
Don't Lay a Finger on Me!


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As Harry gazed out of the window, watching the picturesque landscape of the British countryside whisk by, Pansy Parkinson's voice sliced through his moment of tranquility. "So, Harry, planning to bury your head in books all summer, or do you have plans that actually involve seeing the sun?" she quipped, a playful smirk on her face.

Harry, accustomed to Pansy's needling, couldn't help but chuckle at her remark. While Pansy wasn't exactly part of his close circle, her constant jabs had become a familiar part of his school life. He found himself engaging with her in a battle of wits more often than not, using her as a sounding board for his growing arsenal of sarcastic comebacks. To his amusement, Pansy seemed to revel in their verbal sparring.

"Actually, Pansy, I was planning on developing a new hobby," Harry retorted with a smirk. "I thought I might take up dragon taming, but then I remembered I like my eyebrows where they are. Much more exciting than reading, but I do have dashing eyebrows, right?"

Pansy rolled her eyes, but her smirk widened. "Dragon taming? Please, Harry, leave the heroics to your Quidditch matches. I doubt you'd last a minute with a real dragon."

Harry smiled as he said, "I feel like you're challenging me on purpose, Pansy. Are you this ready to get rid of me?"

Pansy raised an eyebrow, the corner of her mouth twitching upwards. "Oh, Harry, as if anyone could get rid of you that easily. You're like a bad Knut, always turning up."

Neville, who had been quietly listening, couldn't help but chuckle. "Harry and dragons, now that would be something to see."

Hermione, shaking her head with a smile, interjected, "Let's not give him any ideas. Next thing you know, Harry will be off looking for some dragon to befriend."

Nigel chimed in Harry's mind, a layer of amusement in his tone, "Only if they knew you're fostering a dragon at this very moment." Harry chuckled silently, keeping his plans for taming Ash, the dragon, to himself. Pansy, noticing the smirk on Harry's face yet ignorant of its cause, felt a twinge of vexation.

"What's so funny, Potter? Planning on sharing with the class, or is it another secret of the famous Harry Potter?" Pansy prodded, her tone a mix of curiosity and challenge.

Harry, not missing a beat, responded, "Oh, you know, just contemplating the complexities of dragon taming. It's a rather heated topic."

Pansy snorted, "Heated? Is that your attempt at humor, Potter? Because the only thing that's going to be heated is your—"

"Hat," Harry interjected smoothly, saving Pansy from potentially earning herself a reprimand for inappropriate language in front of the girls. "Yes, I imagine it would be rather warm, wouldn't you say?"

Neville, enjoying the banter, added, "Just make sure you invite us to the dragon taming show, Harry. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Harry grinned, "Of course, Neville. Front-row seats for everyone. Just don't forget your fireproof cloaks."

Hermione sighed, "Honestly, Harry, I do worry about you sometimes. You have a knack for finding trouble, or should I say, letting trouble find you."

Nigel's voice, laced with feigned concern, piped up, "Indeed, Master Harry, one does wonder if your middle name might secretly be 'Trouble.' Or perhaps 'Adventurous'? No, 'Reckless'? The possibilities are endless."

Harry, maintaining his poker face amidst his friends, mentally retorted, "Let's just stick with James for now, Nigel. I think that's enough trouble as it is."

Tracey, noticing that Pansy seemed to monopolize Harry's attention with their playful banter, pouted slightly, feeling a tad left out. Daphne, on the other side, shared Tracey's sentiment but with a frown, hinting at her slight irritation. To shift the focus, the duo began discussing the variations of simple magic that Harry had guided them through during the year. They had taken Harry's assignments seriously and had not disappointed him, coming up with their own creative twists to simple charms like Lumos and the Fire-Making Spell. They were also experimenting with the Levitation Spell, although that proved to be a bit more challenging than anticipated.

"You know," Tracey began, her voice infused with a hint of mischief, "Daphne and I have been working on something pretty interesting this year. Harry's been giving us these... let's call them 'extracurricular assignments.'" She flashed a grin at Harry, who felt a twinge of apprehension at where this conversation might lead.

