoughts. Distractions can negate the transformation.

Anima Scissa (Odr): A binding of love and commitment that can never be broken. This skill serves as the eternal reminder. You share aspects of those you love and love you back.

Freya - enhanced charm.

Raikou - enhanced strength growth

syr Flova - enhanced Charm.

Anima Scissa (Umbra Sui)[1]: A shattered soul cannot simply rest in passivity. Provides a semi corporeal body to provide assistance to the user. Incantation is "Shade that I am". For the next 5 minutes, can freely manipulate the formed shades according to their specialties.

Magisters Daemonium- gluttonous spirit that creates shockwaves of devouring force

Parasitica Corpus- a nimble spirit that manipulates its own body to shred thine enemies.

Umbra Sui-An elfish spirit that overlays the user's power in the form of shockwaves.

Limit Break -> Limit Break 2: A status that goes beyond simple even immortality. User receives extra Excellia facing foes of a higher level. (not much change except the first line)

Beast: ?????

Development skills

Berserker: I -> H


Raikou can now better understand how Axel could have possibly lifted the sword. Welf and Daisy did describe how the spirits were hitting the sword until it was completely lifted but the very fact that Axel wasn't crushed under its weight is a testament to his own strength that keeps breaking the limits of the falna.

What worries her most is the new beast skill as the details remain hidden from her. She also hopes Axel wakes up soon as they need to choose his new development skill.

Repeat options remain from last time like Chain attack, fist strike, Crush, Mystery, Luck, Hunter. While new options are abnormal resistance, mage, Fist fighter, Strong Body, Healing Power, Immovable Strength (homebrew).

Raikou herself would recommend something like healing power, the immovable strength or strong body as any one of those would heavily reinforce Axel's already strong survival abilities. Though she won't discredit the other abilities such as mage which would likely reduce his mind consumption as he is in this very state due to his mind down state. They had fed him potions before but they became fully ineffective on him after Raikou kept healing his body for the past 3 days.

It's only after another hour of waiting that Axel finally awakens very groggy. He tries to turn around but Raikou keeps him still.

"It's alright my baby, i'm just updating your falna. I know you just woke up but we need to choose your next development skill" She then tells him his options, she doesnt get through the entire list before he chooses, "Mystery, i've learned how to make magic artifacts but I need Mystery to make them. Magic jewelry to be more specific"

Raikou would have chosen something else but she respects her child's choice, especially since he is primarily a melee combatant but if these options still appear in the future it doesnt matter as they will still be chosen.

She sets Mystery as the new development skill and remains curious on what type of magic he will make through his jewelry. She herself is interested in his own jewels but he just woke up after three days.

Axel receives his status page sheet with interest and he is shocked by the EX+ rank that seems to be beyond simple EX. he is unsure if there is even more beyond that but it sounds cool. On the other hand, Raikou explains the situation to him, that they are in Rivira, the goliath sword in the boss area and how various dwarves and other craftsmen have come down to study it but none are able to move it. Even hundreds of adventurers working together struggle to lift the giant blade and Axel laughs.

"I'd like to keep it if possible, goddess. A nice trophy of my conquests"

"Oh, and do I count amongst these conquests?" She says teasingly.

"Of course, my ravenous hunger to constantly dive into your embrace should be more than enough of my desire for you. The trophy that I can not control" he gives her a kiss as he gets redressed. He stretches and feels up his own body as he can tell he has to be more careful with his movement otherwise he could easily break something.

He finally exits the 'cheap' hotel room of Rivira. Many adventurers stare at him as the days go by and the more they don't figure out what materials the sword is or even being able to move it. The more they talk about him.

The story of the fight had spread around even though neither Welf nor Daisy told anyone about it except Raikou. They make up stories of a second similar sword wielded by the goliath and that Axel had a sword fight with it using its own second blade but that the other sword disappeared with the body of the goliath itself and the one that Axel used was part of the drops.

Others are even more absurd such as using the giant sword with one hand as Axel himself expanded to over 10ft tall to properly use it like a butter knife. Only to cut the goliath into sashimi.

Axel laughs out again at the ridiculous stories he is hearing when Welf and Daisy come back. They had seemingly gone to the bathroom…at the same time. Axel won't question it even though he can now smell both their scents on each other. The trio discuss their next move and that Axel would first try to move the sword out of the room to reassure people before they go home.

