
Chapter 327: The Great Escape

Extra Chapter~

Seeing their enemies in trouble was gratifying, but now the trio faced a significant danger of their own.

If the sea of constantly reproducing armor continued to rise, they would soon be submerged.

They had to leave before that happened.


"We can't get out; it's too big!" Penelope screamed.

The fire dragon seemed to realize this as well. It opened its massive mouth and spewed fire, blasting through the tunnel's ceiling, causing it to crumble.

Using sheer force, the fire dragon clawed and pushed its way forward.

Penelope and Cho Chang shut their eyes tightly, avoiding the dust and heat.

The sound of exploding rocks and the dragon's roar was deafening. They clung tightly to the dragon's back, fearing they might be thrown off at any moment.

At that moment, Alaric shouted, "Dig three feet deep!"

He was helping the fire dragon widen the passage by blasting open the ceiling, allowing it to reach fresh air above and escape the rising sea of armor and the screaming goblins trapped within.

Penelope and Cho Chang followed suit, casting more digging spells to further blast the ceiling.

They passed through an underground lake, and the fire dragon roared as it sensed freedom and more space ahead.

Behind them, the passage was filled with the dragon's spiked tail, heaps of rocks, shattered stalactites, and the ever-reproducing armor.

The goblins' screams seemed to diminish, and ahead, the dragon's flames cleared a path for them.

Finally, thanks to the fire dragon's brute strength and their spells, they blasted through the passage and entered a marble hall.

Goblins and wizards screamed as they fled and hid.

The fire dragon found an area where it could spread its wings and turned its horned head towards the door, sensing the cool air outside.

It stepped out, forcing open the metal doors as Alaric, Penelope, and Cho Chang clung to its back.

Due to their invisibility cloaks and presence-reducing potions, no one noticed them on the dragon's back. Everyone assumed that only the dragon had escaped from Gringotts.

The transformed door wobbled on its hinges as the dragon stumbled into Diagon Alley before taking off into the sky.

They had successfully escaped from Gringotts without being detected.

Their actions had left no traces; all witnesses among the wizards and goblins had been hit with the Obliviate charm, and those goblins who arrived at the vault, whether burned by the hot armor or not, could not figure out the truth.

After all, they were invisible even on the dragon's back.

The Ender Pearl was unnecessary because they left riding the dragon and did not need to use the anti-theft waterfall.

Thus, the goblins would likely think that the chaos was caused by a fire dragon attempting to escape, causing the massive disorder, and that the vault's alarm was triggered by the dragon accidentally hitting it while struggling.

They probably wouldn't discover the theft.

The operation had gone remarkably smoothly.

However, they still faced another issue.

They could not control the fire dragon.

It was not that dragons were untamable; in fact, with Dragon's Roar, it was possible to make a dragon obey.

However, this particular dragon had almost no vision and could not see its surroundings. Its flight was based purely on its pre-capture experience.

As they ascended higher and higher, London below resembled a gray-green map.

They certainly could not use Apparition to leave, as Apparition is not a very reliable method of spatial travel.

It requires a stable state, meaning they need to be firmly in place before using it.

If one's spatial coordinates are rapidly changing and cannot stabilize, Apparition can easily go wrong—like appearing in the wrong place or losing body parts.

Using Levitation Charm wasn't a good idea either.

The invisibility cloak did not cover their entire bodies, at least not their feet.

If they floated down from the sky, people on the ground might see floating feet, akin to glimpsing up a girl's skirt, creating an obvious anomaly that even a presence-reducing potion could not hide.

Seeing a fire dragon in the sky was one thing; seeing people floating down would lead any observant wizard to suspect they were escaping from Gringotts, and if Death Eaters heard about it…

So, they had to remain on the dragon's back and wait until it flew to a remote location before they could leave.

The dragon seemed to crave cooler, fresher air. It continued to rise until flying through thin, cold clouds, and London's landmarks turned into tiny, colorful dots below.

They flew over rolling green and brown countryside, with winding roads and rivers below resembling faded or smooth ribbons.

"What do you think it's looking for?" Cho Chang shouted as they flew farther north.

"Not sure," Alaric called back.

The sun dipped lower, and the sky turned indigo.

The fire dragon kept flying, its massive shadow moving like a dark cloud across the ground as cities and towns receded beneath them.

Finally, once they were sure the dragon had reached an uninhabited area, the trio let go of the dragon's back and jumped off.

Of course, they were not trying to commit suicide.

As they fell, their forms began to change. They grew larger, scales emerged, and wings sprouted from their backs.

Within moments, three giant dragons appeared in mid-air.

One dragon's scales sparkled like diamonds and was over ten meters long, larger than the previous fire dragon.

The other two dragons, smaller and covered in sapphire-like scales, were evidently juvenile.

The three dragons flapped their wings and slowly descended to the ground.

The sudden appearance of the giant dragons startled the fire dragon, which became frantic and quickly accelerated, fleeing in a hurry.

The trio did not concern themselves with the fire dragon's fate. After landing, they quickly Apparated back home.

The Hufflepuff Cup was now in their possession, and it was time to destroy the Horcrux.




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