
Chapter 140

When the four countries of Serbia, Romania, Greece, and Montenegro reached a secret treaty, Bulgaria, which was their target, did not even know. In fact, they are prepared for the alliance between Serbia and Greece. As for Montenegro, they can ignore it, but Romania's participation makes them unaware.

Bulgaria is now discussing how to resolve territorial disputes with Serbia and Greece. In the civil society, the three parties are now enthusiastic under the infection of nationalism, and they all look down on the other party, especially in Bulgaria. There have been several demonstrations among the people on the territory that Serbia and Greece should get when occupying Bulgaria. In this regard, the government agencies headed by Prime Minister Geschoff have been battered by the parade.

The army was also influenced by the people, as Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov had told King Ferdinand I before. The army has shown signs of instability, which also made Ferdinand I secretly determined to take back the territories occupied by Serbia and Greece. If peace cannot solve this problem, then war is under consideration.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister, now I will tell you the plan our army has prepared."

Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov stood in front of a map and spoke to King Ferdinand I in front of him. Behind the kingdom there are senior government officials such as Prime Minister Geschoff and Foreign Minister Tirasnochi.

Ferdinand I spoke to his Secretary of the Army. "Lord-General Mikhail Savov, let's start."

After Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov bowed his head slightly to the king, he picked up the command gang and began to explain. "What we need to face in Bulgaria now is that Serbia has 210,000 troops stationed in Macedonia. Among them, there are 190,000 troops in Bitola and Ohrid regions that invaded and occupied our country, and there are about 60,000 troops in the country. Greece has more than 70,000 troops in the occupied area of ​​Thessaloniki, and 60,000 troops in its country."

Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov started talking about the Bulgarian army after introducing the armies of the two countries. "We Bulgaria has the largest military strength among the three countries, reaching 360,000 troops. Because we currently need to face the two countries to launch attacks, our total strength is slightly less than that of the Seich two countries. After deducting the 3 needed to defend the Ottoman Ten thousand troops, as well as 20,000 troops to defend other areas, we actually only have an army of 310,000."

Facing Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov's explanation, Ferdinand I and Prime Minister Geschoff listened quietly without saying a word.

In fact, in the original history, Bulgaria did not have so many troops. It was the result of the instigation of the butterfly, Edel, at that time there were only 300,000 troops in Bulgaria. And after the Balkan War, the Bulgarian army had no ammunition. And now there are blood transfusions from Romania and Germany, so that the Bulgarian army's reserves are still above the normal line. There are 761 guns in Bulgaria, and there are now 683 machine guns, 167 and 412 higher than in history.

Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov began to explain the plan prepared by the military after finishing talking about the two armies. "In our plan, since the total strength of the two countries is higher than that of our country, we plan to use the method of surprise attack."

Hearing that a surprise attack would be an unannounced war on Foreign Minister, Foreign Minister Tiras Nocchi couldn't help but ask. "Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov, is this method too uncivilized?"

The reason why Foreign Minister Diras Nocchi said this is because in Europe, the mode of engagement has always been the offensive after the declaration of war on each other. And undeclared war will be spurned by people, who think it is not the work of a civilized country. Therefore, Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor during World War II made the United States so angry.

Facing the words of Foreign Minister Tiras Nocchi, Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov explained. "The population of Serbia and Greece is 1.7 times that of ours. If we follow the normal war situation, it will be difficult for us to fight the Seich coalition forces."

After hearing Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov's explanation, Foreign Minister Tirasnochi stopped questioning.

After seeing that the Foreign Minister did not continue to object, Prime Minister Geschov told him. "Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov, please continue."

"The main force we need to deal with this time is the Serbian army. For this reason, we have concentrated the First Army, the Third Army, and the Seventh and Fourth Divisions. The total strength is 210,000. We are preparing the First Army to attack Bitto. There are 60,000 people from Serbia's second army in the area, and 80,000 people in our first army can completely defeat the opponent. The third army and the fourth division attack the Ohrid area, and Serbia is defending the area. The first army and the third army have a defensive strength of 130,000. Since we are equivalent to their strength here, the main target of our raid is here. The seventh division interspersed between the two places, depending on the situation. ."

After listening to Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov's explanation, King Ferdinand discovered that this was similar to the previous model of the Serbian War. However, both the size of the troops and the weapons and equipment are much better than that of the time.

But Ferdinand I still praised it. "You did a good job."

Facing the king's praise, Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov was still a little embarrassed, but he said truthfully. "Your Majesty, our plan is still based on the changes made in the last war."

Prime Minister Geschoff asked the key question. "Then your Majesty, when are we going to start?"

Ferdinand I answered. "It depends on when the Austro-Hungarian Empire is ready~www.mtlnovel.com~ Before Bulgaria and the Austro-Hungarian Empire negotiated and attacked Serbia, but it ended because of Germany's unsupported. Because the Austro-Hungarian Empire cannot bear the anger of Russia, In the past few decades, without Germany's help, Austria-Hungary would have been cleaned up by Russia. So after Germany refused to provide a guarantee, the Austro-Hungarian Empire sent the Prime Minister to lobby Germany. Now Germany's attitude has become a bit hesitant.

After hearing the king's words, Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov said hesitantly. "Your Majesty, but it's impossible for us to wait like this. Moreover, the mood of the army is currently high. If it is delayed, I am afraid that the situation will change."

Hearing the words of Lieutenant General Mikhail Savov, Ferdinand I also walked back and forth thinking about the gains and losses. All the ministers looked at their king quietly, fearing to disturb him, and the whole room was quiet for a while.

In the end, Ferdinand I stopped as if he had made a decision, and looked at the ministers who were waiting for his decision. "We will just wait for a week. If there is no news, then let us solve the current territorial issue by ourselves."