Axel has to catch up on his magic lessons as Monsterphilia and their dungeon dive 3 days ago had made him fall behind and he doesnt want to anger his teacher who so kindly offered her lessons to him.

The group of four make their way through Rivira and soon reach the 17th floor or more specifically the Goliaths boss arena. There Axel sees dwarves and other craftsmen creating various contraptions to try lifting up the giant blade. There is also the Loki familia which is coordinating people along with the Hephasteus familia. Axel starts to approach it when he gets dirty looks from all the spectators as if Axel is approaching the most beautiful weapon in the world. Some of the non-craftsmen whisper to them that he is Axel and they gain a look of recognition. They await to see what he is planning to do.

Axel himself stands before the hilt of the giant sword now and he is clenching and unclenching his fist to prepare himself. He squats and positions his hands under the giant wood block and tries to lift, only to fail. He gets a few dismissive chuckles from the spectators. Raikou approaches Axel as she says.

"Berserker development skill?"

"Probably, i think i need to fight for a bit to build up the power to lift it."

"Alright, try to hit me." she whispers to him and he gets slightly panicked as he would feel bad if he hurt her but then remembers that she is stronger than him by a lot. He can only nod and raises his fists.

He punches out but is casually blocked by Raikou with one hand. They keep going at it and naturally attract attention as they go. Partially from his inexplicable actions as well as the fact that his punches are soon enough generating giant wind blasts from every punch. This keeps going for a few more minutes and at most Raikou has to use a second hand but she still casually stops his attacks. Once they decide it is enough and everyone can visibly see Axel bulk up again. Axel faces the sword once more.[2]

He squats and begins to actually properly lift the sword hilt which is already more than what others could do. They begin to scramble out of the way as they don't know what Axel will do.

Axel instead gradually lifts the other end whilst still holding the hilt and he begins to bring it out of the room. Cheers ring out as Axel slowly moves it out of the boss room and into Rivira. Though he doesnt bring it into town, he leaves it just outside the boss room as Axel doesnt want to strain himself too much. The sword sinks a bit into the softer forestry ground.

When the final thud is heard. A ring of applause is heard. Axel overhears some Dialogue about how the rumor of him using the sword like a butter knife might not be true but one really frantic fellow says that he could have been holding back his skill to not expose it. Afterall, a skill, specifically a development skill that can provide such a boost of power is unheard of and extremely unique

. On the other hand, the rumor about the giant sword fight gains more popularity as they have already witnessed him lift the blade, if he elevated his strength more than wouldn't the sword fight be possible.

More believers of this rumor arise while Axel just shakes his head and with everything resolved, he and his group begin to make their way back home. Axel receives no gluttony energy from the monsters as they make their way up. Raikou has to go ahead to sneak by the guards as she shouldn't be down here. Some craftsmen tag along with their group to return to the surface as their only desire was to move the blade for the sake of adventurers. These people are carpenters, merchants and handymen who are uninterested in the giant sword since it has already been proven that the sword can't be broken down, melted nor carried by anyone else except Axel thus far.

As they make their way back, Welf explains that Tsubaki the captain of Hephaestus was able to clarify that small chunks of adamantine are scattered around the sword which is why they struggle to even melt it down. This is the very reason there is so much attention on it. Just the Adamantine is enough to get their attention but the reason for why it cant be melted is due to another unknown type of metal that people assume comes from the unknown deep floors as adventurers have never gotten far enough to find it and only hold revere for adamantine.

As a preliminary name, Tsubaki has named it Scarletite due to the soft bit of heat emitted by the sword and its far higher resistance to both normal and magical fires. They are all puzzled why something like this was made by the dungeon and how it has never given proper human weapons to monsters before. At most they would be a thick stick attached to a slab of iron like with minotaur weapons but never like this.

Axel and his group cant worry about this right now and they just appreciate the free labor to watch over the sword. The group of four soon return home with Daisy and Welf splitting off to their own homes as they have been in the dungeon the past 3-4 days. Axel himself rests for another hour before heading out to meet Murasaki Shikibu. What he is shocked to believe is that even a few passing people of the immortal district are whispering about him as even they acknowledge his strength.

Though Axel remembers from Raikou's words that at least half the immortals here are those that became ones unintentionally and never really raised their strength so they are properly level 3 without falsehood while the other half are true monsters like his own goddess, Raikou. Axel soon arrives at Shikibu's home and he knocks.