Daphne picked up where Tracey left off, her enthusiasm unmistakable. "Yes, and we've actually made some progress on varying simple charms. Starting with Lumos, we've found a way to adjust its intensity and even color! It's fascinating how a few tweaks can completely change a spell's application."

The compartment, which had been filled with the sounds of casual chatter and laughter, fell silent as everyone turned their attention to Tracey and Daphne. The idea of customizing spells seemed to intrigue them all, a testament to the innovative spirit that Harry had fostered among his friends.

"And not just Lumos," Tracey continued, clearly enjoying the spotlight. "We've also been experimenting with the Fire-Making Spell. Imagine being able to control the size and heat of the flame with just a slight modification in the incantation."

The others, previously unaware of this, leaned in, curiosity piqued. Harry, feeling a mild headache coming on with the realization that he might have to explain the complexities of modifying spellwork to the group, simply nodded in acknowledgment of Tracey and Daphne's achievements.

The air of curiosity swiftly shifted within the Hogwarts Express compartment, as Tracey and Daphne's revelations about their magical experimentations under Harry's guidance sparked a blend of intrigue and slight resentment from their peers. Tracey's smile widened, clearly proud of their achievements, while the others eyed Harry, wondering why they hadn't been offered the same opportunity.

Sighing lightly, Harry realized he needed to address the budding feelings of exclusion among his friends. He rummaged through his bag, pulling out papers and a quill, quickly jotting down notes. Once finished, he distributed the sheets among everyone, explaining, "These are a bit of extra work if you're interested. It wasn't my intention to single anyone out. I thought Daphne and especially Tracey seemed easy to bully, hence the assignments." His gaze lingered on Tracey and Daphne for a moment, a playful glint in his eye as a small payback for their earlier boast, "But if you're up for learning more, be warned, I don't go easy."

The compartment fell silent for a moment as they processed Harry's words, then burst into a mix of laughter and mock groans at the thought of more homework over the summer. Tracey and Daphne exchanged a look, a mix of gratitude and mock annoyance at Harry's subtle jab.

Tracey stood abruptly, a playful yet mockingly hurt tone to her voice as she held Harry's cheek, "I am not easy to bully!" The words echoing around the crowded compartment with an air of jovial challenge. Harry, unable to resist the opportunity for a bit of show, waved his wand subtly, uttering, "Digitus Evanesco." In an instant, Tracey's fingers disappeared from existence, leaving her hand oddly stump-like, her fingertips vanished as if they were never there, freeing Harry's cheek from her deadly grip.

Looking horrified, Tracey glared at Harry, her voice filled with mock indignation, "You have done it now, Potter!" The compartment, filled with a mixture of shock and amusement, turned their attention towards the spectacle. Lavender and Parvati, unfamiliar with the nuances of Harry's magic, looked genuinely terrified, while Daphne couldn't contain her laughter, clearly in on the joke. Harry's spell was harmless, a simple trick, and Tracey's exaggerated horror was just for show, aimed at teasing those unaware of the jinx's benign nature.

Hermione, observing the scene, wore an expression of utmost dismay, as if witnessing a beloved book being torn apart. Neville, meanwhile, seemed to want to disappear, his discomfort palpable as he tried to make himself as small as possible in his seat. Even Pansy, who usually thrived on Hogwarts' drama, seemed taken aback, her usual bravado momentarily eclipsed by the unexpected turn of events.

Amidst the chaos, Nigel couldn't resist commenting, his voice tinged with feigned shock, "Master Harry, resorting to vanishing people's body parts now? What's next, turning Malfoy's hair into snakes? Although, that might be an improvement."

Harry, trying to maintain a straight face amidst the reactions around him, whispered back, "Now, there's an idea. But let's not give Malfoy too much credit; he might start thinking he's part serpent." His words, unheard by the others, were enough to bring a smirk to his face, imagining the possibilities.

Harry, waving his wand with a flick, restored Tracey's fingers, "Digitus Redintegro!" The digits reappeared as if they had never been gone. Tracey, sticking her tongue out at Harry, waggled her fingers in front of his face, "See, all back. Harry's just trying to keep us on our toes."


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