
Haunting Confrontation

Adrian found himself lost in thought, absentmindedly twirling his office chair from left to right, his face adorned with a small frown. Fingers drummed anxiously against the table, a dull throbbing ache pulsating at the base of his skull. The room seemed to blur as Alexander bombarded him with a flurry of words.

Closing his eyes, Adrian took a deep breath to gather himself before reopening them. "Let's take a break," he uttered, his voice rough and echoing with a sense of emptiness even to his own ears.

Alexander halted, closing the folder in his hands, concern evident in his voice. "Young Master, we can't afford a break. Our designers are working tirelessly, and the stress is overwhelming. Can't we swiftly uncover the culprit and put an end to this madness?"

Wincing at the worry in Alexander's tone, Adrian sighed, running his hand through his hair. "I understand, and we will catch the culprit soon. Don't worry."

Rubbing his temples, Adrian continued, a heavy sigh escaping him. "However, it won't be easy. We've meticulously reviewed all the CCTV footage in the building, but nothing has surfaced."

"And there's no way to recover it now. Even if there were, it would consume precious time we can't afford," Alexander interjected urgently.

Adrian stared at the floor, contemplating the situation. "This person is undoubtedly familiar with the building, indicating that it's an employee behind this."

Alexander's eyebrows creased with frustration as he raised his voice, exclaiming, "Like that hasn't been established already! Why state the obvious? I know you're aware of who the culprit is!"

Adrian, avoiding eye contact, pouted and mumbled, "I don't want to say it..."

In response, Alexander let out a frustrated scream, vigorously shaking the folder in his hands, demanding, "Just tell me!"

Averting his gaze further, Adrian continued to pout and murmured, "It's no fun if I tell you just like that."

Finally, Adrian shifted his attention back to Alexander, stating, "Plus, we don't have concrete proof."

With a huff, Alexander rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath, "Adrian, you're the boss of this establishment; anything you say will be final."

Expressing exasperation, Adrian sighed and responded, "I know, but some people will still doubt and ask for evidence."

"Oh, for the love of...!" Alexander exclaimed, frustration evident in his tone, running a hand over his forehead with a groan.

He turned away from Adrian, pacing around for a few moments, muttering angrily under his breath until he spun back around, fixing a stern glare on Adrian.

"Okay, did you somehow forget who you are? Because that's the only explanation for the way you're behaving right now," Alexander continued to mutter "damnit!" repeatedly, the frustration escalating with each passing second.

After several minutes of pacing in circles, Adrian remained silent, staring blankly at Alexander.

"You're a devil with the ability to control human minds and other devil's minds. You can manipulate your employees' minds like you do to me," Alexander accused, pointing a finger at Adrian while yelling, "So tell me, why are you taking the long route and wasting time?"

Adrian released a heavy sigh, his posture slumping as he rested his arms on the table. Leaning forward slightly, he expressed, "That's because I want to take this long route. You won't understand."

Before Alexander could interject, Adrian's phone started to ring. Glancing at the screen, he commented, "Finally, a sound other than your annoying voice," as he pulled himself upright, disregarding Alexander's disgruntled glare.

"Don't ignore me, young master," Alexander protested.

Adrian turned to Alexander and asserted, "Zip it. You've been talking to me with a lack of respect. I'll deal with you later." Alexander gulped nervously, watching as Adrian grabbed the phone off its cradle without glancing at the screen, clicking the green button, and placing it to his ear. "Hello?"

A brief pause followed, during which Adrian could discern shuffling on the other end before an exhausted yet familiar female voice responded, "Adrian? Are you busy?"

Adrian's eyes widened, a warm smile gracing his face as he replied, "Just getting my day started, what can I do for you, Hailey?"

"Let's meet... I have something to tell you," she said, uncertainty lacing her voice. Adrian's smile faded, replaced by a frown as he asked, "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Observing the worry on Adrian's face, Alexander pondered, 'Why is Young Master making such an expression? I wonder who he is talking to.'

"I'm fine," Hailey reassured him.

"Let's meet at your place," they both said simultaneously. Adrian chuckled softly, while Hailey stayed silent, slightly flustered.

