
Chapter 43 That is excellent.

When Issei woke up, it was still dark outside although the sun had slowly begun to rise. He guessed that his body had forced him to wake up early. Yet, he remained in bed for a bit.

He listened to the sounds of a sleeping house. No reason to get them up early and be an asshole to the ones around the house.

[You made the right call to train them.] Of course, his partner came out to haunt him.

'Gee, ya think? If I carry Rias to her victory, there would be nothing out there.'

[And you don't want to claim her. She likes you, you like her.]

'There is more to her. I want to make her fall for me even more. And I'll get there. And for now, we'll just enjoy those peaceful days.'

And that was enough to shut up his partner. Issei began to think about what he would do with Koneko. He could see to that when he got to fight with her.

He wouldn't go all out on her. Everyone was nicer to Koneko.

Scene skip

"Sorry bout cockblocking you last night, Chief." He would take that tone more seriously if she actually said those words with any intent. They were walking back this time instead of flying.

"No worries bout that, Koneko-chan." Issei was with a smile on his face while Koneko had a surprised look on her face. If she was to guess, most teenage boys would act like idiots who were thinking with their dicks.

"You are not mad?"

The look on his face was a bit more serious. He stopped and kneeled to her height.

"You don't want to do it 'cause you're not comfortable. I am not a guy who would disrespect you. Rias, you, Akeno, Asia. You're all ladies and deserve to be courted. One of my personal rules."

The [Rook] smirked a bit when she heard him talk.

"You're saying that you would pull out all stops for us."

"I said that I'd date Rias if I win her from Riser, right? The reason why I want you to be on your top-level is because of another reason." Koneko's puzzled look was adorable and Issei decided to tell her.

"I can win this fight, yeah but I'd be just like Riser. Winning over Rias just because of the winner and spoils and yadayadada. I don't want that. I want to earn Rias' respect. And a way to get there is by getting you in gear."

Koneko shared his smirk but found something else.

"You'd be going after those Fallen Angels and possibly other girls." Raising his hand, she saw the [Sacred Gear] appear in his arm.

"I said that I would be courting. I never said that I'd be monogamous. But I would do it fair and square. A woman has to accept that part if she wishes to continue something with me." Issei stood back up and he scooped up the small [Rook].

"I do things my way. And if they agree, fine. If not, their call. And I doubt that my ways are worse than Riser's. Sleazebag that he is."

Holding out her fist, Issei got what Koneko meant.

"I like you. Issei." The soft words were hardly heard but Issei found that Koneko meant them.

"Thanks. How about we continue our training?"

This time though, Issei fought back. He was more serious about his assault and while he still did not use his [Sacred Gear], Koneko found that he certainly knew his way around a fight.

Still, the lessons that he thought her, were certainly coming to mind. Avoiding attacks became more important instead of tanking hits.

Fighting multiple opponents would be tricky but Koneko doubted that most of Riser would be as hard-hitting and fast as Issei.

Maybe, just maybe, she could trust him with the secrets that were deeply hidden in her body.

But those could wait. What Issei focused on during those two days, were the powers she counted on.

At the end of the day, Issei and Koneko walked back to the mansion. She walked right next to him and Issei felt a surge of pride in her. More than he actually should.

When they got back, Issei wasn't disappointed to find everyone else there waiting for them.


Rias, proud as ever, asked and Koneko walked over to her.

"Don't let him get away, Rias-Buchou. I wouldn't forgive you." Rias wanted to cuddle and hug the [Rook] but she just ruffled her hair as she usually did.

"That is excellent. Issei?"

"Your [Rook] got some serious power training under her belt. I doubt that Riser's Peerage would give her much trouble. I'm proud of her. And if you all keep this up, it might show off."

His eyes settled on Kiba who looked embarrassed by the Dragon.

"I hope you sleep well tonight. You'll need your rest." Issei knew that whatever Kiba had, they had their matches.

Now, the gloves would come off.

Scene skip

Issei had a good day when he was training. Kiba, much less so. The [Knight] laid defeated in the rubble while swords laid around him.

"What have we learned?" Issei walked over to the handsome.

"That you really meant it when you fought back." Kiba bit Issei while Issei jammed Joyeuse right into the ground.

He had done it before but now, Kiba had learned more of Issei.

"Kiba, you have worked on your stamina. Me, happy guy about that. Me also a happy guy on thinking about sending the swords through the ground. Me not happy guy because you ignore the most important part."

"Fighting like a bastard," Kiba said as Issei nodded above him.

"You don't have to go all out. But believe me when I tell you that you need to think about it. Don't hold back on anything."

Kiba still couldn't get up as he felt too broken for that.

"Besides that, anything else?"


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