From the moment I, Galadriel, sealed myself within the earth together with Avarice, the complex network of his corruption has done nothing but spread. His control over space was unparalleled, so much so that he could readily summon 'heroes' from other worlds.
Those heroes came here to cause nothing but trouble, they formed kingdoms and destroyed them. Those disgruntling 'purayers'. I witnessed everything from within the essence of the forest.
There is no worse corruption than the one that's pleasurable. Humans never realised their decaying ways, worshipping heroes that passed as gods, enslaved the myriad races and established their churches. They were nothing but mortals.
For thousands of years they came, some different than others, but in essence all wicked warriors that were deemed as 'heroes' by a corrupted folk. They sought to destroy the remnants of Dragons and Elves under vain promises. They were told dragon scales were valuable, they were told elves were better slaved than free.
They did everything in their power to destroy us who sought nothing but to protect this world from Avarice and his darkness.
Except for a few.
Those few... they were the true heroes, but for this wicked world that was now upside down, they would never be labelled as such. No, they were Demons.
The Overlords, the Demon Emperors.
Those who fought for the light and against profit, namely a selected few... they all met the same fate, they perished under the power of the guild and the church.
The last one, the strongest one... he was a purayer I shall never forget.
He went by the name of 'Tochme' and donned a brilliant armour with a red scarf and sword, he had a bubbly and brilliant personality, he believed this world was wrong and he was willing to fight against the current, even if on his own. It broke my heart to see him fight against legions of knights, labelled as a demon, but I held no influence... all I could do was watch as my innards were corrupted little by little.
He fought to his last breath to free slaved elves, to stop the hunt of Dragons. In his last dying breath, he protected the egg of promise and sent it far away from the wicked claws of those who sought nothing but profit.
Tochme, before being beheaded and with a bright smile, pronounced two prophecies: One was that from that egg, the strongest dragon in this world would hatch.
The other was that one day, another Overlord would descend and with skeletal claws, he would bring this world back into place in the name of those who had fallen.
His might was such, that even after being beheaded, he dared pronounce words that went against order. Words I wouldn't understand for a long time
'Ains Ooal Gown knows no defeat'.
As I stared at the withering darkness in the sky, feeling endless warmth within... I wondered if this was the person that Tochme said would one day come. A new day has sprouted in this world and I am ready for it, I am ready to continue with the responsibility that has been committed to me from the start.
I, Galadriel, am the last midnight elf.
I took deep breaths, I felt my consciousness start to vanish... there was so much power surging in my body that it was too difficult to control. Even Energy Records had gone out of control, I could literally see all the energy of this world.
But none of that mattered. As I held the upper torso of Avarice who now burned to his last embers, I had a question for him.
"Before you die. Tell me, where is Elysir?".
He looked at me with lifeless eyes that didn't regain their light but deepened in wickedness.
"I-I don't think... y-you want to know, Elyseum" He stuttered with a mocking tone.
"Tell me!"
"I don't know... that woman is a handful... a criminal, among the worst of us void warpers, who knows what she's up to? Nothing good for your kind".
"What is a void warper..." I then asked, and he kept using that term.
"Hehe, we're just darkness that seeks to extinguish the light of this universe, that's all. And she, Elysir, who is yet a sun, a black sun, is no different... isn't that poetic? the ultimate traitor among those of your kind. Elyseum, you are fated to be her worst enemy. I have lost today, my weakened self couldn't match you, fair enough... there are no excuses among the mighty. But I rest assured that you shall never see happiness. I would have paid plenty to watch your face once you meet each other~"
I didn't want to hear another word from him, clearly he wouldn't give any useful information.
<Calcination! >
[+700.000 Chaos Points].
[Congratulations, you have obtained a skill: Void Burst].
[+30% Void].
"H-Holy shit" I couldn't believe that number when I saw it, my eyes were half-lidded. Before I noticed, I fell from the skies.
A pair of arms embraced me, it was Ophis whose eyes were no different from mine.
"M-Moonlight..." She said some words that she couldn't finish because she fell asleep right at that moment, I raised my hand weakly and cast a can of mist around us, absorbing us back into that secular world.
The only thing I know after that is that I woke up amid many warm embraces.
"H-Huh?" My eyes opened, and even now I still feel tired.
I saw to my right, Anna Blair, Anna-chan and Akeno. Both Annas hugged each other while Akeno hugged my leg.
To my left, Rias and Ophis... the redhead embraced the dragoness who looked a bit uncomfortable with her head inside Rias' naked boobs. If she wasn't an infinite dragoness, surely she'd have suffocated.
"That was a crazy one..."
Even if we somehow managed to do it this time. There is no doubt Avarice was hella strong, and that was not even his peak power. He calls himself a Void Warper, a group of individuals whose only objective is to erase the 'light' from the universe.
And Elysir may be a part of that. I recall my Elysir, the original's copy, telling me that she had once committed a crime... the pieces seemed to be put together, and the outlook was bleak but it didn't matter to me.
I don't care if Ely is light or darkness if she's good or evil. I love that woman, that's all that matters. I will just give her a good spank and she will return to be the same cutie I'm hopelessly in love for.
But if I want to give her a good spank, it seems I'll have to become way stronger.
I felt a connection with Ophis, something changed in us.
"Ray-sama, you're finally awake" I heard Katsuyu's voice, she came out of my clothes.
"Katsuyu" I rubbed her but literally felt the slug slap my hand away, how? I don't know, but she was angry.
"You had me so worried, Ray-sama! It has been two months! TWO MONTHS!"
"Two months?!" Shit, it only felt like a second to me.
"Yes, at the very least that's how much time has transcurred here. This is a separate world so I am unable to communicate with Tsunade-sama here, she must be extremely worried outside, please come back immediately!"
"But I am still tired–"
"Hai hai..."
I learned from Katsuyu that aside from Ophis and me, who slept the whole time, the girls wake up every day but they're unable to leave as I am the only one who can teleport them out of the moonlight mist. As such, they had taken turns to... take care of me.
They all hugged and embraced me when I woke them up, but Ophis didn't look like she was going to end her slumber any time soon.
"I am okay girls, we dodged a bullet there... that guy was strong" I explained to them what happened and we decided to return to the castle to see what was the situation in the capital.
Once I arrived at the castle, I was held in the tightest hug ever. Tsunade held me and cried, inside the moonlight mist had been a month, but outside it had been ten days, a time dilation between both that I didn't know existed.
After she hugged me, sniffed me, kissed me... Tsunade punched my head so hard!
I know it is not my fault but still, "Sorry".
"Sorr- eh?".