

Adrien perked up immediately, turning in his seat. "The key is in this group?"

There was an unspoken 'already?' that...well. Honestly, Emily agreed with.


The problem was...

Emily shook her head in response. "I don't- it's...I can't tell which one is..."

The only thing she'd been able to determine so far was that the person whose soul resonated the closest to hers was standing in that group of people, and she'd determined that rather easily.

It jumped out so powerfully that it was impossible for her to miss, thanks to Merwyn's help charging up her soul like that.


Well...she'd kind of...sort of...

Gathered that the key could be almost anyone there?

Maybe it was because they were all standing so close together, she wasn't certain. Unfortunately, it seemed that if she could sense as strongly as Merwyn let her sense, even people who weren't keys gave off a vibe of something to her.

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