
The Title's Effect...

"You. You bastards. You allow outsiders to embark on a pirate mission and act as your crew members. Have you no longer any shame?" Captain Norgomodev said in shock, as Captain Jack shrugged in helplessness.

"You... You accursed bastard!!!" Norgomodev roared out in disdain. It was a great pirate sin, and very against the code, to allow outsiders as crew members on a ship. But now, one of the heirs of the nine families was hiring outside help to accompany them on one of the greatest missions of all time. That was a blatant slap to the laws and rules of piracy!

"You see, Captain Norgomodev, a thousand years have passed now, since you have been trapped in this unhallowed form of yours, and in the unhallowed realm. Some slight tweaking has been done to the rules, and now the first rule of piracy is that...

"It is All Just A Good Business…"

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