
Chapter 161

"Hey, since you dragged me to this meeting, at least tell me what it's about!" Tony demanded, trying to regain some dignity after his dramatic but ignored entrance.

Lex Luthor calmly raised his index finger. "Tony, perhaps you should step down from the table first."

"Why? Standing on the table lets me look down on you all," Tony retorted.

Superman interjected, "Cool him down, Clark." With that, Clark let out a breath of freezing air, making Tony shiver and become more alert. Realizing how ridiculous he looked, Tony jumped down, grumbling.

"Alright, I heard something about a 'Star Ring Project.' What exactly is that?"

Superman pointed to the holographic projection. "See that Earth?"

Tony nodded.

"Notice the satellites around it?"

"Yeah, what about them?"

Jude explained, "We plan to construct a network of satellites—one each from Wayne Enterprises, LexCorp, and Stark Industries—forming a protective ring around Earth. We call it the Star Ring Project."

Tony chuckled, tapping his temple. "Brother Superman, your muscles are impressive, but your brain? Not so much. If you put a bunch of satellites in the same orbit, one failure will lead to a catastrophic chain reaction."

Bruce shook his head. "Tony, you're not fully grasping the concept."

Tony examined the holographic image and quickly understood. "Ah, I see. Instead of putting them in the same orbit, you adjust their speeds to create an arithmetic sequence. This forms a moving elliptical ring, which remains relatively stationary in uniform motion."

"But what's the point of this Star Ring?"

Jude continued, "It's to protect Earth from extraterrestrial threats. The universe is vast, with numerous intelligent races. Earth is a relatively primitive civilization, yet it possesses the Space Gem, formerly known as the Cosmic Cube. This gem is immensely valuable and will attract cosmic attention, potentially leading to Earth's destruction."

Tony looked skeptical. "How do you know all this? Are you making this up?"

Jude shrugged. "Ask Superman."

Tony turned to Superman, who nodded. "I'm from Krypton, a planet that once had far more advanced technology than Earth. There are countless races in the universe, many of them highly aggressive."

Wonder Woman interjected, "If the Cosmic Cube is so dangerous, why not have Superman take it into space and get rid of it?"

Jude knocked on the table. "Good idea, but it's too late. I already tried to retrieve it after SHIELD's fall, but Loki, the god of mischief from Asgard, beat me to it."

"God? Are you serious?" Lex Luthor exclaimed.

"Yes, the Asgardian gods from Norse mythology. If you don't believe me, ask Wonder Woman. She's the daughter of Zeus from Greek mythology."

Diana clenched her fist. "The Asgardians are either arrogant or warmongers. None of them are good news."

Tony rubbed his forehead. "This day just keeps getting weirder. Infinite gems, mythological gods... Are you really not making this up?"

Jude remained serious. "If we complete the Star Ring, it will create a force field shield, buying us time against invasions. It can also harness space radiation and star energy to launch attacks, powerful enough to destroy a fleet instantly."

Professor X voiced his concern. "Such actions could escalate the war, leading to countless deaths on Earth."

"Professor, compromising will only fuel the enemy's madness. Destroying them is the only way to ensure peace," Jude argued. "And I'm determined to obtain the Space Gem. It's far more valuable than SHIELD realizes."

Diana glared at him. "So you're willing to start a war for your own gain?"

"Diana, everyone has their own goals. I'm just taking care of others along the way. And such a powerful tool should be in capable hands."

"But that will bring endless disasters."

"Then we eliminate all threats."


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