"Coming." a sweet voice is heard from inside before the door is opened revealing the beauty of his 2nd goddess.

"Welcome back. Come in. You haven't attended your lessons the past few days. What do you have to say for yourself" She welcomes him in but then remembers that she should be angry and directly questions him for his reason to neglect her lessons like this. Though it's hard to tell that she is angry as her voice is still so gentle and kind.

"Im sorry Goddess" "Kaoruko" She interrupts him as he has forgotten to call her by her name.

"Ah yes, Kaoruko, I'm sorry. I was stuck in the dungeon after getting injured. I had also leveled up. Here is my status page if you'd like it" He takes out the page Raikou made before they returned back up. He hand destroyed it yet as this saves him the effort of getting bled on by his magic teacher when he feels he has already disappointed her by not showing up lately.

The female immortal offers no response to his apology except taking the status page and observing it as she simply walks into the study room where Axel has been taught. Axel follows along with his head down as he could have at least told Kaoruko about him not coming over for monsterphilia or even the day after as Monsterphilia itself was the main reason that their schedule was broken.

Axel sits down on his tatami mat as Kaoruko does the same but her expression is unreadable as she is staring at the status page. She soon sets it aside and gets up to go to her tea room and brings out a book before sitting down again before handing it over to Axel.

"Read this. Inside is a chant that should suppress the strange negative energy forming around you. I wouldn't want you losing control of yourself so soon in life" her words sends a shiver down Axel's back as he didn't realize anything was different. As such he studiously opens the book and begins to read it.

Essentially what the book is about is buddhism doctrines. A form of spirituality that quickly fell apart when the monster outbreak from the dungeon occurred. Such a situation led that only direct family members retaining knowledge of this information. Kaoruko lightly mentions that she got this book from another Immortal for her collection. Axel finds a few chants but he remembers that Kaoruko said something about negativity. So he keeps reading through the book before finding one that is focused on that aspect.

With a deep breath he begins to recite the chant, "Tayata Om Bekanze Bekanze Maha Bekanze Radza Samudgate Soha" (based on 'Tayata Om mantra'). He doesnt immediately feel any changes but he continues forward. Kaoruko brews a pot of tea as she has no direct plans to teach Axel any magic at the moment.

The hours pass and Kaoruko finally tells Axel to stop. He takes a deep breath as he truly finds himself more at peace and calm. His sexual desires are seemingly less overwhelming. Not to say that he cant get hard or anything, He simply wouldn't be controlled by the sensations as much. He could be more caring, more loving, more fair. By calming himself like this, he could greatly increase how long he can last and how much more pleasurable sex would be for his lovers.

Even after leaving Kaoruko's home, he was still silently chanting it as he practiced his new shade ability after returning home. He quickly found that he could effectively infuse a shade into an object. Throw the object and once it comes into contact with something, he could pretty much teleport over. This is useful for getting out of an encirclement like what previously happened with the black market group that first attacked him. As such, he now has a small gathering of rocks in his belt pocket as the dungeon doesnt really hold many loose rocks unless one breaks it off themselves.

Axel heads to bed, prepared for the next day of magic studies as he has already told his team that he would be taking a small break and that they would reconvene after a week. Raikou would have liked it if they were able to report the level up after the week of rest but seeing as he had already showed off immense strength and defeated a rex. It is unlikely they would believe he didn't level up. Nothing is ever mentioned about what level of stats someone has so at most there is conjecture about his strength being high with a skill supporting the singular stat.


[1] so since I'm the originator of Ex rank stats for danmachi falna. Ill say that default EX only goes up to 2k stats and EX+ is for above 2k with it being the final stat. Yes I am aware that I made the magic stat 2k from the first level up and it was just EX but honestly I didn't think of making a new ranking after, but if anything ex+ can start at like 2001. It's like how irl humans describe decades/centuries. The 19th century is related to anything from 1801 to 1900. the 20th century is 1901 to 2000 and we in the 21st century is 2001 to what will be 2100.

[2] Some might be curious why he showed off such exceptional lifting ability. The answer is, what are they gonna do about it? Welf and Daisy never mentioned his ability so at most they can tell that he can build up his strength to exceed others but they know this takes time
