
Alone With Alicia [Pt 1]

After Noah left, Rey made sure his room looked as presentable as it possibly could for his guest.

The first time Alicia came with those books, Rey had been caught off guard.

His room hadn't been in any major mess, but it wasn't in the best shape either.

Rey remembered he had a pair of his underwear on his bed, and till this day he prayed Alicia didn't notice what it was.

'I managed to cover it with my bedsheets, but I think she already saw it…'

Rey knew he would die of embarrassment if he dwelled on it, so he convinced himself that Alicia didn't know what a guy's underwear was supposed to look like.

It wasn't very believable, but telling it to himself repeatedly seemed to do the trick.

"Alright… I think we're all set!" Rey beamed in satisfaction.

His bed was well-laid, and everything was in perfect order.

You would think he was about to get laid or something.

Next chapter