
I Plunge To My Torment...

Hades POV:

I'll be honest: I didn't know what to expect when it came to being devoured by my father. But being strangled by a bright gold glow before being sucked into his belly button wasn't even close to what I was imagining.

Although to be fair, it did make more sense than Kronos slowly taking bites out of me until I was small enough for him to swallow. Gods may be unkillable, but that experience would probably send me straight to Tartarus to reform. Not that I could have done much anyway if I had known, even if by some miracle my meager control and knowledge of my divinity was able to overpower Kronos' control, he would have probably gone straight to plan B and started peeling me up with his scythe.

So, in the end, it was maybe for the best that I couldn't put up much of a fight. I don't want dear old Daddy to think I was the main threat to his rule; after all, I assume his twisted love for Rhea is the only thing keeping him from using his scythe on us. And if he knew how powerful we Gods could become, I don't even think that would be enough to stop him.

As for my new home, Khaos knows how long it will be. My mother, Rhea's womb, was warm and comforting, but being inside the belly of The King Cannibal was a whole new can of worms. The walls flowed with a similar molten gold. However, these walls sang with an aura of malice and hunger that was almost suffocating, coating my very essence in an attempt to destroy me. It was only due to my previous experiences that I was able even to keep hold of my sanity, and I was sure that if I were anything less than a newborn Elder God, I would have probably been destroyed due to the pain. Thankfully, I was the Eldest son of the most influential children of Ouranos and Gaea, and thus, it would take far more than my father's particularly ravenous hunger to send me to Tartarus. 

Once I was finally able to blank out the near-constant pain due to my father's constant attempts on my life, I was able to do a quick check on my divinity to make sure my recent visit through my father's digestion system hadn't damaged it in any way, thankfully while being inside the Titan Lord's stomach did disrupt any attempt at accessing and manipulating my domain, most likely done to ensure me and my siblings couldn't just flash out, my divinity wasn't damaged in any way just suppressed. 

Unfortunately, while there were some benefits to my father's stomach not resembling an actual stomach, such as not having to swim or live in my own father's stomach acid, it did mean that me and my siblings couldn't interact with each other. Even if we could, I can't imagine the conversations would be very riveting either; after all, unlike me, my siblings are newly born. While I assume immortal children age and act differently from mortal children, they still would not know common aspects of the outside world and would most likely only know their domains. This got me thinking that maybe the five children swallowed by Kronos are more entuned to their domains than Zeus and his children because they spent the better part of the beginning of their existence, with that being the only bit of knowledge they had.

While having a bit of company would have made this torture far more bearable, I had no wish to spend however long I'm going to spend in here listening to Hera prattle on about the sanctity of Marriage, listening to Demeter talk about the health benefits that an immortal being can gain from eating grain or hearing how much cooler the Sea is then the Underworld from Poseidon. While I was sure Hestia was still excellent, I had spent so long without company. What was a few more years anyway?

That is what I first thought anyway, but after what had been at least a few hundred years, I would've been quite happy to listen to a bunch of newborn deities prattle about whatever the Tartarus they wanted; I now understood exactly what canon Hades felt like, being trapped on your own for so long would make you wish for any company even that of your annoying immortal siblings. Instead, I spent the entire time sorting through my divinity, seeing if I could find any way at all to access it while inside Kronos' belly, coming up with no such luck; from my understanding, Kronos was using his immortal essence to disrupt any attempts at accessing my divinity using his far older and more excellent knowledge of the divine to halt my attempts. I was stuck once again inside my head, counting away until the time would eventually come when Zeus would free us; I knew the time must have been growing nearer as Poseidon had stumbled his way into here what must have been a few hundred years back now. So, all I was waiting for was a Zeus-like rock tumbling in here.

However, as more and more time passed, I couldn't begin to help but wonder if I was tricked somehow if this reincarnation was the beginning of a great torment if this would be an AU world where Rhea doesn't deceive Kronos and I would be stuck in here for eternity.

It was as these ideas began to truly grow and fester that I was startled back to awareness by a heavy rock crashing into my Misty form; the force from the crash caused me to ricochet off the walls of the Titan king's belly like a hockey puck before my momentum finally came to a stop. It shouldn't even have been possible. I was a physical being, so the rock should have passed right through, and I'll be honest, it did get me thinking if this was a sign of things to come; I hadn't even met Zeus yet, and he was already annoying me.

Although combined with annoyance, it was a deep feeling of relief. After all, this was a sign that canon events were beginning to unfold, and soon(or soon to an immortal being), I would be free of this hellscape and could finally start to explore my new powers and put some of my plans into action. Such as giving Kronos one great kick in the balls for all the misery he put me and my siblings. 

Now, though I could understand why the Elder Gods could grow to be envious of Zeus after all, if I hadn't been able to see the pure joy and love in Rhea's face when she gazed upon me, I too would have begun to believe she was playing favorite's in allowing Zeus to escape while dooming the rest of us to torment. But at the end of the day, without the aid of Gaea, even tricking Kronos would have been impossible, so all's well and ends well. Now, all I had to do was survive a few more years in the belly of the beast, and then it was a free reign of the cosmos; it looked like things were starting to look up for the lord of the dead after all. All I had to do was wait...

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