
Now You Have My Attention Too

Melania fixed her big eyes on the opened guest book, placed before her by her lady-in-waiting, and began the slow task of perusing the names inscribed there. Assigned by one of the wedding planners to ensure that all guests who had accepted their invitations were duly listed there, the princess felt a pang of insignificance and even mockery.

'I feel like a troublesome child given a trivial task just to keep them occupied with something," she mused inwardly. 'I do not even know who most of these people are, and I could not care less if some of them are omitted. Just as they could not care less about me. Even if none of them comes in the end, it does not matter at all.'

Once more, she idly scanned the lines of unfamiliar names carefully outlined in black ink, her brown eyes filled with a growing sense of overwhelming melancholy.

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