"I don't want you at my place. I'll come to your place, and please don't pick me up. I'll come over by myself later today; send me your address."

"Sure thing, I will send it to you," Adrian said before ending the call. Alexander lingered for a few minutes before questioning, "Who were you speaking with? Was it a woman?" Suspicion colored his tone.

Adrian's lips pressed tightly together, and he shot Alexander a steely gaze. "You're in charge," he ordered, rising from his chair, grabbing his coat, and storming out of his office without uttering another word. Sighing, Alexander settled onto the plush couch, reflecting, 'At least he didn't use his mind control ability on me.'


Hailey placed her phone on her desk, her gaze shifting to the invitation letter before her. A heavy sigh escaped her as she took the letter off the table and placed it in her handbag. Restless, she drummed her fingers on the table, the rhythmic sound halting when her phone buzzed. Picking it up promptly, she stared at the screen as a message notification from Adrian appeared. Clicking on it eagerly, she found the address she had requested earlier, accompanied by a smiling emoji.

With a slight eye roll accompanied by a small smile, Hailey stashed her phone in her handbag, signaling the end of her conversation.

Collecting her handbag, she gracefully rose from her office chair and exited the room.

While traversing the corridor, Julie, her assistant, approached with news. "Ma'am, I've ordered a cab for you. It should be here in 40 minutes."

Hailey nodded appreciatively, offering a polite, "Thank you, Julie."

She pivoted and made her way towards the elevator, pressing the button and patiently waiting for the doors to reveal their mechanical grace.

Upon opening, Hailey stepped inside and awaited the familiar hum of descent as the elevator initiated its journey downwards.

After a brief interlude, the elevator came to a halt, and its doors parted to unveil the lower floors. Hailey gracefully exited, seamlessly navigating towards the building's exit with purpose.

Stepping outside, Hailey briskly walked past the parking lot and halted at the sidewalk, where a cab conveniently pulled up in front of her.

"That was quick. I should head to grandma's place first before I see Adrian," she pondered, slipping into the cab. After informing the driver of her destination, he responded, and they set off.

As the cab maneuvered through the city, Hailey couldn't shake an uneasy feeling. Notably, the cab was heading in the wrong direction, and the driver showed no signs of consulting the GPS or seeking directions from her. Instead, the cab ventured down an unfamiliar street, leaving Hailey with a sense of discomfort.

In an attempt to remain composed, she reached for her phone in her purse, contemplating, 'Act natural and clueless.'

Just as she was about to dial Julie's number to address the odd turn of events, the cab abruptly came to a stop, causing her phone to slip from her hand.

Swiftly, the cab driver locked the doors and, without warning, pivoted back to seize Hailey by the neck. In a disconcerting turn of events, he produced a handkerchief and forcefully covered her nose. Hailey's eyes widened with a mix of terror and recognition as she found herself face-to-face with a haunting sight – the very reporter who had met an untimely demise in front of her. 'This can't be; he died, didn't he?' she frantically thought, attempting to free herself from his tight grip.

Engulfed in a feeble struggle beneath his relentless grasp, Hailey's efforts to move his hand were met with increasing resistance. The assailant gradually tightened his hold on her throat, creating an ominous sense that her windpipe could snap at any second. As her breath became constricted, Hailey stared into bloodshot eyes that bore into hers. In a raspy, distorted voice, he uttered, "You remember me, don't you?"

His words, delivered through what seemed like a mask, resonated with a hoarse, angry, and threatening tone, weaving an unsettling narrative that thrust Hailey into a perilous confrontation with her past. The air hung heavy with tension as the unexpected reappearance of the supposedly deceased reporter plunged Hailey into a moment of chilling disbelief.

Hailey's gaze remained fixed on him, her eyes locked in an unwavering stare, until an overwhelming sense of dizziness and paralysis overcame her. Gradually, her eyes dulled, and her body became limp in the reporter's unrelenting grasp. Sensing her vulnerability, he smiled evilly as he promptly released his grip on her neck, allowing her to slump unceremoniously into the seat of the cab.

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