

Either Jevro and me spoke after all explanations of that mysterious voice. Alfonso asked him and he only said the fact about the evil core. One more thing, the supposed to be a re-evaluation is being forgotten. And Alfonso told me to do it again next time before the raid.

Meanwhile at training center. Rowan showed his techniques to the visitors and received an offer to be personally trained by one of the American visitors. He took the offer and they are now currently training. Allyssa and Allen are just watching the others while waiting for Jevro's return. Alistair on the other hand, is still thinking about the skill that Yohan showed.

Back to the place where the stone placed. I just sitting in the corner while watching Jevro and Alfonso talking. One thing that also piqued my thoughts was the "thing" that the mysterious voice just mentioned. What really is that thing that entangled me and Jevro?

"You're thinking too loud. Don't worry, I'll help you train so you can do the task that the mysterious voice assigned to us." I didn't notice that Jevro already approached me.

"That's not what I'm thinking about. But still, thanks for your concern."

"If it is not it, then what are you thinking? The thing that entangled us?" Jevro stopped in front of me and once again tried to remove my face mask.

"Sort of. By the way, what will you say to the visitors if they asked us about my re-evaluation? I'm sure they'll not going to set it slide since my fourth power has been displayed." I avoided his hands and turned to face Alfonso who is now currently walking towards us, holding a pen and a note pad on his both hands.

"Leave it to Alfonso. By the way, about my offer. Have you thought about it?"

What was it again? I don't remember anything about his offer.

"Don't tell me that you forget about it? How do I able to help you training if you don't live with me?" Jevro is now frowning in front of me.

"Oh.. Sorry. I forgot about that. Do I really have live with you during my training? I can just go to your house and started training there."

"That's also fine with me. But, what if I'm not there? It's better if we are living in one roof to at least go to the emergency fights if necessary. My uncle always contacted me if there's a monsters attack." Jevro sounds desperate now, seriously.

Honestly, I want that no, I actually love the idea. I need to find that "thing" that the mysterious voice mentioned. I now having a hunch that it is connected to the feelings that keeps troubling me. What if we actually blood related? Or maybe, I'm his younger brother who got separated from him and was found by my birth mother?

"Yohan, the training is not the only reason why I'm offering you to live with me. You're powerful, I know. But Rowan is a tricky one. And even I'm powerful than him, he always did something against me. I want to protect you so you can also protect people. This world is not like the way you knew before. Only powerful can possibly survive. It's either from monster's attack or from someone who is close to you."

Well I guess, he will never stop until I say yes? Don't I have a choice? And why the fuck that Alfonso seems slow? He should be in front of me right now.

"Alright, enough with your words. You sounds like my Uncle who loves nagging me. Let me get my things from my house tomorrow. I can still sleep in my house tonight, right?" I glance at him and saw him smiling while nodding.

"You two are getting along even you guys just met a while ago. What are you guys talking about?" At last! Alfonso finally on my front.

"He just agreed to my offer." Jevro answered without hesitation.

What a straight forward person. I just nodded my head to confirm his words and Alfonso also nodded his head. After that, we both went out of the room and slowly return to the place where everyone is waiting for us.

"You're going to use that electric power of yours during the raid?" Alfonso is now asking me.

"En, it's my obligation to do all out of course. Are you not mad at me? I accidentally copied your power." I answered while my eyes still on the way.

"Why would I be mad? It's your skill. But I'm confused, do you think, you can also copy other's power?" Alfonso and Jevro stopped walking so do I.

Well, I'm not sure with that too. I only absorbed Alfonso's power because I hit it's weakness. But what if the power has no weakness? Then I can't absorb it and make as mine?

"I don't know either. Don't worry, I'll try copying Jevro's power once we start training." I said as I continue walking.

"Wait man! I offered you help so you can develop your abilities to a certain level. Not to let you copy my ability!" Jevro exclaimed.

Me and Alfonso both sneered as we both look at Jevro who is now feeling anxious.

"You're the one who offered, and I'm just a good individual who lack of knowledge about fighting. And since I need power, of course I have no choice but to copy yours. Right, Alfonso?"

Alfonso nodded his head as we turned around and left behind Jevro who currently gaping. We heard him rushing towards us but we just ignored him. Not until he grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly which caused me to make face.

"Alright, I'll let you copy my power in one condition though."

I gulped as I saw his evil smirk. We just met a while ago as strangers but we are now talking as if we knew each other for too long. Everyone who sees us right now will think that we are actually friends.

"What condition is that?" I asked him as I tried to withdraw my hand. Alfonso also stopped walking as he waits for us.

"While living in my house, you have to remove your face mask. By then, you can copy my power without a problem." Jevro said.

I just raise my eyebrows and move my eyes to Alfonso. Isn't it natural for a person to not wear his face mask inside a house? What Jevro is thinking? Instead of answering him, I walk besides Alfonso and asked him instead.

"I heard, I need a Gwandy to be perfectly matched with me? Do I really have to have one?" The Jevro who have been ignored is now squinting. While Alfonso turned serious.

I don't need a Gwandy since I am already a Gwandy. But if I really want to hide my secondary awakening, I need a Gwandy to act like healing me while I'm healing myself. The safety of myself and Jevro is depending on may secondary awakening. I have to be aware of everything and even of everyone.

"Yeah.. The day is still long, we can find a match for you later this afternoon. Right now, we have to go back to the training ground." Alfonso said.

"About what happened inside the room, I hope you can keep it. We can't be reckless."

"Don't worry about my uncle. He's a type of person who can be trusted even it's about your secondary gender- ouch! Uncle! I'm telling the truth here. Why did you punch me?" Jevro received a blow from his uncle.

Secondary gender, he said? Man.. I maybe thinking about his safety and I'm concern about him. But I'm definitely straight. Isn't it obvious with my looks and aura?

"What are you saying about secondary gender?! Can't you see Yohan's face?"

Jevro raised an eyebrow before answering. "He's younger than me by 5 years. It means, he's 25 years old. I know he's straight. And I'm not insulting him, I'm just trying to give an example. Did that hit him, by any chance?"

Weird, why do I feel some heavy weight on his glance? It's as if he's looking down on me? Hold on, he doesn't like gay or he's gay? Which the one is it?

Out of irritation, I mindlessly removed my face mask and face him. Even he's older than me, we still have the same height. And because of what I did, Alfonso paused as Jevro stunned by my looks.

"Sorry, I'm also straight man. So don't worry about unnecessary things and just focus on your mind training for the upcoming raid." I told him as I left them behind.

I was about to wear my mask when someone suddenly grabbed my arms. And when I turned my head to see who it was, my irritation rose up to level 101!

"I can't believe that you're this handsome. I'm a Gwandy, maybe we can be perfectly matched? I can do everything to comfort your Redo, even if it's more than kissing." The man wearing a seductive make up, suddenly approached me.

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